Reborn as a Goddess with a World Creation System

Chapter 7: Cold Night, Warm Hearts

Looking up, Ariana observed Glacius. He noticed Ariana's gaze and flashed a smile filled with sharp teeth, his eyes gleaming with an icy glint.


Ariana chuckled softly, "Buhahah, was that supposed to be cute?" she commented, appreciating Glacius' attempt to appear adorable.


"Well, Glacius, this is your home now. All that you see, I will be leaving for now, but I will return to visit you soon, alright?" Ariana said, her voice as gentle as the wind. As a Goddess, she had an infinity of things to do.


Glacius seemed to understand what Ariana meant. He looked to one side and then the other, turned his back, and began to walk on the frozen lands, leaving deep marks on the ground.


After a while, he stopped at a spot and sat down, his colossal body radiating intense cold. There he remained, gazing at the horizon with his icy and expressionless eyes.


Angely was guiding some cows to a location when a wave of cold air passed through her, making her purple hair flutter. It was something new, something she had never felt before.


"Cold... What is this?" she murmured to herself, her fairy eyes shining with curiosity and a touch of apprehension.


Angely quickly looked up at the sky when she saw Ariana falling rapidly from above in her direction. She flapped her wings with force, and in the blink of an eye, appeared in another location, her graceful and ethereal figure contrasting with the harshness of the world below.




Ariana landed on the ground with a deafening crash, her body radiating a divine aura that echoed throughout the area. All the cows that were around panicked, running back and forth, their hooves clumsily stumbling on the ground.

Angely, with her amethyst-colored eyes shining with emotion, observed the scene before her and only wanted to cry. "It was so difficult," she whispered softly to herself.


Despite possessing unimaginable powers, using her magic on the animals made them extremely alarmed, potentially causing lasting damage, a responsibility that weighed heavy on her heart, as she knew how fragile they were.


Observing the world around her, seeing how everything was going well, a smile of satisfaction lit up Ariana's face. Countless trees stretched around her, their canopies forming a green canopy that extended as far as the eye could see. In passing, she caught the enchanting sight of an agile squirrel climbing a tree with skill to harvest ripe fruits. It was an adorable scene, a glimpse of the harmony she had created.


Angely, with her luminous skin and hair as purple as the night, could feel the satisfaction emanating from Ariana. For Angely, this was the greatest blessing she could wish for: to see on the face of the one who entrusted her with such great power the genuine expression of satisfaction.


Ariana walked back and forth, her bare feet touching the damp ground, the earth yielding under each step. The soft sound of the wind whispered in her ears, as if nature itself were whispering secrets of joy. It was all so beautiful, and she felt connected to the creation that surrounded her.

"Angely! Everything is becoming so beautiful!" Ariana exclaimed, her voice brimming with contagious enthusiasm.

Seeing Ariana's radiant expression, Angely quickly knelt down and began to speak with reverence, "Yes, with much work and dedication from us Primordial Fairies, we are transforming this world into a beautiful and wonderful place to live, all thanks to your immense power, my goddess!" she said with fervent sincerity.

"Well, I came here to give you a warning, Angely," Ariana began with a serious expression. "I have created something new. He is like a guardian, but he only lives in the frozen lands of our world, a place you probably haven't seen yet. You may have also noticed the sudden change in weather. With the creation of Glacius, the Ice Elemental, the world's temperature is now more balanced," Ariana said, her voice containing a tone of achievement and pride for her creation.

"Yes, my Goddess," Angely replied with reverence, her purple wings curving slightly in a sign of respect. "I felt a powerful presence not long ago and assumed it was your doing, so I didn't worry," she mentioned serenely.

"About this new climate, how will it benefit us, my Goddess? Enlighten me, please!" Angely exclaimed. Despite it being something done by Ariana, she didn't understand the need to change the climate, as everything was already so perfect as it was.


Ariana smiled gently at Angely, understanding her concerns. "I understand your doubts, Angely," Ariana replied patiently. "While our world is indeed wonderful, introducing different seasons will bring benefits to many of my creations. Some plants and animals require varied climates to thrive and adapt. Winter will bring challenges, but also opportunities for new forms of life and growth. It's an important part of the balance I am seeking in this world."

For a while, the two began to talk. Ariana explained about some unexplored places in the world that the Primordial Fairies had yet to discover. They delved into the topic of the six humans. Angely, from time to time, discreetly observed the humans to keep track of their activities, and occasionally, a few other Primordial Fairies ventured out to spy as well. However, Angely had repeatedly emphasized that it was strictly forbidden to interfere with them.

While Ariana and Angely continued their conversation under the shade of the trees, an unexpected event affected the six humans. The sudden cold took them by surprise, causing the temperature to drop drastically. Aqua, among all of them, was beginning to feel the first signs of the cold, her nose congesting and irritation growing on her face.


Safira, concerned about Aqua's condition, approached and asked, "Aqua, is everything okay? Why is your nose red?"


"I don't know," Aqua replied with a grimace, clearly bothered. "It just became harder to breathe."


Theo, watching the conversation between the two, commented, "It's more comfortable in here. Outside, we'll feel strange. My body shivers when the wind hits me."


Safira, illuminated by Theo's words, rushed outside and exclaimed, "Theo, you're a genius!"


"I am?" Theo wondered in confusion before affirming with a smile, "Yes, I am indeed."


Aurora, concerned, ran to see what Safira was planning. "Hey, come back inside. It's already very dark out there," she said, approaching Safira. "What do you want to do, Safira?"


"Do you remember that animal we found, and you said its leather is soft and fluffy?" Safira asked. "I can use it to make clothes to protect us from this strange cold sensation."


Illuminated by Safira's idea, Aurora asked, "But will only two of those animals be enough for all of us?"


"I can use the leather we have saved and fill them with it," Safira explained. "When someone needs to go out, they can put on the clothes. What do you think?"


Aurora considered Safira's proposal with a pensive look. "It sounds like a clever idea, Safira."


Some time passed, and Safira dedicated herself tirelessly to her project. With skill and determination, she crafted socks, gloves, and two coats. Each of the six humans received a pair of socks and gloves, carefully designed to cover the body parts that felt the strange cold sensation the most: their feet and hands.


Aqua, Theo, Aurora, and the others watched with admiration as Safira worked, turning leather and other materials into clothing that would protect them from the sudden cold. The expression of gratitude on their faces was evident as Safira handed out the socks and gloves.


"Now you can wear them whenever you need to go out," Safira explained with a warm smile. "And when the cold is too much, you can take the coats to stay warm."


The group thanked Safira for her dedication, and the feeling of comfort and protection that the new clothes provided was priceless.


On that cold night, an atmosphere of celebration surrounded the six humans. With determination, they went outside, forming a circle around a large bonfire they had ignited. The warmth of the fire was welcome, heating their hands and faces as the flames danced under the sky.


In the center of this circle of warmth, they placed the deer meat they had hunted, skillfully skewering it over the bonfire. The delicious smell of roasting meat filled the air, making their stomachs rumble with anticipation.


Aurora, with her determination and generosity, stood up and walked toward the cows that Ekiles had taken care of so diligently in the past few days. Thanks to Ekiles' skills, they now had some stone utensils, such as pots and cups, which made the task of preparing food easier and more efficient.


Aurora fetched the milk they had milked earlier that day, filling one of the pots with fresh and nutritious milk. Steam rose from the pot as the milk began to heat up, creating a cozy and welcoming atmosphere.

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