Reborn as the Duke’s Daughter ~ The Goddesses are Ruining my Life!

Ch. 27 – The End of the Ceremony?!

Maven thought the end of her blessing might be a good opportunity to do away with her newfound wings. If they appeared due to a thought, they ought to disappear with one as well. Focusing her will, she pictured their disappearance in a way that would fit the occasion.

In accordance with her image, the wings began to disintegrate - one feather at a time. Each feather fluttered around the room serenely. The flawless white feathers shone gently, combining with the residual aura of the blessing to create a mystical atmosphere.

The nobles present could only stare, dumbfounded, at the sight. Some of those present had sworn to remain unimpressed and not be swept up in the games of the Pope and Church. Even these people had their breath stolen by the otherworldly sight in front of them.

Maven shrunk into herself a bit at the overblown reaction of the crowd.

《I was just feeling a bit playful! It was just supposed to be a small surprise, to pay them back for this pain in the neck. Why do they always have to overreact? I should have just made them fade away normally……》

Henna, completely dumbfounded, replied with mirth in her voice. She was clearly enjoying herself.

《Fufufu, you only have yourself to blame for this one, Maven. No matter how annoyed you were, you didn’t have to put on a show! Just look at these people, aren’t they adorable?》

Maven really just wanted to smack that cocky Goddess of Darkness upside the head, but she was the center of attention right now and couldn’t afford to move.

Pope Ferdinand, with his growing immunity to Maven’s oddness, interjected with perfect timing after her blessing. A wily politician, he would firmly grasp any chance to highlight his prestige and strengthen his power. With perfect poise, he grandly raised his hands while motioning to the crowd in front.

“Now, my people, let us all join together in welcoming our new Saintess - Maven!”

The crowd rose to their feet and grandly applauded, welcoming their brilliant new Saintess. In the front row, Duke Daegal couldn’t resist the smug smile that crept onto his face. Maven was a shining beacon of hope to some, a future banner in the war against demons to others, a ticket to greater power and influence for the few, and a thorn in the side of all the others.

This was the day she officially entered the scene.

Maven could feel a thick cocktail of emotions press down on her from all directions, her divinity making her inherently sensitive to emotions such as reverence and malice. She could only stand there silently, doing her very best to maintain a straight face. It was quite a difficult feat to accomplish in the body of a three year old child.

Satisfied with the impact of proceedings thus far, the Pope motioned for Maven to walk back down the aisle. Taking the cue with relief, Maven left the dais and slowly proceeded back down the path. Unfortunately, the walk out was even more nerve wracking than the walk in. She now had to face the eyes of the crowd, directly from the front. There was no way to hide during this leg of the journey; Maven could only lock her gaze on the door ahead, desperate to avoid making eye contact with any of the others present.

Kannon was in a similar mood and couldn’t wait to get out of here. She had been well behaved this whole time, quite the feat for an excitable and naïve goddess. Maven had half expected her to fly around the hall, examining every nook and cranny and playing with the decorations.

《We’re almost home free, Maven! No more stuffy ceremony to worry about, no nobles or Pope giving me the stink eye. The second we get out of here I’m going to pull Fae’s hair, turn it into a complete mess, make her cry. I blame her for all this!》

《I completely agree. I know it’s not Fae’s fault, but I really want to punch that little girl lover right in the face.》

Maven’s tiny legs took forever to walk the short distance to the doors, but the thought of getting out of here gave her energy. The nobles she passed were looking at her as if she was something more than human - something to fear, to adore, to worship - and it gave her a stomachache. It was more than a little disconcerting for some of the most powerful men and women in the nation to look at her in that manner.

Eventually Maven passed the last row and arrived in front of the open door, where Fae was awaiting her. With a great big smile and slight blush, she said, “Welcome back, my Saintess (Goddess). You were splendid!”

Ah…… So she can at least keep herself together in public.

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