Rebirth: The New Game of Life

Chapter 79: Did You Tell Her?

The heavy and bloody atmosphere of the battlefield began to affect the people in the city, some began to think that everyone would die, others felt that to complete this battle, everyone should leave and finish this battle, several kinds of pessimistic thoughts began to arise in the minds of those who have faced the shadow beasts several times and have been at death's gates several times.

But none of those people who had such thoughts knew of any secrets, that what they saw was only the beginning, the real part of the tide of dark beasts, was yet to come.

There were some groups who knew this information and others who did not know, these people just spent most of their time meditating, visiting the city, or spending time with the carnal pleasures inside a room.


In a large mansion in the eastern part of the Blood Wall City, there were several guards patrolling the entrance, in the entrance, there was a symbol of a golden phoenix, it was the symbol of the Xiao clan.

The outdoor area was fairly clean with fresh air, compared to the heavy weather in the city, green trees in the backyard, small ponds with fish, it was a paradise to live in. In the garden, there were men and women training under the guidance of some older people.

Inside a hall, there were several large round tables with dozens of chairs around, each seat was occupied, on the tables, there was a lot of fine food. Several young people were chatting and eating, everyone was having fun.

At the center table, some old men with gray hair and some young man with arrogant auras talking and laughing. A handsome young man was talking to one of the old men at his side.

"Elder, do you know where the young mistress went?"

"Junior Shen, by the words of the young mistress, she went to find a friend"

The young man talking to one of the elders of the Xiao clan was Shen He, he is part of the main branch of the Shen clan, his father is one of the elders, and his mother is a member of the main Xiao clan branch, she is a distant relative of the matriarch.

"I see, this person, is it a man or a woman?" There was a strange tone in Shen He's voice when he asked the question when he spoke the word man, he seemed to be jealous, but when he spoke, be relieved.

The elder noted this but did not comment. Shen He had fallen in love at first sight with Xiao Xi when she first appeared, when the matriarch announced she to the Nine Worlds, at that moment he wanted to take her as his wife.

Shen He knew that the relationship between his mother and the matriarch of the clan was extremely distant, so he thought he would have a chance to befriend Xiao Xi and then get her a favor.

It was not only Shen He who had this intention, but most of the young heroes of the great clans were thinking the same thing if they could marry the youngest or eldest daughter of the Xiao clan matriarch would be a lifelong blessing.

But the dream was one thing and the reality was different when the matriarch announced that Xiao Xi was already married, that broke the hearts of the one who fell in love with her at first sight, and broke all the dreams of those who had intended to marry Xiao Xi. This made young heroes to the green of envy and the red of jealousy.

At that moment, the young heroes were wondering who the person who had married Xiao Xi would be, he must be from some powerful background to get the matriarch to accept the marriage. These young heroes were comparing themselves to this mysterious man. Between them and the mysterious man, who would be the most handsome, the strongest, who had the most influential background.

But when they heard that he was an apprentice of a mysterious divine doctor. At first, the young heroes thought that this apprentice was not worthy of someone like Xiao Xi, but when their elders explained the detailed situation, they understood a few things.

They thought that a marriage agreement was made between Xiao Xi and this medical apprentice as a form of payment for curing Xiao Xi.

All the people who belonged to the great influences knew that the matriarch's "son" was extremely sick, and all the famous doctors of the Nine Worlds examined this "son", but none could cure it.

Now, a doctor has appeared to cure such a disease, the matriarch has probably done her best to get a favor from this doctor, even if it is the marriage of her precious daughter to someone unknown.

However, the Xiao clan would not lose anything by this, on the contrary, the Xiao clan would be winning the lottery, because the matriarch's daughter marrying the apprentice divine doctor, the divine doctor would also be part of the Xiao clan, and would be treated as such. By losing a daughter, they gained a divine doctor who could heal even the diseases that the most famous doctors of the Nine Worlds could not do. It was an extremely lucrative business.

In the eyes of the influential leaders of any clan in the Nine Worlds, losing a daughter to this type of business was nothing, if the divine doctor wanted more daughters of their clans, they would give on a gold platter. Because in the eyes of these leaders, their children were to increase the clan's influence, but there were some who would still think of the happiness of their children.

If Liu Yang knew about this thought of these leaders, he would be laughing to death.

"From what the young lady had said, it was a woman, the young mistress said that she would only come back tomorrow, because there were some important matters to deal with this woman"

"I see, I wish I could meet this friend of the young lady one day"

Some people around could only sigh because they knew that Shen He had fallen in love with Xiao Xi, but it was one-sided that passion. But Shen He was not alone in this situation, there were several young masters of Xiao clan who had bloodline far from Xiao Xi who had fallen for her.

