Reborn as Thor!_Self-Insert (SI) in DxD world!

The Dark One: Kamish, the Dread!

*Vol.1: Tales of a God!*

Chapter 62 – The Dark One: Kamish, the Dread!


Hey guys, here's the chapter of the week!

Thanks for waiting, peasant!

I was late, as I had the misfortune to have protests on my way back home.

Author's Note: I will post images of the characters in anime design from now on.


Without further ado, enjoy the chapter!


- Location: Olympus.

Pov. Thor.

It had been a few years since I had recruited Achilles, and after much consideration, I was tempted to leave Olympus.

I asked Hephaestus if he wanted to come with me, but he hesitantly declined for the simple reason that Hera is prone to not leaving Olympus. Hephaestus stated that he would not leave without his mother...

If it were possible, I was disappointed and proud at the same time.

I even assured him and Hera that they were more than welcome in Midgard and, by extension, my home.

Hera seemed saddened by my departure, I suppose she had already gotten used to my presence and was saddened by the possible change that my departure would generate.

But again... It was time to go home.

With the Trojan War happening, I was absolutely certain that I was entering the period that would come to be known as the 'dark ages' of the ancient world...

Although it was still a long way from the modern period of human history, it didn't matter to me at the moment.

In fact, my focus was on the person in front of me... although I didn't want to believe what I was hearing.

"...Sorry, but you missed me on the egg part...Could you recap?" I asked, in disbelief.

Baldr, who was in front of me, just gave me a worried and amused look at the situation...

While I just sweated and couldn't understand the bullshit I was hearing in front of me.

“Well, I'll explain it again simply. Ereshkigal contacted me recently and she told me a fantastic and rather dubious story, but in simple terms... It looks like you had a child with her... And he's hunting you,” said Baldr.

I could only stare at Baldr, who started to smile nervously. I knew my brother never lied, after all, it went against his nature, but... The same cannot be said for others.

"...If this is Uncle Loki's joke, I swear by Ymir's beard I'll end up breaking his spine," I said.

This was NOT funny.

Pranks had limits!

“Although I wish it were... Her so-called son broke through her part of the underworld and is in the human world, and according to her, this son caught her wailing for some reason and blurted out your name, when her son heard your name, he must have got it wrong and now he's looking for you,” said Baldr.

“…And how exactly is he looking for me?” I asked.

Baldr hesitated.

"...He's roaring your name and taking down or ignoring anyone who tries to stop him..." said Baldr.

I just sighed in relief.

"At least he's not killing anyone... I count that as a victory," I said.

“…well…not exactly,” said Baldr, now embarrassed.

I just froze and raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"... What do you mean by that?" I asked.

“Well, others have tried to hurt your so-called son, or even drop him from the sky, but he ignored the attempts. In fact, the attempts to inflict wounds on your son actually ended up injuring the attackers, some died in the process as lesser gods or other supernatural beings,” said Baldr.

I frowned...

Did he ignore the damage, but the damage ended up coming back towards the inflictor?

... How the hell did he do that?

"...I'll find him," I said.

"Brother, Ereshkigal claims he's your son too, but she doesn't have or has presented me any proof... Maybe there's a chance it's a scam, you don't have to go," Baldr said, warning me.

I just ignored Baldr's warning and started to walk away, but not before responding...

"True... But such an ability is too peculiar to just pass up," I said.

Reflect damage taken?

Oh... This is VERY interesting!

Also, I want to see my supposed 'draconic son', so I just made a teleport circle with the intention of approaching Sumerian territory again, but not invading.


Pov. Third person.



- Location: Limits of Assyrian territory.

The assyrian territory was long ago occupied by people who took refuge from the constant floods of Enlil.

One of these people had a specific family, with a patriarch who would come to be known as someone quite important when it came to religion...

This patriarch was called Avraham, who was born in Ur, but over time he moved away from his birthplace, in search of new lands.

Although his life story was something mundane, it would come to be remembered by many in modern times.

But now, most of his descendants were scattered across the Sumerian lands, and converting, albeit slowly, the number of the faithful to his god...

Avraham, and his descendants, were chosen by Yhwh himself, the top 2 strongest beings, as heralds to spread influence indirectly in hostile territory.

Something that Enlil, the former Anunnaki leader, did not like at all...

But Marduk only dismissed Enlil's concerns that their influence was waning.


Most inhabitants around Assyrian territory would remember the deities they once praised on a stormy night.

And that's exactly what happened.

On a chaotic night, with lightning storms, biting winds, and torrential rains, most mortals sought shelter inside the houses, although a few brave ones dared to go out to finish the tasks, when strictly necessary.

But some witnessed something that would shake all their beliefs about a single god...

"Father! Let's go back! It's just a sheep! It must have been lost in the storm by now!” shouted a young man to an older man.

