Rebirth Online: From Single Mother to OP Demon Lord

Finishing an Old Quest

I woke up the following day still cuddling Yuki. As I remembered the event from last night, my face turned red, but I couldn’t help but smile too. I was giddy, like a schoolgirl whose crush accepted their confession.


I climbed out of bed and saw it was still a bit early, so I let Yuki sleep for a little longer. I grabbed some clothes and made my way to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Finishing that, I made my way to the living room where I saw Alex and Naomi sitting on the couch, staring at me with serious expressions.


“Take a seat,” Alex said with a severe tone. I was a little nervous now, so I sat down. “What’s wrong, Alex?” I asked.


“What are your intentions with my sweet innocent daughter?” Alex asked. I stared at her in confusion for a moment before catching on to what she was getting at. “Hey, no fair! You can play the doting father role!” I exclaimed.


Breaking out of character, both Naomi and Alex laughed at my plight. “Sorry, couldn’t help it. We heard about your little workout last night, so we had to mess with you.” Alex said as she laughed. “I must say, though…damn, that must have been one intense workout session.” Alex continued.


Now I could really feel my face heat up from the embarrassment. I sat there, my mouth gaping like a fish gasping for air on land. “Sorry, Sarah. Didn’t mean to embarrass you so much. But still, it was quite the visual you left us.” Alex said, trying to calm me down.


“You have given me new insight and inspiration for my future novel,” Naomi replied as if she was taking notes. “Anyway, changing subject. You finally made it to the capital now, right? I want to finally meet up with you in the game.” Alex said. I could see Naomi get a bit depressed from the slight change in her expression.


“Yeah, just made it yesterday. I am kind of excited to go exploring. Also, Naomi, if you can make it to Riadence, you can travel with me. Yuki did give you permission to use her pod.” I said to both women.


Naomi seemed to perk up a bit at that. I did miss her antics a bit in the game and was hoping this could get her to perk up a bit more and get her out of her depression. She needs to learn to live with herself and break her dependency on her family.


After chatting, Yuki finally came out of the room dressed for school. She had just had a shower recently due to her wet hair, so she brought the blow dryer, a small mirror, and a small assortment of makeup to the kitchen table. I decided to make her a quick breakfast as she got ready.


“I think I am going to head home here soon. I need to go to work for a few hours then I will hop in the game.” Alex said. “I thought that the gym you worked at was closing. You still work there?” I asked.


“Yeah, I just work part-time now, helping them with some things as they get ready to close,” Alex replied. I gave her a quick hug as she left the house. I would see her again today, so I wasn’t too worried. I helped Yuki dry her hair and put it in a ponytail while she applied a small amount of makeup.


“I got to get going, mom. I’ll see you later.” Yuki said as she kissed me on the cheek. Despite saying she didn’t want to return to school, she seemed awfully excited about it. After she left, I turned to Naomi. “I am logging into the game now. You are free to do so too.” I spoke.


“Thanks. I will look for some jobs first for a bit before I do. Can’t just mooch off you.” Naomi responded. “That’s fine, but don’t stress too much over it. We can meet up there if you make your way over to the capital.” I said as I walked to my bedroom.


Once in my room, I stripped down to my underwear, got back into my pod, and logged in to the game. I woke up in the inn from yesterday and decided that today would be a good day to get another one of my quests finished. I still had to find Urlgan’s mentor and tell him about the demons.


I left the inn and walked around the town. I asked the people if they knew the location of the hunter’s school. Since I was looking for Urlgan’s mentor, I figured I would start there. I got information on its location but finding it was still tricky as this place didn’t use street names except on main roads. I did eventually find it.


I walked into the building and saw someone sitting at a desk, absorbed in paperwork. “Excuse me. Do you know where I can find someone named Mel’Ar?” I asked the person. They looked up at me, startled for a moment but quickly responded. “Yes, he can be found in the training courtyard in the back. He is a tall beastkin; can’t miss him.”


I nodded and made my way toward the back doors, hoping they led to the courtyard. Turns out I was correct. The yard was much larger than I saw in Darkwood City. Several other players were also training on dummies or taking lessons from NPCs.


I did find Mel’Ar, however, and tall was an understatement. He was a large, well-built lion man. He was easily pushing 300cm in height alone. He wore simple leather armor that reminded me of the armor that the ancient Spartans wore. He looked very intimidating with the number of scars he had, including the one across his left eye.


“Are you Mel’ar?” I asked as I walked up to the large man. The beastkin looked down at me. I could see him appraising me before he answered. “That is I. What can I do for you?” Mel’Ar responded in a powerful deep gruff voice. “Urlgan sent me to find you to tell you about demons found in Darkwood forest. I killed the demon there already, but I suppose there could be more.” I replied.


I saw the lion man’s face light up with shock as I told him my story. He then closed his good eye as he looked like he was in thought. “If what you say is true, this is an ill omen. That also makes you a formidable warrior. You’ll have to forgive me, but I must verify your story first. Please try to stay in the city as much as possible so I can get back to you later.”