Xiao Xi had told the truth when she said she would meet a woman, this woman was Liu Yang's lover, Xinyue. Xiao Xi had seen them together as they stood in line waiting to go to the battlefield the first day. She was the person who was watching Liu Yang from afar, Xillia Wolf knew it was Xiao Xi but did not tell Liu Yang about it, she left that subject to both.


Within a room of Aunt Mei's Hosting, Liu Yang was enjoying paradise with Xiao Xi and Xunyue, the two women were lying like small kittens on the chest of Liu Yang, while he used his hands to stroke their backs, there was each side.

The three of them were naked, after a long morning of activities, the three of them were extremely tired. The three slept for a few hours before they woke up.

Liu Yang woke up, and the first thing he did was stroke the hair of Xiao Xi and Xinyue. The two women woke up earlier but did not have the guts to look each other's eyes out of shame because they remember the absurd things that happened hours ago.

Liu Yang made them do extremely perverted things, such as using their breasts, hands, mouth, a small cave, and the back door to serve him. This was just in the case of Xiao Xi, as she had done this with Liu Yang many times before, she just had to do it again.

But for Xinyue this was something new, she had never done these things before, she was afraid to do this in front of Xiao Xi, at least the part of handing her body to Liu Yang. For a woman the first time was one of the most important occasions of her life, such as marriage, was once only for a lifetime.

Xinyue wanted the occasion when Liu Yang take her to be special and it was just the two of them. Liu Yang understood that and supported that idea, so he did not take her, but it does not mean that he did not do other things with Xinyue.

Xinyue also used her hands, mouth, and breasts along with Xiao Xi to serve Liu Yang. There were moments when Liu Yang used his mouth to suck and stick his tongue into the private parts of the two women. Sometimes Xiao Xi and Liu Yang were doing activities, while Xinyue kiss Xiao Xi and Liu Yang. Those were just a few things that happened, there were more positions and perverted things that Liu Yang did with the two women.

"Good morning, my dears, are you wake up?" Liu Yang knew they were both awake, but he still asked as he wore his hands to take advantage of them.

Some seductive groans came from the mouths of the two women, they did not last long before opened their eyes and looked at Liu Yang with some complaint.

"Perverted husband, how can you do those things to us?"

"Rascal, where did you learn these perverted things?"

The two women spoke their complaints, they were ashamed not that Liu Yang had done things with them, they were embarrassed because Liu Yang made the two women kiss and lick the private parts of each other while Liu Yang pushed Xiao Xi. This was extremely embarrassing to them.

"Hahaha, is not your husband amazing?"

"Amazing pervert"

"Amazing rascal"

"Let's leave this matter aside, my dear wife Xiao Xi, my little Xinyue. This is for you "

Liu Yang knew the two women were ashamed, so he decided to change the subject. He took out two bottles containing five and ten drops of juice of the Fruit of Reconstruction.

"What is this?" Xiao Xi did not know what it was.

"Rascal, I can not accept this, you've given me this before, but it would be wasteful." Xinyue knew what was in the bottle.

"My dear wife Xiao Xi, inside this bottle there are ten drops of the juice of the Fruit of Reconstruction"

"Ah ..." Xiao Xi covered her mouth to avoid shouting, due to the shock she received. But she soon recovered.

"Husband, how did you get that? Only that person from the Explorers Faction was able to complete the challenge before it closed for another hundred years "

"Rascal, did not you tell her?" Xinyue spoke in a strange voice.

"Tell what? That would be ... "Xiao Xi did not understand at first, but at the words of Xinyue, she began to understand some things, Xiao Xi began to look at Liu Yang with a shocked face.

Liu Yang saw the face of Xiao Xi and understood that she had realized, he never wanted to hide this fact.

"My dear wife Xiao Xi, I think you managed to realize how I got it." Liu Yang thought Xiao Xi had completely understood where the juice came from, but Xiao Xi's words made Liu Yang smile.

"Yes, husband, are you part of the Explorers' Faction? Or do you know that person called Indiana Jones? "Xiao Xi was still that girl a few months ago when Liu Yang met her, although she matured a little, it was still very pure.

"My dear wife, I hope this part of you does not change so fast." Liu Yang pulled Xiao Xi into his embrace and gave a kiss on the forehead, which made her blush.

"Husband, what happened?" Xiao Xi did not understand what Liu Yang meant.

"It's nothing, my dear wife." Liu Yang noticed a strange look and looked the other way, he saw that Xinyue was looking at him with a look that had some complaints.

"My little Xinyue, I have not forgotten you, if not others will say that I favor the older one and forget the younger one" Finishing to speak, Liu Yang pulls Xinyue into his embrace and kisses on the forehead. This action made her extremely satisfied.

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