The older man, named Uryyah, who was the young man's father, soon disagreed vehemently.

“It's not 'just' a sheep, Eliyyahu! It's our livelihood! Our brothers live as slaves for the Kemet people; we, on the other hand, live far away to guarantee our freedom, in addition to being free to worship our Lord, so everything, small or not, is important for our way of life!” shouted Uryyah.

The storm seemed to get worse and worse, and it didn't help that it was night either, so the two mortals' chance of finding a runaway sheep was low, but Uryyah wasn't willing to give up, as one fewer sheep could mean something worse in the long run. .

It was then that they both stopped when they heard something...


That word resounded through the stormy skies and made the earth shake, causing the father and son duo to fall to the muddy ground from the rain and look to the sky for answers.

But what they saw would cause nightmares for the following nights...

Lightning streaked across the sky amidst the rain, but then amethyst-colored lightning began to appear more frequently, until these bolts of lightning covered the sky in purple color, lightening the sky for a brief moment.

In that brief moment, he allowed the father and son to notice something...

A gigantic shadow, lit by the lightning roared in fury in the sky, flying over the storm-battered lands.

Only silence reigned, with the father and son watching the shadow fly over them.

Moments passed until the son decided to speak.

"... Father... Maybe it's time for us to go back," Eliyyahu said.

Young Eliyyahu's father, Uryyah, was silent for just a few seconds.

"... May God protect us from the evils of the known world... And the unknown" said Uryyah.

The duo then began to return home, discarding the search for 'sustainability' in the midst of the storm...


- Location: Asgard / Training Grounds.


That was the sound that resonated the most in the training grounds.

Only one man was at the training ground this late at night, with only three beings watching the man training.

The observers were Vali, Hermod, and Odin.

“…How long has he been training today?” asked Odin, not looking at his two sons.

"...Since the sunrise," said Váli.

"...He's also eating less in Valhalla, he's been bringing the food here... He's been like this every single day since he got these greaves from Sif's mother, Idhunna" said Hermod, frowning.

Odin was silent until he shouted at the man who was training.

“Vidar!” shouted Odin.

Vidar, the eldest bastard son of Odin, only briefly stopped the kick that was about to hit the tree and looked at his father.

Vidar and Odin stared at each other seriously until Vidar kicked the tree and broke it, causing it to collapse to the ground.

Odin's son then approached Odin and his brothers with a serious countenance, but it could be seen that he was a little upset at having interrupted the training.

When Vidar came close to Odin, they were both silent for just a few moments, until I Odin started talking.

“You've been acting this way for decades, the first few weeks after your recovery you were depressed. But then, one ordinary day, you chose to go out and ask Idhunna, one of our most renowned blacksmiths, to create these greaves... What happened to this change, Vidar?” asked Odin, narrowing the only visible eye.

Vidar just frowned.

“Do you want to know what happened? Very well then… I and Váli almost died when we found ONE of the MILLION children of Surtr” said Vidar.

Odin soon understood what was happening.

"... You don't have to try so hard -" said Odin, but was soon interrupted by Vidar who had become even more irritated.

"ONE! Surtr's child, father... Thor is the strongest of us; everyone knows that, but what about when Thor isn't around? There's only one outcome, and that outcome is that all of Midgard will be consumed by Surtr's corrupted fire!" said Vidar.

“And you think if you just train it will be enough to stop this?! I know Thor is our biggest chance, for Ymir, even though I know I'm no match against Surtr, I'll still fight!" said Odin.

“And you want me to do what?! Celebrate with others and wait for the battle that will possibly lead to the death of hundreds of deaths of our people if they are not close to Thor or Baldr? I can't sit still after seeing and especially FEELING what one of Surtr's children is capable of... And only fate knows what Surtr is capable of” said Vidar.

Soon Odin punched his own son in the face.

All of Odin's sons were surprised by their father's action, but soon became quiet when they saw the gleam in Odin's eye.

“…If you go into battle with that thought in mind… Half the battle is already lost. I won't stop you from training, after all that's your choice, but don't let it turn into an obsession” said Odin.

Vidar was tempted to reply but just lowered his head with a sigh.

"... Yes, father," said Vidar, resigned.

Odin knew that his son still showed signs of disagreeing, but that kind of thinking could only be changed with the passage of time, much like Vidar's own willingness to change.

The king of the Norse gods then withdrew from the training ground.

Váli and Hermod then exchanged glances and then looked in Vidar's direction.

"...Would you like to come with us to Valhalla, I remember there is one of the waitresses who seem to have an eye on you~," said Hermod, waggling his eyebrows suggestively.

While Hermod wanted to get a reaction from Vidar, he was disappointed by his older brother's response.

"... You can go, I... I'll go later," said Vidar, already turning towards the training ground.

