Reborn little broken ball, I can mod myself

Chapter 76 Bee Queen

It's a pity that if the original [Gluttony] was still there and these two talents could cooperate with each other, I'm afraid he would be able to take off on the spot!

As for his tribe, it also became extremely large through a series of annexations.

He found that after becoming an ant queen, his persuasiveness to the queens of other ant colonies was greatly improved.

It even happened that when he went to attack other ant nests, as soon as he arrived at the door, the queen of that ant nest took the initiative to greet him and surrendered to him.

Why do I have the feeling of seeing Long Aotian, no, Ant Aotian?

Ma Yi also didn't understand this.

It can only be attributed to the fact that his bloodline ability has become too strong.

However, by relying on this method, he quickly gathered his forces and added more than 20 ant queens under his command, bringing the total number of ants under his command to more than 200,000.

This was because he didn't try to collect the ants later.

As for the mutant bee's affiliation, it was a complete accident.

There used to be three overlords in this nearby mountain forest.

One of them is the mutated rock python that Ma Yi just killed. With its powerful strangulation power, ordinary animals would not dare to fight it.

The second one is two black bears, but Ma Yi prefers to call them bears with human faces.

Because the heads of these two guys really look like human faces, they are flat and round, and their facial features are also very similar.

Especially when they roar, it's like a human grinning.

In the dark forest, it is very breathtaking.

——Fortunately, Ma Yi is no longer human.

The third one is this nest of mutated bees.

This nest of mutant bees is no ordinary bee.

Bees, like ants, are social insects.

In a normal bee colony, there are three types of members.

One is the worker bee that performs productive labor and is responsible for tasks such as building nests, collecting food, and taking care of the queen bee. The worker bees, like the worker ants, are also female, are also sterile, and are the most numerous.

The second type is the drone bee, which is smaller in number, ranging from hundreds to thousands in a group. Its main task is to mate with the queen bee and fertilize the queen bee (the queen bee in bees is female, equivalent to the queen ant).

The third type is the queen bee. There is only one bee in a bee colony. The queen bee is the core of the bee colony and is responsible for laying eggs, producing offspring, maintaining the life of the colony, etc.

However, there are also some special bee colonies where there will be several queen bees, but these queen bees will still elect a common "queen" to rule them.

The situation of this nest of mutant bees is very special.

They have been entrenched in this forest for more than ten years!

The total number of mutant bees reached 200,000.

But that's not what surprised Ma Yi the most.

To his surprise, this group has been ruled by the current Bee Queen from the beginning.

In other words, this queen bee lived for more than ten years!

This is far beyond the lifespan of bees.

Generally, the life span of a queen bee is only three to five years, and the longest one recorded is only 9 years.

If you look at it from the perspective of a bee, this queen bee is a living fossil.

That's not all.

Generally, bees are not divided into fighting species and working species like ants, but some bees will stay at the entrance of the nest to serve as guards.

However, this group has specially derived combat bees, also known as soldier bees.

In bee colonies, there is a magical "post-selection" behavior.

When mating season comes, the queen gives a signal and flies out of the nest.

Then the drones in the hive will fly out.

In the end, the first one to catch up with the queen bee becomes the queen bee's mate.

This lucky "queen" will die after mating just like the male ants.

Those drone bees that fail to mate with the queen will return to the nest and become lazy bees who only know how to eat and drink, but cannot collect honey.

Over time, these lazy bees will be driven out by the worker bees.

Even beekeepers throw drone bees out to prevent them from wasting honey.

But in this group, these drones have become fighting species.

After the drones that failed to mate return to the nest, they will be organized into a fighting group. They are not only responsible for defending their homes, but also responsible for the security of other worker bees when they go out.

This is also the bee queen's instruction.

This decision allows the hive to have about 4,000 to 5,000 soldier bees all year round.

It is precisely because of this that this hive has become a dominant player in this forest.

However, ordinary animals will not have conflicts with bees, and bees generally will not attack other animals.

Even other bees in the bee clan, when encountered in the wild, everyone is in peace with each other.

Unless some old ones want to enter their lair and steal honey, there will be a fight.

As for Lao Liu, who likes to steal honey, there are actually two of them in this forest.

Black bear!

The two black bears, one male and one female, seemed to have been driven here after failing to compete for territory elsewhere.

After arriving here, they had a fight with the mutated rock python. Both sides were afraid of each other, so they did not continue the fight.

As for the black bear, an omnivore, insects are on its diet.

There is such a big nest of bees here again.

I'm so hungry for them.

So, the two black bears decided to go to the dock, bah, go to the honeycomb to get some honey.

Queen Bee, as the overlord who has been entrenched here for a long time, will naturally not sit back and watch her nest be demolished by Lao Liu.

So a big battle broke out between the two sides.

The black bear is indeed thick-skinned and thick-skinned. It resisted waves of attacks from the bees and managed to destroy nearly half of the hive.

But these male soldier bees are not vegetarians either.

The venom of a single bee is barely noticeable.

It takes a few bees' venom to cause stinging and redness.

And when this amount reaches hundreds, poisoning reactions will occur.

After reaching 300, it is possible to cause death.

But there are tens of thousands of bees here!

Under their waves of death charges, the black bear finally became afraid.

The black bear rolled and crawled away.

But I didn't expect that Queen Bee is an extremely vengeful character.

And it's very cruel.

She sent out 3,000 soldier bees and 50,000 worker bees to chase the black bear and bite it.

In the end, at the cost of the lives of nearly 30,000 bees, the black bear was stung alive!

Shortly after the male black bear died, a female black bear came seeking revenge.

There was another fierce battle between the two sides.

In the end, the bee colony suffered a huge loss and the female black bear was also killed.

During the battle, the bee queen fell from the hive because the hive was destroyed. She was discovered by Ma Yi who was about to come over to have a look (jian) and lou (lou).

After some coercion and inducement, Queen Bee succumbed to Ma Yi's crotch.

No, it’s his subordinates.

Ants and bees are actually close relatives, having a common ancestor - sawflies - 150 million years ago.

Therefore, the royal gene in Ma Yi can also have a certain suppressive effect on bees!

It was with the help of the corpses of two black bears that Ma Yi could evolve so quickly.

And now, he will usher in his fifth evolution.

He is very much looking forward to the content of this evolution.

Because there are three words after his race: Demonized!

He had a hunch that this evolution might be the time to open a new chapter!

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