Rebirth Online: From Single Mother to OP Demon Lord

First Event

Yuki, Naomi, and I were walking through the coliseum to find seats for the events. Along the way, we saw several food stands and stocked up on junk food. We were able to get in because Naomi and I were participants, and each participant was able to bring one person with them to spectate. I chose Yuki, and Naomi registered Alex as another person. Without this benefit, we would need to pay real cash for an event ticket to view it live.


We eventually made it to the stands and found a good spot to see everything down in the arena. In the arena, they set up several small crafting stations with various tools. I saw they had a small cauldron for the apothecary event later.


The excitement was like a static charge in the air. Everyone talked loudly, and I saw a few mechanical flying objects floating around the arena. As if sensing my question, Naomi responded.


“Those are probably the things they will use to broadcast the event. This is being held live on sports channels across the world. So far, the viewership is estimated to exceed that of the World Cup.” I started feeling nervous after realizing that so many people would be watching.


“Don’t worry, mom, you got this. You don’t need to worry about others watching you.” Yuki squeezed my hand, trying to reassure me.


Eventually, a robust man in gaudy attire waddled…I mean, he walked into the middle of the arena. Silence fell over everyone present as they focused on the man.


“Hello and welcome! I will be the host for Rebirth Online’s first-ever event. I am Gordon, the lead event designer at Exodus Technologies. In addition to myself, we have two other judges for this event.” Gordon pauses momentarily to let the crowd calm down from their cheers.


“With me are two guest appearances who will be judges for this event. First is Dexter Miller, a master blacksmith you may recognize from various TV shows.” Gordon gestures to a large, well-built man of African descent.


“Last but not least, we have Astra Helvig, renowned Astro physicist who has hosted a wide variety of documentaries and helped establish the groundwork for colonizing Mars.” After the introductions, the two judges walk to the area designated for the judges.


“Before we begin, I would like to explain how these events will work. Contestants will be assigned a workstation with all the tools needed to complete their assignment. To ensure that things are as fair as possible, all materials will be provided by us. Contestants will have ten minutes to choose any materials they may want.” Gordon waves his hand to several areas around the arena. They had tables and shelves filled with various items.


“Should be obvious, but just to say it, be sure to choose from items you can work with. If your skill level is too low, the item will be garbage, no matter how good the material is.”


“If you have a skill that can produce a material to be used in the final product, that is also allowed. The item will be judged by complexity, design, and functionality. Prizes will be given to the top five players. However, we will also reward those who have the best in each category. These rewards will not be given to the top five. After the material selection, each player will have one and a half hours to craft their item. After which it will be collected and graded.”


The crowd’s din rose in volume as everyone was excitedly talking. “This makes me feel a bit better. I was expecting to lose, but it seems I may have a chance at winning something.” Naomi said as I saw her tension melt away.


“For those of you who may have a hard time seeing the action and those tuning in at home, we have our own sparks that will roam about and capture the action for you.” Gordon then pointed up above the large arena to a floating device. It had four sides displaying an image I recognized was being recorded from the sparks.


“With that done, let’s get our first round of players out here!” From several points in the arena walls, a stream of players slowly filtered into each crafting station.


The stations were full several minutes later, and the host spoke again. “The first event today will be tailoring. The contestants will be tasked with creating a robe or jacket with the highest stats possible. Remember you have ten minutes to choose your materials. Get ready...start!” The players all rushed to the different stations for their materials. They had the same items at each station, so players chose the one that was closest to them.


I occasionally watched the big floating monitor in the sky as the sparks focused on different players. Plenty of materials of various qualities, so players had no issues getting what they needed. One player was seen carrying an armful of what appeared to be to be haphazardly chosen materials. “I hope that guy knows what he is doing. He has a mix of low- and high-quality materials. Looks like he just grabbed a bunch of stuff.” Dexter commentated as his voice boomed out across the stadium.


That comment roused a round of laughter from several members of the audience. The camera then focused on another player I had seen earlier. It was the four-armed spider woman. I didn’t notice it before, but she had six dark purple eyes. I wonder what her vision is like with that many eyes. The screen showed the woman’s name at the bottom as Artemis.


The event wasn’t too exciting as we sat there for an hour and a half watching people make things. Some players made some fantastic-looking items, while others looked like the stuff of nightmares. “That player Artemis is using a skill to create a web and is using it to make silk for her project. Judging by how well she knits and sews everything, I can tell she is skilled.” Dexter commented.


“I can tell how good she is since I do sewing in my free time, but how can you tell?” Astra responded.


“I may be a blacksmith, but often I have to work with leather or cloth to attach metal fittings and such. “


I soon ignored the judges’ banter as my attention shifted to other players. “This is both exciting and boring to watch at the same time. How is this possible.” I said to Yuki and Naomi.


“Yeah, I can see why these events are better left as tv shows. They can skip all the boring bits and focus on the highlights and the tension. It’s fun watching everyone craft things, but it is also boring to just sit here as there is only so much commentating the judges can do before things get repetitive.” Naomi responded.


The remaining time went by mostly uneventfully. One player managed to light himself and his project on fire, getting an instant loss as there wasn’t enough time or materials to make something new.


A loud buzzing sound could be heard, and Gordon stood up. “Contestant! Put down your tools. We will have our staff come by and collect your items. While we are judging everything, there will be an intermission, and we will announce when we are ready.”


The girls and I and several other players stood up and made our way down to where the food was being sold. “I can see why lifestyle skills were the first event. They were fairly boring overall, but it is nice to see them include players who like that kind of thing over the combat stuff.” Yuki said while chowing down on a meat skewer.


“Yeah, I think next time I will skip watching these events unless someone I know competes in one. It might be better to watch the TV recap after it’s done.” I agreed with Yuki.


Forty minutes later, we were called back to the stands as they had come to their decisions. We returned to our seats as the other players filled in the empty seats, eager for the results.


“Welcome back! We have voted and have eight lucky winners for this event.” Gordon bellowed to everyone.


They started with who were the winners in each category, then moved to the top five players. Number one went to Artemis. She had an intricate, beautifully designed robe that excelled in its stats. The way it was crafted due to her use of her webbing added complexity.


The girls and I left the stadium with the other players as the event was on a momentary break, as they prepared for the next round. We decided not to go to that one until I had my potion-making event later in the day.


I feel so bad I forgot this. Shoutout to a patreon member for the creation of Artemis. They are a side character that will kind of pop up here and there.

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