Reborn as Batman’s Little Brother

Chapter 8: Promise

Chapter 8: Promise

“If you can finish this before me, I’ll tell you!”

With that, Arthur and I raised our cups and started to drink!

Actually, I didn’t know if I can hold my liquor but...with Superman and Wonder Woman’s shouldn’t be a problem, right?

There is also Mera...but I don’t know how high her alcohol tolerance is.

Anyway, I wouldn't lose anything by drinking so I might as well test it out.

While the two of us drank, we both stared at each other in the eyes, then look at the other’s cup, then back to glaring in the eyes!



I won!

“Dammit, again!”

Arthur angrily slammed his cup to the table and shouted.

Round 2!

I won again!

Round 3!

Another win!

Round 4!

I lost! Dammit, one more!

Round 5!

I won!

Like this, the two of us continued our contest.

Everyone else is already down and other than Mera, only me and Arthur remained!

Mera didn’t drink much. Only a few small sips so she wasn’t drunk. Still, her face is nearly as red as her hair!

I guess her alcohol tolerance isn’t that high…

After the nth cup...Arthur finally collapsed!

“Heh, you dare look down on a kid!”

Though I said that, I also feel as if I can’t hold it any longer but I tried to keep myself calm.

Turning to the barkeep who had a wry smile as he looked at the messy situation, I took out another wad of cash.

“Sorry about the mess. Here, is there anywhere we can crash for the night temporarily?”

“Ah, thank you! There should be a place. However, there are only 2 rooms there, is that okay?”

“Well, it should be fine for now.”

I guess I’ll just stay in the same room as Arthur…

The barkeep nodded and gave us a key and pointed the direction.

He was kind enough to let us borrow his pickup truck.

After tossing the King of Atlantis to the back, I asked Mera if she can drive instead but...she was also swaying left and right...

“I...should be able to…”

“...Forget it, I’ll drive. I should still be able to drive if for a short period.”

It was a bit hard, but I tried to keep myself sober as I drove.

Seeing as we reached the place without any accidents, I sighed and carried Arthur inside then tossed him on the bed.

Afterward, I turned to Mera and asked.

“Are you going to be okay?”

“I...think so…”

“...Sigh, alright. Come here, I’ll support you to your bed…”

I was afraid she might trip and not make it to her bed so I supported her on the side till we reached her bedroom.

Suddenly, I saw Mera smile and the drunkness she showed earlier disappeared like smoke as she pushed me down instead!

….Huh? What just happened???


“Fufu, I told you I am still curious about you. Let’s see what Diana likes so much about you~”

W-what the hell!? Are all DC women really like this!?

Your future husband is in the next room! And you’re also supposed to be engaged at the moment right!? This feels so wrong!

...Yet also strangely...good! Goddammit!

“Mera? You’re not thinking straight! You’re just drunk!”

“Drunk? I’m not. I didn’t even drink anything! I only drank water from the alcohol. Don’t forget, I am very good at manipulating water!”

...Fuck! I was tricked!

“Now shut up. If you can satisfy Diana, I want you to make me forget everything else for tonight!”

Mera didn’t wait for my response and directly planted her lips against mine!

Her hands moved and took my pants off and the rest of my clothes!

She tossed the coat I gave her and with a wave of her hand, her clothes also fell one by one!

Our lips parted but she didn’t move her face away and whispered instead.

“Give it to me…”

At that moment, I no longer cared.

I couldn’t control myself anymore. Was it because I was drunk or because she was simply irresistible, it no longer mattered to us.

That night, the two of us were like wild animals as we tumbled and kissed all over.

Just like Diana, Mera also tried out every position she could think of but seemed to especially like the simple missionary.

I don’t really understand it but she said I look manly when in that position…

Regarding this, she lasted shorter than Diana. When she couldn’t take it anymore, she collapsed in my embrace and was fast asleep.

(...Not even gonna put it in the spoiler tab's not much XD)

I sighed again.

Actually, I regained my sobriety after...the first time...but since the ball was already rolling, stopping then would have no use anymore.

But now that it was over, my head hurt from the consequences of what we did.

Still, I have no plans to blame Mera. Pushing the blame to her would not do anything good.

…But I also can’t dedicate myself to her…

...Forget it...let’s sleep for now…

I was too tired to think so I could only sleep at the moment.

It didn’t take a minute that I had already fallen asleep.

Morning came, I woke up with a headache and looked beside me.

Sure enough, Mera is still there...naked…

I sighed and smiled wryly in the end. I guess I’m really a lucky guy…

Mera’s eyes twitched before opening slowly.

Her eyes were full of warmth as she looked at me and gave me a kiss.

“Good morning Lucas.”

“Mm...morning Mera…”

When Mera saw my complicated expression, she sighed.

“Don’t worry. I know you and Diana are...I won’t get in between you two. We are good sisters after all.”

“We’re not exactly...together...yet, anyway.”

“What do you mean?”

“Look, I’m still young. Just 15 this year. I told her that by the time I turn 18 and...she still feels the same way, we can talk again...and I hope you will also agree to this. Right now...I really don’t wish to think about...relationships yet…”


I looked at Mera’s reaction but...she doesn’t seem to be sad about what I said. Instead, she looked relieved.

However, this only lasted a while as she suddenly became quiet.

“...I’m afraid it doesn’t matter if I wait or not anyway. I told you, if Arthur doesn’t replace Orm as King of Atlantis, I would be married to Orm…”

“Don’t worry about that. Arthur will come around…”

Mera smiled and gave me one last kiss before she stood up and dressed.

