Reborn as the Duke’s Daughter ~ The Goddesses are Ruining my Life!

Ch. 21 – Do I Have to?!

Maven’s plan was to start small. She would ask Fae to complete small tasks for her, gradually escalating in scale and importance over time. Fae’s eyes positively screamed that she was willing to do absolutely anything for her ‘Saintess,’ but Maven wasn’t really willing to just trust her instincts. What kind of person would just ask a priestess to potentially work against the Pope himself without being absolutely sure first?

With that in mind, Maven relied on her personal spook for intel.

《Henna, do you think Fae here would be willing to help us? You’re the one who’s been poking around the Church for last couple weeks, after all.》

Henna’s transparent, mist-like body twisted in thought as she considered the notion. She was only slightly visible to Maven, and Maven alone, due to her demigoddess status. For everyone else in the Church, Henna was completely imperceptible - a trait that was immensely useful in digging up information. She could morph her body as she pleased and squeeze through the smallest of gaps.


This allowed her access to almost every area of the church, as long as it wasn’t expressly shielded against dark magic. Perhaps the lack of such shielding could be seen as a sign of confidence; confidence that no demon would ever set foot in the Church of Light.

Not only had Maven sent her to spy on the Pope, but she’d also peeked in on Fae as well. After all, it couldn’t hurt to know more about the priestess she had been spending most of her time with, Shayna aside.

《Hmmmmm………… It’s honestly hard to say. She doesn’t really do anything or talk to anyone. Mostly, she spends her free time rolling around on her bed while muttering your name and grinning like a fool. Though, last night she somehow managed to get a set of your old robes.》

《She did WHAT?!?!》

《Fufu…… she took your used robes and used it to create a shrine to you in her room. She even prayed to it for half an hour - fervently and earnestly. I just couldn’t stop laughing as her prayers became progressively more ridiculous. She'd say things like, “I hope my Goddess will return my love” all the way to “I just want to pick her up, stuff her in my pocket, and run away together”…. There was even something in there about “lick, lick, lick, lick” -》

《STOP! I-I don’t want to hear anymore. L-Let’s just settle things by agreeing that she probably just really likes me. As a friend. As an object of respect. Absolutely, absolutely in no other ways. Positively, most assuredly, unquestionably, not as an object of worship.》

Maven gripped her head in her hands as she tried to drown out the immature teasing of the Goddess of Darkness. How could a goddess who’d lived since the dawn of the world act so childishly?

Fae, ignorant to the secret mental communications occurring between Maven and the goddesses, turned concerned eyes towards Maven - as if sensing her anguish. If only she wasn’t oblivious to the fact the Fae was the source of Maven’s despair.

“My Saintess (Goddess), are you okay? You look upset. Let me help you! You asked me to help you, right?! I would do anything for you!”

“I feel like I heard some really disturbing subtext in the way you called me just now… but let’s ignore that. Now that we’re about to wrap up the magic lessons, there will be a grand festival where I am announced as the Saintess next week - right?” Maven asked in a remarkably exhausted voice.

“Exactly! Oh, how marvelous! The entire world will get to bask in the glory of my Goddess.”

“You didn’t even try to hide it that time……”

“Because you are my Goddess!”

Exercising her ignoring skills to the absolute limit, Maven determinedly pressed onward. She absolutely didn’t want to acknowledge the 'goddess' title. Secretly being a demigoddess was more than enough trouble.

“So, what is this festival? I’ve never been to one before.” Maven asked in an unsure voice. She had been a homebody throughout both of her lives, having never really been allowed to wander among the public. Forget attending something like a festival.

Fae tapped her finger against her chin, the very image of an intelligent beauty. As long as the enraptured tint to her eyes was ignored.

“I believe the plan is to first formally anoint you as the Saintess with a grand ceremony here at Church, with your father and many bigwigs in attendance. After that, there will be grand parade - the citizens will be able to bask in your glory. This will be the perfect opportunity to demonstrate your divinity. Ah, how exciting, my Goddess!”

Maven, never having been in public before, let alone the center of attention for a massive crowd of thousands, felt incredibly nervous at the very idea. She subconsciously gripped Kannon for comfort while asking Fae in a pleading voice, “D-Do I have to?”

Fae, snapped out of her fervor by Maven’s trembling voice, comforted her by stroking her hair while saying, “I-It’ll be okay, Goddess! You’ll be amazing, I promise. All you have to do is stand there and wave, occasionally casting some light magic. Easy peasy.”

“C-Can I bring Shayna?” Maven asked, pleading even harder this time. She really wanted her ‘big sis’ as a comforting presence if she simply had to participate.

Heartbroken at being unable to give Maven what she wanted, Fae could only shake her head in denial.

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