Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 82: Increase of Life Potion

Bright lights begin to shine on the stage, and two rows of beautiful and elegant virgin women emerge, they were wearing tight uniforms and their long hair tied in a coke, each holding a silver tray with a red cloth on top.

Except for the woman in the middle of the lines, there was no plate in her hand, she was a beauty that could cause a nation to fall, her face was exquisitely exquisite with long hair that descended to the round buttocks, her body was demonic, the men who looked at her would have the souls plucked, there was an exquisite and arrogant aura that was emanating from her.

Young men of the younger generation were staring with lustful eyes looking at these beautiful women who were wearing tight clothes that magnified their beauty, they could hardly expect to eat some of them, especially the woman in the middle.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Fang Luoyang, I will be the auctioneer tonight, I hope everyone is satisfied with the items that are for sale"

Fang Luoyang's voice was soft and charming, it seemed to hypnotize both men and women.

"Rascal, watch out for this woman, she has the innate talent called Seduction, by the name, you should already know what this can do" Xillia Wolf knew that Liu Yang a skill that made him see through things, but she did not know he could see the statistics too, so she warned cautiously.

If it had not been for Xillia Wolf's warning, Liu Yang would not have known that this demonic woman named Fang Luoyang would have such innate talent because he was not affected by Seduction. Liu Yang does not know why.

Liu Yang used Phantom Vision to view information about Fang Luoyang. Looking at this woman, Liu Yang remembered Hellen, the manager of the brothel Beautiful Roses with Thorns, she was a woman with a demonic body, but she had an aura of a young woman, at the height of her beauty, she was a fruit that still needed to mature.

This woman named Fang Luoyang was also a demonic beauty with characteristics similar to Hellen, both were still virgins, but Fang Luoyang's aura was a fully mature woman, it was like a forbidden fruit that still needed to be ripped out.

Name: Fang Luoyang

Level: 360

Race: Half-Human / Half-Demon

Class 3: Ninja - Third Order - Intermediary

HP: 14,191

MP: 2509

Stamina: 284

Hunger: 100


Strength: 1.084 + 49

Agility: 722 + 34

Vitality: 724 + 42

Dexterity: 721 + 31

Intelligence: 362 + 29

Physical Attack: 1.140 + 100

Magic Attack: 391 + 89

Physical Defense: 1,143 + 78

Magic Defense: 961 + 59


Innate Talent

Seduction (Passive) (On / Off): Enhances the user's charm, which can bewitch people around, regardless of the person's gender, making them hypnotized. A larger effect on people with levels below. Less effect on people with higher levels.

Class Skills

Hidden Weapon Mastery(Passive) (Level Max): Improves the use of hidden weapons. + 50% weapon damage with hidden weapons. + 20% accuracy in using concealed weapons.

Hidden Weapon Throw Mastery (Passive) (Level 7): Improves accuracy by firing hidden weapons. + 75% accuracy when using hidden weapons.

Water Mastery (Passive) (Level 6): Improves the use of the water element. + 15% resistance to the water element. + 20% on water element skills.

Frozen Petals: (Active) (Level 7): Summons ice petals to attack targets, the number of petals varies according to skill level. 40% magical damage to each petal. Effect: Freezes the affected parts.

Water Shield (Active) (Level 6): Summons a water shield that covers the user's body. + 60% resistance to the water element. Effect: Targets around five meters from the user slow down.

Water Explosion (Active) (Level 3): Creates a large water ball causing it to explode, the radius of the explosion is 15 meters. 200% of magic damage when hit from the front by the explosion. At each meter far from the center of the explosion, the damage is reduced by 10%.

Shadow Clone (Active) (Level 6): Creates clones of itself. The amount of clone depends on skill level and user.

Hide Presence (Passive) (Level 5): Hides the user's presence, making it more difficult to detect.

General Skills

Cure, Purification, Fire Ball, Ice Lance, Windswept, Enchanting Blade, One-Handed Sword Mastery, Dagger Mastery, Blade Mastery.


Advanced Protection Necklace - A necklace with protective powers

Rank 5 Ring

Effect: Creates a barrier around the user protecting up to 50,000 damage

Requisite: Level 300

Ring of Shadows - Ring forged with materials from the shadows.

Effect: Allows the user to use the Walk of Shadow Skill

Requisite: Level 250

Liu Yang did not find it strange the information he saw, to be the main auctioneer in this chaotic moment, one would need to be quite strong.

