Reborn little broken ball, I can mod myself

Chapter 40 Ant Colony War (2)

Ma Yi jumped off the leaf. The ant's special physique, even though it was ten times his height, could not hurt him at all.

He quickly climbed to the front of the ant colony with long strides, stopped in front of the two hundred soldier ants, and looked at each other.

I saw red fire ants emerging one after another on the ground not far away.

The leaders were several specialized red fire soldier ants with a body length of about 1.7cm. Their huge size made them particularly conspicuous among the group of red fire soldier ants that were only about 1cm in length and the smaller worker ants behind them.

The war between ants does not involve harsh words or fighting between generals.

When both sides are seen, the war begins!

Ma Yi took the lead and rushed directly into the fire ant colony.

He opened his bow from left to right, and as soon as they met, he killed several specialized red fire soldier ants to pieces.

The red fire soldier ants behind them didn't know what to fear. Some of them surrounded Ma Yi and gnawed on his carapace, and some even tried to climb onto his body.

But how could the ants allow them to do so?

As soon as his body shook, the smooth carapace caused these red fire soldier ants to fall down one after another.

Ordinary fire soldier ants were not his target. After casually killing a few blind ones, he started running sideways, looking for the large specialized fire soldier ants to kill.

But behind him, the other black fire ants did not move.

They were separated and formed into 200 military formations in the form of "1 soldier ant + 5 worker ants", and they fought together under the joint command of the queen ant Yiyi.

Even if the opponent's number is ten times theirs, they can't shake them at all.

After all, every soldier ant under Ma Yi is a "super ant" with a size of 5cm.

The worker ants that cooperate in fighting are just to help them defeat some enemies who try to besiege or sneak attack them.

The battlefield was in a stalemate for a while.

At this moment, the queen ant Yiyi raised her head, and the tentacles on her head jumped and waved flexibly.

An invisible wave spread out.

"start to act!"

As the order was issued, changes occurred on all sides of the main battlefield.

First, an army came out from the east.

The leaders were none other than five specialized soldier ants.

They lead a thousand worker ants under them and swoop towards the red fire ant army, ruthlessly tearing a corner apart.

Another army came out from the west.

The leader is also five specialized soldier ants

Another army came out from the southeast.

The last army fought out from the southwest.

Four armies, each with five specialized soldier ants, led their thousand worker ants into the red fire ant army, quickly tore apart a military formation, and surrounded the separated red fire ants. Crazy nibbling.

The red imported fire ants are surrounded by enemies on all sides. The front is blocked by Ma Yi personally leading the army, and the other four sides are surrounded. Only a road directly south of the rear is left, allowing the red fire ants behind to rush in.

If there are fire ants inside that want to retreat, they will collide with the fire ants that want to come in and will not be able to retreat.

And the fire ants in the back don't know what's going on inside.

After all, judging from the total number, red fire ants actually dominate.

In this way, the fire ants kept pouring in, being killed, and then pouring in again. Just a simple pocket formation allowed these fire ants to fall into the trap and let Ma Yi and the others slaughter them.

The reason is not only that the fire ants have no advanced intelligence, but also because there are too many powerful individuals on Ma Yi's side.

Whether it is the front or the side, there is a powerful presence that can stand alone.

And there's more than one.

In this case, what should the red fire ants on the opposite side do?

It is unknown how long this unprecedented war lasted.

Ma Yi only knew that when the fight was over, the sun was already high in the sky.

Looking around, the ground was densely covered with ant corpses.

In this battle, all the specialized ants among the red imported fire ants were wiped out due to Ma Yi's beheading action, and the soldier ants were almost all killed or injured, with only a few worker ants escaping in the end.

Preliminary estimates indicate that the enemy's losses reached at least 10,000!

Of course, our own side also suffered a lot of losses, mainly worker ants, nearly a thousand were lost, and a dozen soldier ants also died.

But overall, it was a big win.

After the war, Ma Yi arranged for the remaining soldier ants to continue patrolling, while asking the queen ant Yiyi to arrange for the worker ants to take back the corpses of the enemies.

These are precious foods.

Of course, Ma Yi did not move the corpses of his own people, but found a place to bury them all.

This is also an unwritten rule among ants.

They can use ants from other groups as food, but they will not operate on their own companions.

Occasionally, I see some ants carrying the bodies of their companions back. This is usually due to the habits of ants: ants communicate through pheromones. After they find food, they will coat the food with pheromones to let their companions know that they can bring the food together. Move away.

When an ant dies suddenly, the pheromones from the glands in its body will remain on the body, causing its companions to mistake it for food.

However, during the transportation process, the pheromones disappeared and the smell of the ants themselves came out. In this way, the companions knew that they had made a mistake.

As for the corpses of ant companions, they are generally used as building materials, used to fill ant nests, etc.

Ma Yi is not so brutal, and usually chooses to bury it or throw it into the water.

Ma Yi waited for a long time, until the battlefield was cleared, but did not wait for the second wave of enemies to arrive.

"It seems that he is afraid of being beaten," Ma Yi said thoughtfully.

Queen ants should all have an innate ability similar to [Queen Ant Will], but the others are not as strong as Queen Ant Yiyi.

After knowing that her subordinates were killed and defeated, the ant queen obviously became timid.

However, it would be too naive if it thought that Ma Yi would let it go.

After testing in this battle, he had a clearer understanding of the combat power of these enhanced and specialized soldier ants under his opponents.

So he decided to pursue the victory, capture the fire ant nest in one fell swoop, and take off the clothes of the enemy queen!


While Ma Yi was busy expanding his power and unifying all the nearby ant groups, Zero was busy eating.

That's right, this guy just waved his hand and left all the matters to be dealt with with Sha Minghui to Thunder Fire and Hot Wheels.

As for himself, he was hiding in a secret base and eating and drinking.

Under Lu Yuan's instruction, the Machine Tribe handed over some technologies that the Lu Yuan Star Federation could currently digest, in exchange for a lot of resources.

These resources were transformed wildly by Zero, and they all became his fire energy.

Now, the energy in his [Fire] has gathered to 10%.

In terms of quantity, it is much stronger than before.

But what's more important is actually the qualitative change.

When the fire energy accumulated to 10%, Zero found that he had unlocked a new module.

Energy weapon module!

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