“That’s fine. I was planning on staying here for a while anyways.” I responded. The man just nodded his head and then walked back into the building. I decided then to meet with Alex and see what she is doing. I opened my menu and was about to send a message when I noticed a nearby player had a floating ball of light following him. He looked like he was also in his menus, and I suddenly remembered about my spark I named Kairi.


I was starting to panic for a moment but then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see who it was and found it was Eri. “Don’t worry about Kairi. She is fine.” Eri spoke. I stared at her for a moment before speaking. “Eh! Wait, how did you know what I was thinking…never mind, don’t answer that. Probably god’s powers or something. What do you mean don’t worry about her?” I managed to say.


“After your little trip in a certain dungeon, Kairi became a little…abnormal. We are currently taking care of her and trying to get her back to normalcy. In the meantime, I reverted your old character menu from before they introduced the sparks.” Eri said while leaning on my shoulder slightly.


I noticed we were getting some attention as some players started noticing Eri with me. “Alright, I’ll take your word for it. But now I feel bad for forgetting her.” I said as I tried to lead Eri out of the courtyard. “It should be fine. You did go through a lot the same day you got her,” Eri said back as she followed me. Eventually, we made it outside in front of the school. I then noticed a woman with medium-length brown hair dressed as a witch standing where Eri was.


“I figured I needed to disguise myself to stop the unwarranted attention.” Said the woman with Eri’s voice. “Oh! I understand. I am about to message my sister to see if she wants to do anything.” I then opened my chat menu and searched for Alex’s account, LadyMisery. I was then able to find her character name Algea Hedone. I sent her a quick message, and shortly after, I got a response to meet her at the Adventurer’s Hall.




Yuki arrived at school with plenty of time to spare. She was glad to be almost done with the place. Because she was held back a year, she became what was known as a super senior, A title for those who had to repeat a year.


Before she could start her classes properly, she had to visit the principal in his office first. She hated it but she understood the reason for it. It didn’t take her long to get to his office. The secretary told her to wait as he was busy at the moment. Yuki sat down on a nearby couch and waited.


After waiting several minutes, the office door opened, and a slightly disfigured Aria walked out. Her injuries healed nicely for the most part. She still had some slight bruising around the eye. The worst of it looked like she had some stitches going across her right eye and up across her brow a bit. It wasn’t too serious, but it would leave an interesting scar.


Yuki got up and ignored the girl as she went into the principal’s office and closed the door behind her. “Have a seat, Miss Allen.” The man pointed to the chair in front of his desk. “I just wanted to have a quick chat with you. I just need to reiterate that you need to have that essay turned into my office by the end of Friday. Also, you need to be on your best behavior. Your chances of walking for your graduation depend on it. Do I make myself clear?” The principal sternly said.


Yuki knew she had messed up and was glad she could still have a chance to walk. “I understand,” Yuki said with determination. “Good. Go to your homeroom now, and I will see you when you turn in the essay.”


Yuki got up and left the office. She saw one of Aria’s minions sitting on the couch, waiting, looking a bit worse than Aria. Yuki thought she needed to control her anger a bit more. She ignored the girl and left the faculty room. In the hallway, she was met with Aria, who seemed to be waiting for her.


Yuki didn’t want to deal with whatever Aria wanted and started to walk past the girl. “Yuki, wait! Please…I-I need to tell you something.” Yuki was not in the mood, but her pleading voice made her stop and turn toward the other girl. “What is it.” Yuki spat out with a cold emotion.


Aria looked as if she was about to break down and cry but stopped herself from doing so. “I wanted to apologize. I am sorry I took my anger out on you. Ever since my dad…after I found out your connection Exodus Tech, I mistreated you.” She managed to say in between sobs.


Yuki was still staring at the girl coldly. “So you have some issue with my father and took it out on me, and now you’re sorry? You’re just sorry because your bullying came to light?” Yuki said, her words laced with venom.


“NO! I mean…” Aria heaved a large sigh before continuing. “I guess I need to tell you the full story. My father was a chief engineer for Exodus Tech. But then, one day, he changed. He seemed to be paranoid as if someone was after him. I overheard his conversation with my mother about how he discovered something where he worked. He said it would destroy everything and that if anything happened to him, my mom should release his findings. Three days later, his body was found in a river.”


Yuki was genuinely shocked by this bit of information. She no longer recognized her father anymore, but this seemed to further move him away. “After I was expelled, my mom explained that you and your mother are also victims of Kaito. She had some contacts in the company, and she found out some information. But whatever my father wanted her to do, she ignored it to protect me. So truly, from the bottom of my heart. I am very sorry.”


With those words, Aria turned and walked away, leaving a stunned Yuki in the hallway.


Sorry for another delay. My PC decided it didn't need its drivers anymore, so I spent most of yesterday trying to fix that. Good news is that it works. Bad news is that my Bluetooth still is broken, not that I used it much anyway. As an apology I added a Yuki side story to the chapter.

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