Hermod then looked at Váli, who shook his head and started to leave, which was soon copied by Hermod who just sighed in defeat, and also soon left the training ground.

But then, just as Vidar was about to go back kicking trees, someone caught his eye.


Vidar stopped and looked towards the source of the voice and saw the youngest of Odin's sons and the one seen by most of the people of Asgard as weak due to a disability.


"Hodr... You should be training with our mother," Vidar said.

"...You should be in Valhalla," said Hodr.

Vidar frowned.

"... I'll eat when I'm hungry," said Vidar, who soon went back to kicking a tree, which soon broke under the force of the blow.

“I know that many make fun of me because of my lack of eyesight; but even I, who am unable to see, may be able to see that you are doing this not out of pride…but out of fear,” said Hodr.

Vidar then stopped training once more and stared at Hodr with a frown.

"Careful brother... Even you can see what I'll do to you if you keep making such accusations," Vidar said, with a warning tone.

Hodr just remained silent, until he sighed and left, but not before saying something that would end the conversation.

"... Our brother Thor wasn't always so strong, and that's why he always trained... But even though he trained, he always made a point of being present with us at celebrations or even the simplest banquet" said Hodr.

Vidar then remained silent and just watched Hodr leave, until he sighed and looked up at the starry sky of Asgard.

"... Maybe just a plate and a horn of mead," Vidar said.

As Vidar was reconsidering the decisions he had made, something unprecedented was taking place, but there was one small detail...

It wasn't occurring in the same dimension.


- Location: ExE Dimension / Black Eye Galaxy / Outer Rim / Planet 69.

In this specific dimension, the dominant divine forms were only two and both lived on the same planet...

The planet's name was Evie-Etoulde.

On one side were the Etoulde, who are the high spiritual gods with each originating from a different world with their respective names and domains.

And on the other side...

The Evies, the gods were basically the machine's lifeforms.

At some point in the past, the Evies began to destroy all other mythologies on the planet Evie-Etoulde to the point where all organic life was completely destroyed, leaving the Etoulde as the only survivors, keeping their battle stalled. But then, the Evie began to attack other worlds for the sake of the extinction of any organic life form connected to the spiritual.

At this moment, on a planet isolated from the destruction wrought by war in various galaxies, was the leader of the Etoulde...

Resetoras, the father of the ExE dimension and, consequently, the Creator.

And he was currently in a meeting with one of the pillar members of the Etoulde Faction, Chimune Chipaoti, the mother goddess and commonly known as the goddess of breasts.

"This plan of yours... It's ridiculous, Chimune" said Resetoras.

“It may sound crazy… But you know we can't win, not with the power they have,” Chimune said.

“Even so, contacting another dimension to warn them of the Evies' conquest and genocide, through… Boobs?” asked Resetoras, in disbelief.

As absurd as the question was, no one laughed, and in fact, Chimune answered seriously by nodding his head.

“We have no choice, Regalzeva is already a monster, but his brother? He was born beyond the principles of the universe, something that should have been impossible, and he mastered them. Resetoras, I dare say that there is no 'box' that holds him... It's already the opposite” said Chimune.

Resetoras just nodded and went to want to respond to Chimune's request.

But the father and creator of ExE felt something...

And he froze.

"... Do what you want... But get out of here" said Resetoras.

Chimune was confused and Resetoras started looking at the sky.

When Chimune followed Resetoras' line of sight she also froze in fear and she broke into a cold sweat, while Resetoras took on a serious countenance...

What the two gods were seeing was quite simple...

On a night, without artificial lighting, it was quite easy to observe the millions of stars in the sky.

But something wasn't right...

At a specific location in the sky, a black hole appeared that swallowed a large number of stars and left the sky with a hole and void in the starry sky...

Although it was possible to see a small violet 'star' in the center of the hole.

“He's here… Leave Chimune, I'll fight back against him as long as I can. I give you full authority over your plan... We are already in desperate times” said Resetoras.

Chimune soon awoke and nodded seriously and formed a portal to another planet.

When Chimune passed through the portal, Resetoras soon looked at the black hole in the sky and noticed that the violet-colored 'star' had disappeared.

It was then that a shiver ran down his spine and then the Creator soon looked back towards the moon of the planet he was on right now.

And saw the one who started the war that ravaged galaxies as if it were nothing…

Just because he can.

With a height of about 3 km, standing over the planet's moon. A being wearing a kind of golden armor emitting an aura of violet color that made reality itself tremble.

“Looks like you've found me again… Greetings, 'Absolute Despair'” said Resetoras, with a dark look.

The metallic giant just emitted a violet-colored glow as his eyes burn in power.


Well, that's all folks!

With this chapter, I think now everyone knows who will be the last enemy of Thunder Berserker of Thunder...

Hope you enjoyed it and see you next week, peasant!




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