Reborn as the Duke’s Daughter ~ The Goddesses are Ruining my Life!

Ch. 23 – The Day of?!

Even after Maven knew what was coming for her, she could do little about it. She spent the few remaining days before the big event either getting thoroughly schooled on the behavior expected of the Saintess, complaining to her divine companions, or having Shayna pamper her.

And so, the days went by in the blink of an eye. On the day of the ceremony, Shayna woke Maven up early enough to take care of her hair and ensure she was properly dressed.

Fine ivory comb in hand, Shayna delicately teased out Maven’s long black hair until it lay flawlessly on her ornate priestly robes. Maven fiddled with her bangs restlessly as she let Shayna work.

Picking up on Maven’s nervousness, Shayna said, “My lady, you look beautiful!” Even with Shayna's kind words, Maven merely sat ramrod straight in the chair while sporting a tight expression.

“Smile, my lady. What kind of Saintess would purse her lips and furrow her brow like that?” Shayna pinched Maven on the cheek, “You’re ruining your adorable little face…”

《She’s right, you know》 Henna said, in her trademark mocking lilt.

Maven wrinkled her nose in response to Shayna and Henna’s teasing, but it did manage to take her mind off the trial that was to come. Shayna had remained a calming background presence for Maven over the past month, quietly tending to her needs and allowing Fae to carry out her duties uninterrupted.


The door opened and, speak of the devil, Fae appeared. After confronting Fae about her dereliction of duty, she had attempted to become a more capable in her presence. Even now, her expression was one of earnest efficiency.

Unfortunately, Fae could not maintain the facade of competence in Maven’s presence for more than 30 seconds. Almost immediately after she locked eyes with Maven, she exclaimed, “My Goddess, I’m so glad to see you! Today is the day your glory is revealed to the world. Just outside the Church, thousands people are waiting breathlessly to lay eyes on you!”

Eyes half dead, Maven ignored Fae’s rattled off words, glittering eyes, and mildly blushing cheeks as she pressed onward.

“So…… what are you here for Fae?”

“I came to make sure you were ready before we go meet the Pope.” With a downcast expression, Fae continued, “I was hoping, maybe, perhaps that I could brush your glorious hair. But Shayna beat me to it. My shrine is missing its centerpiece….”

Hearing this, Shayna squared her shoulders back in pride. It was a maid’s duty to care her master as well as protect them from deviants.

Maven ignored Fae’s peculiarity and rose from her chair, heading for the table in the room.

“Shayna, could you bring breakfast? I want to eat before I have to deal with the Pope and everyone else.”

Fae, sensing her opportunity, sprang to attention and ran out the room - eager to do anything to please her goddess. Shayna could only shrug in resignation, her duty taken from her.

In less time than it takes to blink, Fae came sprinting back into the room carrying a tray positively covered in food. Pancakes, muffins, honey, and fruit galore - the tray was overflowing.

“……You know I’m a child, right? There’s no way I could ever eat all of this.” Maven said with a pout.

《I’ll help you! Gimme, gimme, gimme》 Kannon said as she flew around the room, sparkling drool dripping down her little chin.

“It’s okay!” Fae said as she took a bite from a blue, pear shaped fruit. “I’ll help you eat it.” Fae chewed the fruit and brought her mouth close, clearly intending to feed Maven like a baby bird.

This being far too gross for anyone sane, Maven pushed Fae’s disgusting puckering face away. Kannon and Henna both recoiled as well. In response, Shayna grabbed Fae's shoulder, forehead twitching in irritation as she glared at the disappointing priestess. The small maid, possessing an odd degree of physical strength, threw Fae against the wall - face first.

Both women of the Daegal House and a single fairy ignored the crumpled, squirming creature on the floor as they ate. Maven delicately used a fork and knife to cut into some honey drenched pancakes, Shayna nibbled on some fruit, and Kannon gleefully dove headfirst into the bowl of honey.

As the three wrapped up their meal and elegantly wiped their mouths, they turned their attention to Fae. Unable to proceed with the schedule without her, they had to wait for her to recover.

Shayna, unhappy with the idea Fae causing inconvenience her lady, strode over to her. Without hesitation, she pulled her leg back and unceremoniously proceeded to kick the crumpled heap on the floor with nary a change to her expression.

“Wake up! You disappointing, disgusting priestess! Always calling my lady a goddess and blushing in her direction..... you should know your place!”

Hearing she was disappointing her goddess, Fae’s eyes sprang open and she flew up - ready to serve.

“Yes, my Goddess!”

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