Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 86: Buy One and Get Two as a Gift

A small black-colored object with a white glow appeared after the cloth was removed, it was the Shadow Protection Ring. This item was what all of the VIP lounges were coveting because anyone with the necessary level could use it.

The people in the VIP rooms began to get totally excited to see this item, while people sitting in the common chairs could only see the ring with envious eyes.

"The ring will be the second item in the last part of the auction, its starting price is 7,000,000, with each bid with 500,000 increase, can begin." As Fang Luoyang's voice ceased, the crowd of VIP lounges began to bid

"I offer 7,000,000"

"This one offers 7,500,000"

"This young master here offers 9,000,000"

"This great master here offers 10,000,000"


Bids were increasing rapidly, those who had already bought something previously did not bid this time, because they did not want to fix a problem with the other groups. In addition, some of them were allies and enemies, it was not worth going against the allies, but if there is an opportunity for enemies to suffer a great loss, it would be worth it.

The allies were using communication devices to try to help each other in exchange for some benefits.

The bids began to get higher and higher, reaching 100,000,000 gold coins again, but this time it did not stop.

"This lady offers 100,000,000." The same woman who had previously bought offered a bid again.

The crowd of VIP rooms was trying to figure out who this woman would be, those with raised windows knew each other, but the woman with the window closed, no one could recognize her voice. And there was still a second closed window, but the people inside still did not make a single move.

Some started picking up the communication devices to send some messages. Several devices flashed inside the VIP rooms, listening to the messages, several responded.

"That great father here offers 150,000,000." One of the people who sent the message gave his bid.

"That great grandfather here offers 200,000,000 million gold coins." Another who sent the message gave the bid.

"This lady offers 500,000,000." The woman inside the room realized what had happened, but she did not back down and offered a bid of 300,000,000 gold coins more than the previous bid. For her, gold coins were as if it was just something to throw away.

The crowd was frightened when they heard this value, 500,000,000 gold coins was not a small amount for a large clan, even for the super clans was already a considerable amount of money, but now an unknown woman took that large amount of money casually, who was this woman? That was the question everyone had in mind.

Fang Luoyang was just watching the scene, she knew that several people formed alliances to split the benefits later, this alliance was to try to buy the items. It did not matter to Fang Luoyang, as long as they continued to spend money, it did not matter whether they made the alliance or not.

Some more devices shine again and some young people clench their teeth.

"This great master offers 550,000,000." The teeth of this young master were already so close that he could hear the sound of them squeaking.

"That great grandfather here offers 600,000,000." Another young man gave the bid while gritting his teeth.

"You are all a bunch of poor people, this lady offers 800,000,000." The woman spoke casually as if everyone in this place, other than her, was rotten.

This made all of the lounges extremely irritated, they never slapped their faces before, their clans and sects were extremely influential in the Nine World, and as central disciples and elite members of the younger generation of their respective clans all were arrogant and with enough money.

But now an unknown woman called everyone poor and in front of a large crowd, that was a big slap in their faces, they could not accept it.

Some people started having some thoughts about what to do in this situation, picking up the communication device again, and sending a new message, the group began to make a new alliance, which was to defeat this arrogant woman. Because the question this time was no longer about the item, it was a personal matter, a matter of personal honor.

"This person here offers 900,000,000." The person in the cone-shaped bamboo hat spoke this time.

"This lady offers 950,000,000." The woman's voice was still quite firm.

"This person here offers 1,000,000,000." When that figure was spoken, no one believed it, it was a billion gold coins, that amount was insane for the crowd in this room, but it was not enough for some in the VIP rooms. That was the value that the alliance formed by the enemies and allies managed to gather.

Fang Luoyang could not believe what she was hearing, it was a billion gold coins, she was wondering if she was in a dream or not.

After a brief moment of silence, the woman inside the VIP room did not manifest, the alliance realized that they had won the battle against the woman, but it was the cost was a billion gold coins, but how it was divided among many people, each one clenched its teeth while paying the price. For them, this victory was worth.

Fang Luoyang realized that the woman in the VIP room did not give her bid, so she started counting.

"The biggest bid was 1,000,000,000 gold coins, does anyone give more? 1 ... 2 ... 3 ... Sold! "Fang Luoyang's voice could not hide the joy she felt. A light shines and she receives a message from her communication device, the message was within her expectations.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, because of the great price that was sold the previous item, we of the Mercantile Alliance decided to send two more gifts to complement"

Fang Luoyang claps her hands and two women who were carrying a golden tray each, begin to walk towards Fang Luoyang. Removing the cloths, appeared a brilliant sword and a bottle of jade, were respectively the Sword of Light and Near-Death Pill.

"Ladies and gentlemen, our Mercantile Alliance is sending these two gifts as a courtesy for having spent on our auction." The message that Fang Luoyang received was from her superiors, because of the pressure of those behind this hot-blooded youth, they did some despite these changes, the Mercantile Alliance has won hundreds of millions of gold coins with this auction.

Fang Luoyang knew who this woman was in the VIP room with the window closed, some people of the older generation also began to realize what it was, but they could only shake their heads and sigh because everyone knew the famous "Little Devil."

Some smart young people began to notice some things, while those less intelligent were happy with the presents, thinking that it was normal to receive such a thing after having spent so much.

"Now we will go to the last item" Fang Luoyang announced the last item, the last woman went behind the stage and began pulling a small cart with containing a large brownstone with some purple sparkles, was Elastic Violet Iron.

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