Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 91: Sword: Number 1

Those who can't understand Duan Li's actions were just arrogant people who thought they were the center of the world for having an influential background. But there were some participants who had influential backgrounds who managed to understand Duan Li's action, to have the courage to admit that he was inferior to someone else in front of the public is something that only brave and virtuous people could do, that was worthy of respect.

Because only people who recognize their own weakness would be able to advance in the face of difficulties because this would be the first step to grow.

The seven judges were able to see the flame in Duan Li's eyes and his willingness to learn after that defeat, they were content to get a good seed after several hours of testing. The seven looks at each other before waving, one of the judges took out a small communication device and speaks something that only he can hear.

What the judges were looking for not only talented young people with good forge skills but also young people who have a desire to learn because, without that desire, talent would be useless.

The test continued normally after Duan Li left, a few hours later, there were only one hundred and forty participants who did not pass in the first phase before. They chose the opponents who found the easiest to win, several of those who were approved by the first judges were the ones chosen.

The duels of analysis lasted for several hours until only two hundred and eighty participants remained.

"You are the ones who have managed to move on to the next phase, now we will test your practical knowledge of forging." Fang Luoyang announced the next challenge.

Fang Luoyang waves her hand, the ceiling of the hall begins to open, the light begins to illuminate the interior. Several large stone blocks with forging tools begin to appear in the hall.

"Each of you will choose one of the items to repair, you can only use the items that were provided, if someone uses another item besides those on the table, you will be immediately disqualified. Those who can show the best use of knowledge and skill have successfully passed the selection test, you will have five hours to complete the task. We will evaluate the final result after time is up, those who have the best judging among the seven judges will pass"

The words of Fang Luoyang inflated the motivation of the participants, each one began to get extremely excited about this. Fang Luoyang waves with her hand and hundreds of items appear floating inside a glass ball.

"There are a total of two hundred and eighty items, have easy and difficult items, which one you will choose will depend on your luck." Fang Luoyang's words were not as simple as they seemed, there were some hidden things in it that most participants could not understand.

Liu Yang was one of the participants who understood, he knew that this type of test would not be as easy as it looks, only idiots would think that there would be some easy item in this test, at the very least would be a difficult item the most basic of all.

Participants began to run to get the item that interested them, there were some fights, but enough to catch the attention of the judges. Liu Yang was just waiting for everyone to pick up the items, he was not in hurry to pick up his item. When everyone chose, Liu Yang walked slowly to the item left.

It was a one-meter sword and had a thin blade of light blue color, but there were several cracks in the blade, some parts had missing pieces, the sword shaft had several cuts. Looking at such an item, Liu Yang thought of only one sentence: A piece of broken metal.

Using the Phantom Vision, Liu Yang was able to see the sword information.

Mystical Sword of the Sea (Broken) - A sword forged with rare metals that were born from the sea itself.

No Statistics

No effect

Weight: 600 grams

The sword was broken, so it totally lost its effects. Liu Yang went up to his stone table, he saw an oven, anvil, hammer, pliers, forms, metals and among other items for the forge.

Liu Yang put the sword on the stone table, he sat in the lotus position and began to be immersed in the memories of Arthur Pendragon. Liu Yang wanted to look for some memory that could help him fix that sword.


Liu Yang took almost an hour to find the memory. According to the Arthur Pendragon's memories, to fix this sword there were two possible methods.

The first method would be to get the original materials in the sword forge, to completely melt the blade along with the materials and to forge a new sword. The second method would be to pick up materials with similar properties and melt together with the blade to form a new sword.

Both methods can fix the weapon, but depending on the skill of the blacksmith and the materials used, the quality may be lower or higher.

Looking at the materials that were on the table, Liu Yang would have to use the second method.

Liu Yang began to heat the kiln using the magic Fire Ball, according to the memories of Arthur Pendragon, Liu Yang was able to see the limits of the heat of the kiln, he would have to keep the heat at a certain level so it does not explode.