Fang Luoyang was feeling a strange look, not of lust, that look was different from the looks she was accustomed to people's eyes as they looked at her. This kind of look was someone trying to see through her. Fang Luoyang rolled her eyes at everyone quickly trying to find the source of that look.

After a few seconds, she finds the person, the moment their gazes meet, Liu Yang's lips form a small smile before he speaks slowly word for word in a low voice that no one could hear.

Fang Luoyang could not hear what Liu Yang had said, but she could do the lip reading, so Fang Luoyang understood what Liu Yang had said, that made her extremely shocked and embarrassed, but she managed to calm down quickly.

"I know you all came here to see what kind of interesting items there are at this auction, and you will not be disappointed. Without further ado, the auction will officially begin"

Finishing to speak, one of the women in the line walks to the side of Fang Luoyang, began to remove the red cloth, revealing ten bottles containing a strange yellow liquid.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I know that some may know this elixir and others may not. So I'll give you a brief explanation of what that would be. The name of this elixir is Increase Life Potion with 70% purity, it has the effect of increasing the maximum HP by 1500 for sixty minutes "

Increase Life Potion - An elixir capable of raising 1500 at maximum HP. Duration: 60 minutes.

Rank 4 Elixir

Weight: 10 grams

Requisite: Level 100

Those who knew the effects of this item were shocked to see that the Mercantile Alliance took this kind of thing to sell. Those who did not know this item were stunned by the effects of this item.

(1500 HP maximum, that amount may be small for those old people but for us young was the item of the gods. I have to get these bottles). That was the thought of the young people who were participating in the tide of the shadow beasts.

1500 more HP for someone who had 1,000,000 HP was virtually nothing, but for those who had only 2000, it was like half of life saved. Because of this, the younger generation went into the frenzy, the older generation understood the situation and could only shake their heads.

Those super clan members had such an item in their arsenal, but their use was only in case of emergency. If it were not for this kind of situation, no one would want to use this type of item, because it was difficult to refine, that elixir with 70% purity was already considered something unusual.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I think you have been able to see the value of this item in the current situation, the Mercantile Alliance has decided to take these items for sale on this occasion to help you survive"

The younger generation was thinking that the Mercantile Alliance had good intentions and took these items to sell for the good of all, this was their thinking because they were under the effect of seduction.

Those who were not affected by seduction just thought.

(Goodwill? Mercantile Alliance to care about others? If this happens, the Sun will be born the other way around)

The older generation felt a headache because of this skill of Fang Luoyang, some of them were unhappy about it because that would make their young people spend more than they should. Fang Luoyang realized this and stopped the Seduction. The young people returned to normal, their minds were a little confused.

"I apologize for the previous joke, as it is a special occasion, our evaluators evaluated this set of ten bottles of Increase Life Potion in 300,000 gold coins"

An uproar came when they heard the price of the elixir. No one could believe that it was being advertised for that price.

(Cheap, very cheap) This was thought of the younger generation.

(Cheating, this Mercantile Alliance is very sneaky, a Rank 4 elixir and at 70% purity is valued at 100,000 gold coins for just one, but it's now being sold in a set with ten to 300,000 gold coins. They trying to incite the price increase in the bidding). That was the thought of the older generation.

Fang Luoyang's thin lips made a small smile, who saw this scene almost had the soul torn out, regardless of being male or female, no one could escape its beauty.

"Every bid must have at least 10,000 more gold coins. The bids can begin. "As soon as Fang Luoyang finished speaking, a crowd of young people began to shout the price.

"I offer 310.000 !!!" Someone shouted

"I offer 350.000 !!" Another person shouted.

"This father here offers 450.000." A young master stood up and spoke, no one cared.

"This old man here offers 600.000." An old man with gray hair sitting in the crowd shouted. This price made the more common fund stop offering.

"This young master offers 620.000" A young master of some above average clan shouted

The price began to rise slowly after reaching the 600.000 gold coins.


There were some who were in the Vips cabins interested in this item, although they were from a very large background, this type of item was difficult to access. Some young people had items with similar effects, but it was weaker.

People in Vip room still have not bid because they were expecting the highest bids to start competing.

"This father here offers 800.000 gold coins." Another young master of some above-average clan spoke.

"That great father here offers 1.000.000 gold coins." The voice came from one of the VIPs booths.

The crowd in the common seats were trying to figure out who that person would be in the VIP room since it was not possible to see because of the dark glass.

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