I also wore my clothes and looked for Arthur.

He seemed to be awake already as he was outside, staring into the ocean.

Mera and I looked at each other before she finally decided to talk first.


“I’ll go.”


“I said, I will go with you to Atlantis and be King.”

Both me and Mera were surprised.

What happened? Did getting drunk enlighten him or something?

Arthur sighed and told his story while drowning in nostalgia.

“There’s this saying. Put two ships in the open sea without wind or tide, it will come together...That’s how my parents met. Like two ships destined for each other. My mother fled an arranged marriage...left her whole world behind. But in my father’s lighthouse, she found a whole new world together with him…”

Arthur stared into the sea, as if seeing the city underneath it.

“Atlantis took her away from that world...and killed her...That’s why I hate Atlantis…”


“But seeing you two together...maybe...just maybe...if I become King, I could stop this nonsense hatred between each other…”

I blushed in embarrassment when I heard that. It seems he heard everything last night!

However, I shook off that feeling and tried to comfort Arthur.

“Well, being born between Human and are literally the best of bost worlds. You're living proof that both worlds can be united and co-exist.”

“Lucas is right. You will be a great King.”

Mera nodded as well. I laughed and added.

“Or something greater.”

“What can be something greater than a King?”

“A Hero.”

I told him with a grin.

Arthur smiled wryly and look down at the sea once more.

“Well then...shall we go?”

“Just a said that Atlantis killed your mother?”


“...Not exactly...When the previous King found out that Queen Atlanna had...joined with a human, the King sacrificed her to the creatures of the Trench…”

Mera tried to explain it nicely but Arthur just rolled his eyes.

“That’s the same as killing her!”

Mera sighed as she knew that he was right...there was no way to survive in the Trench…

Still, I spoke.

“You know, when I was a few months old, both my parents were shot dead on the street.”


“I was too small to really understand it...but when I grew up...and saw my parents’ grave, I knew that they were gone. I could feel it...It’s an instinct of a child to feel their parents...just as parents would feel it when their child is in danger.”

I could still remember the first time I visited my parents’ grave with Bruce in this world.

I thought I wouldn't feel anything but when I saw their graves...but for some reason, the tears just kept pouring…

Looking back at Arthur, I asked him.

“Tell me...when you heard about what happened to your mother...did you feel anything? Did you feel...sad? Forlorn? Grief?”


“Or did you feel...worried...that something is wrong…?”

“...Yes...I couldn’t put it into words until you said it...but there really was this feeling...that...that she’s still out there somewhere…”

Arthur’s eyes lit up and this time, when he looked into the ocean, it was as if he was trying to find traces of his mother!

“I don’t know much about Atlantis and Atlanteans but...if you ever need help...just ask me. I’ll send over a full waterproof phone for you two so stay in touch.”

“Thank you, are a good friend.”

“It’s my pleasure, your Majesty.”

“Haha! Stop that! Even if I’m to be King in the future, I won’t allow you to call me as such!”

“Haha, fine Aqua guy.”

Arthur laughed and shook his head, not paying attention to whatever name I call him.

Soon, the two Atlanteans decided to leave.

I wanted to come and see Atlantis but I fear I would only complicate things even more with Orm still King so I could only send them both off.

“Till we meet again, Lucas.”

“Yeah, lay off on the liquor, King. You have to maintain your image...especially your body shape.”

“You brat!”

Arthur laughed and punched my shoulder lightly.

As he jumped into the water, Mera approached me and gave me one last hug as well as a deep kiss.

“Promise me we will meet again.”

“I promise.”

“Un, that promise has been sealed. You can’t take it away anymore.”

“I wouldn't dare.”

With a smile, she leaped into the water and disappeared from sight.

Only after a while did I sigh and leave as well.

After a day, I reached Gotham and began to arrange things again.

Sending another group message about my change of number, this time I didn’t bother to make up a story and just said that someone tossed my phone in the ocean.

I also sent 2 phones to Mera and Arthur on an island near where we met as previously arranged.

As expected, Diana immediately contacted me as soon as she can.

Sighing, I accepted the call.

[[Lucas! What was that about!? Why were you with Mera!?]]

“Emm, first, calm down. I gave her a phone as well. You can use this number to contact her…”

[[Oh,, explain!]]

Damn, she wasn’t distracted!

I sighed again and explained the situation to Diana. There was no use lying to her about me and Mera so I told her about what happened upfront.

When I was done, she was silent for a while then nodded.

[[Alright. Thank you for telling me the truth.]]

“...That’s it?”

[[Yes? As you said, we are not yet in a relationship, correct? Anyway, this is Mera’s fault, even after she knew, she still did it! I’ll call her now. Bye Lucas!]]


Before I could even respond, Diana had already cut the call.

...Well...that was better than I thought…

I thought for sure that there would be a war between the Amazons and Atlanteans…


“This is war!”

Hippolyta shouted when she heard what Diana said just now about Mera and Lucas.

“How dare the Atlanteans steal one of ours!?”

“M-mother! Stop overreacting! I already talked to Mera, she said she will wait for Lucas to turn 18 first as well.”

Diana rolled her eyes and scolded Hippolyta.

Seeing her daughter’s look, Hippolyta pouted.

“Mmm...fine...Amazons! Start preparing! We will go into war in 3 years!”


Diana touched her face with her palm, completely embarrassed about her own mother.

She really wanted to revolt now!

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