It took about half an hour to finish warming up the oven, then Liu Yang picks up the steel shape, removing the handle of the sword, he puts the blade into shape and throws it into the oven. Then Liu Yang begins to refine the materials needed for the forge.

He took three different metals of different sizes, the first was dark blue, the second was light blue, and lastly was gray, the three metals were the size of an adult fist. And also two bottles of jade containing a liquid in each, one was blue and the other was green, they were some special liquid.

Cold Metal Piece- A metal that absorbed a lot of cold energy.

Weight: 2 kg.

Maritime Iron Piece - A metal that came in places with water energy.

Weight: 500 grams

Fragment of Steel - A piece of steel that contains a lot of impurities.

Weight: 3 kg

Low-Quality Water Essence - Water Essence extracted from the place with lots of water energy, contains a lot of impurities.

Low-Quality Wind Essence - Essence of Wind extracted from a place with a lot of wind energy, contains a lot of impurities.

Liu Yang threw the three metals into the oven and allowed them to warm up for a long time. The liquids were placed in two glass tubes before being placed in the oven.

Clang !! Clang !!!

Sounds of beating begin to echo around the room, many participants began to refine the materials or selected items.

Fang Luoyang and the six judges were staring at the participants indifferently, it was as if they did not have someone with enough skills to catch their eye.

Liu Yang waited an hour before picking up the Fragment of Stell with pliers, placing it on the anvil and beginning to hit with the hammer.

Clang !! Clang !!

The sound of the beats was steady and steady, Fang Luoyang and the six judges looked at Liu Yang and were amazed at what they saw, each hammer strike was always in the same place and each movement was steady without time deviation.

Liu Yang was able to do this because of the innate talent Divine Hands, this made his practical hands-on skills twice as good as normal.

Repeating several times the process of knocking and putting in the kiln, Liu Yang reduced Steel Fragment to half the original size, this took a full hour process. Placing the steel inside a shape and throwing it inside the oven to melt, Liu Yang picks up the maritime iron that was being heated in the oven with the pliers and led to the anvil.

Clang !!! Clang !!!

Sounds of beating begin again, Liu Yang enchanted the hammer with the Enchantment of Fire and covered the iron with a small flame, this was to warm even more the maritime iron at the time of the beat.

After another hour, Liu Yang manages to reduce the maritime iron to half the original size, he took a shape and placed the piece of iron before throwing it into the furnace to melt.

Taking the last material, Liu Yang repeats the process again. It took another hour to complete the process.

After having finished refining the three materials, Liu Yan's clothes were totally wet with sweat and breathing heavily. Continually repeating the hard work of hammering made him tire quickly.

Liu Yang had only half an hour to complete the forge. Closing the eyes and breathing deeply for a few seconds. Liu Yang quickly catches his breath.

Using Phantom Vision, Liu Yang was able to see that the two liquids had completely lost their impurities. Looking at the metals and the sword, he saw that it became liquid, everything was melted.

Liu Yang quickly picks up a small iron bucket, pouring the liquids from the metals and the sword, along with half the blue liquid and all the green liquid. Liu Yang picks up a spoon, enchanting with the fire element, it begins to mix the liquid inside the bucket, before throwing in a form and put in the oven again.

Waiting a few minutes before taking the shape of the kiln, Liu Yang slowly opens the form, what he sees is a bright blade of light blue color, it was extremely beautiful.

Picking up the sword carefully, Liu Yang begins to sharpen the blade slowly, at the end of the process, he takes the leftover of the blue colored liquid and begins to make several strange lines through the blade, it was lines of runes. Liu Yang managed to understand the basics of the runes, so he used to try to improve the weapon.

At the end of the process, Liu Yang marks the "1" symbol on both sides of the blade, representing that it was his first forged item. Picking up some piece of leather on the table, Liu Yang created a shaft and an improvised sheath.

When Liu Yang finished the whole process, a system sound comes up.

"Skill: Forge Sword Learned"

Moments after Liu Yang finished his work, Fang Luoyang's voice is heard.

"Time is over, everyone can stop" Fang Luoyang announced the end of the test.

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