Rebirth Online: From Single Mother to OP Demon Lord

Alex’s Quest

I logged out of the game and found myself back in my bedroom. I got out of the pop and stretched. I didn’t feel like getting dressed, so I grabbed an oversized T-shirt and threw it on. I went into the kitchen to start dinner and saw Naomi sitting at the table, eyes deep in paperwork.


“You look busy there. Been doing that all day?” I asked Naomi.


She looked up at me, startled for a moment. She removed her glasses and rubbed her eyes for a moment. “No, I’ve only been here for about an hour. I was going through my finances.

trying to do my budget. I know you said I could stay here until I got back on my feet, but I’d feel bad if I wasn’t at least paying you something.” Naomi said with a sigh.


“You don’t have to pay me anything, you know. I offered for you to stay here.” I responded.


“I know, but I don’t want to be a mooch, and I need to learn to be more independent. I have a bit of cash saved, so it’s not like I am hurting. I am also thinking of getting back into writing novels again for some extra income.” Naomi said as she started to stack her papers and clean up her work area.


“Then how about this. You just contribute towards groceries, and I’ll call it even.” I said as I was in the kitchen rummaging in the fridge.


“That sounds…good. I guess I can work with that.” Naomi said, finally relenting to my idea.


Moments later, I heard Yuki coming down the stairs. I looked in her direction and saw she opted for a similar fashion.


“Hey, Yuki. How was school?” I asked her.


“It was fine. Kind of nice being back. Many other students have been treating me better ever since that video went viral. Aria also apologized to me. What was surprising was what she revealed to me. Apparently, Kaito had her dad killed because of some corporate secret.” Yuki said as she sat on the couch, scrolling through her phone.


“The more I hear about what that man has done, the more I don’t recognize him anymore,” I said with sadness. My image of the man I used to love was crumbling faster and faster. I wondered how much of it was really him and how much was just a façade he showed me.


As if noticing my mood, Yuki quickly changed the subject. “So, I heard about your latest exploits today. Actually, everyone did. The whole school was buzzing about the player that started the world quest the same day ExTech announced their tournament.”


“Yeah, I heard that too. You seem to be making waves in the game Sarah.” Naomi said.


“I’m not trying to. Things just happen. I just did a rebirth. I didn’t know it would toss out a quest with it.” I replied while I was cooking some hamburgers.


“Well, your new avatar looks hot as hell. I saw the videos online. I also saw that you are collecting more women. Got yourself two new ones, huh?” Yuki said as she teased me.


“They are Alex and Eri. They were with me today as we did a quest.” I responded.


Yuki nodded her head as if it made sense. “Let me guess. The amazon elf was Aunt Alex, and the other was Eri.”


We continued to talk until dinner was ready. The news in the background was playing. They were going over the events that happened today in the game. They even played clips of me fighting the goblins and of my rebirth during the segment of the world quest they were doing.


“In other news, the bodies of two unidentified females have been found. After investigation, they seemed to have been drain….”


I turned off the TV as we had finished dinner. Yuki was excited to hop back into the game. I thought I might do the same. I wanted to practice potion-making and enchanting this week for the upcoming tournament. I may also work on my alchemy, but I don’t know if that will be an event.


I went back into my room and got back into my pod.




Alex had logged back into the game. Her goal was to level up as much as she could. She also wanted to rebirth, but after seeing her sister’s new avatar, she didn’t want to choose one of the standard races. She wanted something a bit more exotic.


To say she wasn’t jealous of her sister would be lying. She was happy for her and glad she was opening up more. Sarah was becoming more like how she used to be during their high school years. She wanted her confident, rebellious sister back.


Alex, or as her character was called Algea Hedone, shouldered her large axe and left the inn she was staying in. It was getting dark, but luckily elves had night vision. It wasn’t the greatest, but it allowed her to see just fine.


She sent Sarah a message telling her she would go grind some levels and that she would see her on the first day of the event. She went to the adventure hall to see what requests were available. She looked at her stats as she contemplated what quest to pick up.


Name: Algae Hedone

Race: Elf

Gender: Futa

Level: 45

Total Level: 45


STR: 40

DEX: 18

CON: 24

INT: 9

WIS: 10

CHA: 5


Her stats were nowhere near as high as her sisters. She was lucky and got that title from Eri. She wondered if she should friend Eri to get that title. But she decided against it. It would feel like she was cheating if she did that. Sarah just had that kind of luck about her where she would break the game without even trying to.


She was scrolling through the quests at the terminal when she was interrupted by a young woman. She looked like she was wearing a ragged dress. Her hair was a brown mess, and she had dirt everywhere.


“Excuse me, miss. I need your help, please!” The girl said with desperation.


Alex looked at the girl, who looked like she was on the verge of tears. “What is it you need?” Alex asked.


“You look like a strong adventurer. Please, I need help. My village was attacked by some lizard people and captured everyone there. I was the only one to escape. Before I left, I overheard them say something about using my village for some ritual. I beg you! Please help my family. I don’t have much, but I will offer whatever I have.” The girl said with tears streaming down her face.


Alex stared at the distraught girl, contemplating her answer. She didn’t know how hard this quest would be. Would she need help? She shook her head to clear her thoughts. She would accept this quest. She needed to level up, and who knew what rewards she would get.


“I’ll help you. Give me an hour to prepare, then we can go to your village.” Alex said to the girl.


The girl looked ecstatic as if all her problems were over. “Thank you! Thank you!” The girl said as she broke down sobbing.


Alex spent the next forty minutes stocking up on supplies. She was trying to account for different possibilities and prepare for them. After they left the city after Alex sent Sarah an updated message on her whereabouts.


It was about a day and a half travel to the village. The journey was uneventful, but she learned the name of the girl, Persephone. The village sat at the base of a large mountain surrounded by swamplands. It was probably due to this mountain that there was some fog in the area. Alex stealthily explored the perimeter of the village to gain any information. It didn’t take too long as she soon found what she was looking for. Near the center of the village was a group of the lizard people, who Persephone had explained earlier. Alex recognized them. However, they were kobolds.


Alex looked at the girl that was with her. “You have two options. You can go hide until I have rescued your village, or you can fight with me.” Alex said as she held out a short sword toward the girl.


Persephone hesitated a bit with indecision on her face. She closed her eyes and affirmed her resolve. She reached out and grabbed the sword. “I-I will go with you, though I have never held a sword. I don’t know how much help I can be.” She said.


Alex smiled at her and placed a hand on her shoulder. “Just stick with me, and you will be fine. You could consider yourself a novice swordswoman by the time we are done here.”


All that was left now was to trail the kobolds to their hideout, where they were possibly hiding the villagers.



Sorry for the delay. I was getting some advance chapters done. I now have a patreon and subscribestar account for those who want to read chapters in advance. Currently there is only one, but I will add a second chapter soon.


For those who don't follow me in discord, I changed the schedule slightly from Monday to Tuesdays. So, the schedule, if everything is on time, should now be Tuesday and Friday.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.