Reborn in Konoha; I Think I’m Cultivating Immortality

Chapter 35: Awake

When Hui opened his eyes again, he found himself lying in a hospital bed in Konoha.

For a moment, he felt dazed, but then everything came rushing back to him.

"The raid!"

He bolted upright, shouting the words instinctively.

The sudden movement woke up Tsunade, who had been resting with her head on the edge of his bed. The moment she saw Hui awake, she immediately flung herself at him, her voice trembling with tears.

"Hui, you’re finally awake! You scared me to death!"

The warmth of the girl's body and the fragility in her voice snapped Hui back to reality. His mind raced as he quickly scanned his surroundings, piecing together the situation he was now in.

Suppressing his thoughts, Hui wrapped his arms tightly around Tsunade, speaking softly to comfort her.

"It's okay, it's all over now."

Just then, the door to the room swung open, and before anyone stepped inside, a voice called out from the hallway, "Is he awake? Is it true?"

A young man with purple hair rushed in but stopped abruptly when he saw the two embracing. He paused awkwardly for a moment before quietly backing out of the room.

"Hui, don't go back to the frontlines. Stay here in the village and take on missions with me, okay?"

As the granddaughter of both the First and Second Hokage, Tsunade’s words carried weight, especially during this time of war when every hand was needed.

Yet, her plea was personal, her eyes filled with unshed tears, her voice pleading softly.

Hui felt a warmth spread through his chest. Gently, he pressed Tsunade’s head against his shoulder, whispering in her ear.

"Don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to me."

Tsunade opened her mouth to say more, but as she felt Hui’s strong embrace, she could only manage a quiet sob, resting her head against him as tears trickled down her cheeks.

Hui continued to gently pat her back, comforting the girl who clearly held him so dearly in her heart.

After some time, Tsunade’s sobs finally subsided.

It was then that the door opened again, this time revealing a medical-nin. Tsunade quickly moved away from Hui, standing quietly at his side.

The medical-nin gave them a kind smile before approaching Hui and conducting a thorough examination. After a few moments, he nodded in satisfaction and surprise.

"Your recovery has been remarkable, almost unbelievable. It’s as if you’re already completely healed."

Pausing, he added, "But to be safe, we’d like to keep you here for another day or two. When you were brought in, you were running a high fever, and your body was nearly in a state of collapse."

The medic’s astonishment was clear. Everyone had been shocked by Hui's rapid recovery. When he had first arrived at the hospital, most of the staff had believed there was little chance he would ever wake up.

His condition had been too severe, and at just six years old, it seemed impossible that a child could withstand such physical strain.

Yet only a day later, it became clear that Hui's body was recovering far quicker than expected. What everyone thought would take a month took mere days.

Three days later, Hui had made a full recovery, leaving the medical-nin in awe. They had never seen anything like it.

Some even compared his recovery ability to the stories they’d heard about the First Hokage.

Of course, all this information had been placed under strict orders from Tobirama—nothing was to be spoken of.

"Rest here for another day or two, and if there are no complications, you’ll be cleared to leave."

"Understood. Thank you, doctor," Hui replied politely.

The medical-nin gave a nod and exited the room.

Lightning entered next, his eyes filled with relief and admiration as he looked at Hui’s young face.

"You did it, Hui!" Lightning said seriously. "Because of the message you delivered that night, the frontline forces were prepared. They set traps, and the Mist Village's entire raid force was wiped out!"

Hui exhaled deeply, a wave of relief washing over him.

"Thank goodness… we succeeded."

Lightning smiled at him, and with a teasing glance at Tsunade, who had turned slightly red, he excused himself.

"I’ll leave you two to talk. I should go rest up too."

He gave Hui a wink before slipping out, leaving Tsunade blushing slightly, her eyes filled with mixed emotions.

But after Lightning left, she quietly sat back down on the edge of Hui’s bed, gazing at him intently.

Hui couldn’t help but chuckle.

Tsunade blinked in confusion, pouting a little. "What are you laughing at? You don’t even know how worried I was! And why does Grandpa Tobirama send you on such dangerous missions?!"

Shaking his head, Hui replied, "You’ve misunderstood. Grandpa Tobirama didn’t send me to the frontlines for anything particularly dangerous. It was just bad luck that I ran into the Mist scouts. This kind of situation won’t happen again."

He flashed her a reassuring smile before continuing, "Do you want to know why I was laughing?"

"Why?" Tsunade asked, still a little unsure.

"Because your eyes are beautiful," Hui said, and Tsunade’s eyes lit up in surprise, and joy.

But Hui continued after a pause, his voice suddenly turning serious. "But… I think mine are even better."

Tsunade blinked again, this time confused. The fluttering butterflies in her heart swirled around in confusion, but before she could respond, Hui leaned in, his voice dropping to a tender whisper.

"Because my eyes… have you in them."


In that moment, it felt as though the room filled with pink bubbles of warmth and affection.

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That's it for today, Have a Great day/night(‾◡◝)

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