Reborn little broken ball, I can mod myself

Chapter 103 Special Soldier Ants

The Glorious Cyber ​​was moving rapidly through the air.

The cabin was densely crawling with ants.

Two figures, one large and one small, were fighting each other quickly in the open space of the spaceship.


With a loud bang, sparks flew everywhere.

The two figures stood more than ten meters apart.

"Haha, brother Ma Yi, I underestimated you earlier. I didn't expect that the ant tribe would have such a strong person like you!" Lightning Blue inserted the two swords behind his back and laughed.

Ma Yi also smiled slightly and put away the blade on his wrist.

The relocation of the ants did not take much time.

Although there are millions of ants in the ant tribe, there are still only a few dozen among them who truly have relatively independent thinking.

These dozens of ant queens were conquered by Ma Yi.

As for the others, they are all specialized soldier ants, soldier ants and worker ants.

In this way, the ant tribe formed three ladders.

The top level is Ma Yi, the second level is the queens led by Queen Yiyi and Blade, and the third level is other ordinary ants.

This makes the execution ability of the ants very high.

Because even the queen ants only obey Ma Yi's orders.

In a sense, the ant tribe is more centralized than the mechanical tribe.

Although the highest level of the machine race is size zero, the citizen-level machine race below also have their own personalities and ideas.

It’s hard to tell which of the two modes is better.

It's just a model chosen by each race to suit its own race.

After boarding the spacecraft, Ma Yi learned that their destination was Mars.

According to the speed of this spacecraft, it will take about 13 days to reach Mars.

The first two days were uneventful.

But after a few days, Lightning Blue couldn't bear the loneliness.

It happened that he saw Ma Yi and Dao Feng often sparring together, so he felt itchy and decided to spar with Ma Yi too.

After a battle between a machine and an ant, they discovered that the opponent's strength was far beyond their imagination.

Ma Yi found that Lightning Blue was more powerful than any mutant creature he had ever dealt with.

And Lightning Blue also discovered that Ma Yi's strength was much higher than what he had previously judged, especially when he entered the Ant-Man state. He tried his best to be able to tie with him.

Unless he uses a very powerful move.

But he didn't believe that Ma Yihui didn't have the unique skills to beat the bottom of the box.

In the next few days, the two of them discussed each other's ideas and their relationship became better and better.

It can be regarded as acquaintance without fighting.

Seeing the two men stop, Blade immediately stepped forward and continued to challenge Lightning Blue.

Blade's strength is not as strong as Ma Yi's. If each level is divided into upper, middle and lower levels, Blade is probably only around the middle level of level two.

However, after getting along with each other these days, Lightning Blue and the ants are already familiar with each other.

He and Blade also had a lot of discussions.

Knowing that this man is not only the second strongest individual in the ant tribe, only second to Ma Yi, but also has an extremely bellicose personality like him.

The two have similar interests.

Lightning Blue was also happy to compete with her.

As a result, Lightning Blue and Blade clashed again.

Ma Yi took this opportunity to leave and go to another cabin.

A large number of ant eggs are placed in this chamber.

These ant eggs are very large, each one is about 10cm.

The largest one can even reach 15cm!

Among them, the 10cm ones are all soldier ants, and the 15cm ones are all specialized soldier ants.

The queen ant Er'er is busy taking care of the eggs with several breeding queens and some worker ants.

The ant queen Er'er was one of the first batch of ant queens conquered by Ma Yi.

The queen ant who was also married to Ma Yi and Queen Yiyi at the same time happened to land not far from Ma Yi and their ant nest, and then she was spotted by Ma Yi who was "consoling the neighbors" at that time. I don't know whether it was luck or misfortune. .

After joining the Ma Yi family, she initially worked as a worker ant breeder for a long time.

Later, because of her outstanding achievements and being slightly smarter than other ant queens, she was selected by Ma Yi and given her the ability to evolve.

However, the evolutionary direction of the ant queen Er'er is slightly different from that of the ant queen Yiyi.

The evolutionary direction of Queen Ant Yiyi is to strengthen the group, detect and assist in combat, which can be regarded as functional.

The ant queen Er'er is purely auxiliary in logistics.

Among her talents is the ability to speed up the development of ant eggs while ensuring the normal development of ants.

Moreover, after injecting specific hormones, there is a certain chance that soldier ants that are stronger than the specialized soldier ants will be born.

Ma Yi named them: special soldier ants.

The number of unique soldier ants is very rare.

This is mainly constrained by two conditions.

First, the specific soldier ants need to be injected with specific hormones by the queen Erer while the soldier ants are still in the eggs.

The number of specific hormones in Queen Er'er's body is very small, and a single injection of ten is already the limit, and it will take about a whole day to recover.

During recovery, you also need to take in a lot of energy.

Of course, the ants have no shortage of food, so the only constraint is time.

Ten a day.

Second, the birth of special soldier ants is probabilistic.

It has been more than a month since the ant queen Er'er awakened to this ability, and a total of nearly 400 ant eggs have been injected with specific hormones.

But in the end, only 10 special soldier ants hatched.

About a 1 in 40 chance.

This is still only preliminary data.

However, the special soldier ants are indeed very good.

Compared with ordinary soldier ants, they have some special abilities.

For example, the carapace of some special soldier ants is very hard, comparable to an alloy.

Some special soldier ants have wings growing from their backs and are very fast.

There are also special soldier ants whose jaws are huge and sharp, like two scythes, which can directly cut off the enemy's hands and feet!

They are like Ant-Man among ants.

But in terms of size, they are not even as big as the specialized soldier ants.

This is because they are mainly transformed from soldier ants.

As for why we choose soldier ants instead of stronger specialized soldier ants, there is also a reason.

When he first discovered this, Ma Yi felt that since he wanted to maximize his combat power, he would naturally choose the specialized soldier ants with the largest individual size and the strongest combat power.

But after catalyzing fifty specialized soldier ants, not even one special soldier ant was obtained.

After thinking about it carefully, he came to some understanding.

Perhaps it is because the specialized soldier ants themselves are already the evolved form of soldier ants.

It is too difficult to evolve again at the level of evolution. Either it requires too many hormones, or there is no such setting at all.

Therefore, Ma Yi decided to form a certain base of special soldier ants first, and then consider other attempts.

This is what happened now.

Seeing the tribe growing little by little, Ma Yi still felt a sense of accomplishment.

"The spacecraft has entered the gravitational range of Mars and is expected to land in 90 minutes." The voice of the spacecraft's intelligent assistance system rang in the hall.

Ma Yi perked up.

"It's finally here!"

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