Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 82: Errrrrrrrr...Jump to Chapter 85: do not read

A young professional lady suddenly falls to her knees. A cacophony of light, fire, and, fog forces itself down her throat. Unable to scream or breathe, she clinches her hand in pain as tears masked by the rain stream down her face. Her skin stretches wildly from the magical coursing through her body. Blood accumulating on her body. The veins behind her eyes can be seen as the power coalesces in her head.

Her throat glows unnaturally from the fires moving into her body. Her bones ache unceasingly gripped by unholy torture. Her blood boils gold. The image of an ultrasound falls out of her hand. She claws at her throat, unable to reach her lungs, stomach, and heart which are screaming out at her. Her every breath slows, the stink from her released bowls is unbearable, slowly her entire body goes numb, she can feel her heart-melting away, ...

She was standing on the third-floor balcony of the St Judes Infirmary. "OH MY GOD! We have a possession somebody call Dr Augustine!" A thick, dark-haired nurse yells from the door she stepping through. The blue cross on her dress uniform illuminates as she unleashes all her magical energy.

14 years later...

Kano City, Hyperion High.

A young man stands at the precipice of the school gate. His oiled long dark curly hair moves in the wind. In his younger years, he had been teased about how his hair was rough like steel wool. His adopted sister has helped him by neatly arranging his hair into dreads. In each lock is a small metal clip with a tribal design. If one examined it closely the cheapness of the clips would be pretty obvious not that he cared. His everyday clothes are the hand me downs of hand me downs.

She wants him to make a good impression on his first day so his clothes at least have no holes and are clean. His sunkissed skin without a single blemish on it contrasts his bright eyes a gift that all the Unholy Children carry. They are constantly reminded by the director of Holy Trinity orphanage, that "Those are the eyes of demons." The man has always been unusually cruel to the children in his care.

Another young man unintentionally bumps into him "Sorry man, I did not see you there...hurry guy, we have to get to assembly like yesterday." The boy's skin is white like the Gaint Ash Tree standing in the Welcoming Garden of the school. He picks himself up rubs fixes his hair and follows the other boy who had offered his hand in assistance.

"My name is Ash, yes it is because of that my dads' pretty funny right. What's yours?" Ash is power walking towards the great hall, a series of signs have been put up for all the new students to follow. The boy extends his hand and says " My name Langa it means sun, I was told that it because my mother said: if he has my eyes we should call him Langa, My sun."

Ash stops dead in his tracks and says, "your..mother is she?"

Langa shakes his head "No..."

It is the one thing every student shares here not a single one of them has a mother, at least not the one that gave birth to them. Ash looks at him "I know...but that's just our lot in life."

"Boys come on! You are the last two hurry before the Headmaster arrives." A tall teacher, dressed in the school's formal uniform. He is wearing a knee-long, loose hanging demon hunter jacket with only the school's logo on it which is the Giant Ash Tree, over his black suit.

The boys quickly take a seat right at the back. A strict looking female teacher hands them their uniforms. She stands next to the man in the jacket. Her hair is pinned accentuating her long neck. It has caught Ash's eye who can seem to take his eyes off the jacket.



An old man as black as he is grey walks out from the back of the stage. The sound of his Black Cane had silenced the great hall in an instant. The entire student body stands when he reaches the microphone. He is dressed like the most famous Demon Hunter and progenitor of all demon hunters Yusuke Kano. The headmaster looks over the student body, "Dismissed!"

All but the new students quickly shuffle away unsurprised. The teachers then signal the new students to move right up to the front of the hall. Ninety-three students quickly move forward in an orderly fashion. They quickly settle down once more.

The headmaster rubs his head "Hello, I am Mister Kuti the headmaster of Hyperion High. I hope we can all work together over the coming years. As you all know we are one of the premier hunter academies, however, I take great pride in all our students not just those gifted with ability. Remember in these halls the only failures are those who do not try."

The teacher start the clap then all the students follow. The headmaster fades back behind the stage. A fellow student wearing a blue and white one-piece uniform stands on the podium where the headmaster had stood a moment ago, " I am the student body president. My name is Gcina Khama, I hope you all can become diligent and hardworking students and who uphold the honour of Hyperion ." As she says that murmurs erupt from the students but it is quickly quelled by one of the seven students sitting behind her.

He released a force that made it hard to breathe. Gcina quickly turns to him causing him to stop and bow in apology. "Like I was saying...I hope you can learn to accept the values of our schools and uphold the traditions of our brave ancestors." The students all clap once more, some of the boys are entranced by her beauty, even some of the girls.

Langa is looking at his uniform, he really does not like the brown colour at least it is a two-piece, he heard from his sister that new students use to wear overalls during their first year. This stopped when a pupil started to call them the Turd years. Forcing the school to change the uniform. Another teacher, one as big as the trunk of the Great Ash Tree starts to speak. He is standing by the door. "When I call your name, please make your way to me" Mr Strauss is very efficient and quickly gobbles up the task. Ash and Langa are in the same class they decide to sit next to each other in the middle of the class.

The teacher who was wearing a Jacket appears, he spots the boys and smiles. "Okay settle down now. I am Mister Oki. You can me sir or Mister Oki. Put your hand down I will answer any questions once I'm done." A little lady puts down her had her face goes as red as her hair, a little bit of smoke even comes out.

"No need to get upset little miss, I just have to get this out of the way." Mister Oki, lifts up a red leatherbound book "This is your student handbook inside are the rules of the school, a map and your identification card. Unlike most schools, we do not have preferential treatment for gifted students in our school all our programs are equal. That means no matter what you study you will have access to all the facilities available at the school. Your seniors are to be respected at all times. Respect does not mean they can push you around. Now if you are here it means that you believe yourself to have the potential to kill demons. From today onwards you all have one week to leave school and find another. We uphold the toughest training program there is in the empire.

The students all look at each other with excited faces.  "Also as your homeroom teacher, you all required to take the test even the auxiliary hunters and exorcists. Hear me well, those that fail the test will also be expelled so please choose wisely. You may now ask your question little miss."

The girl looks down and says "Sir, may I please go to the infirmary, my demon is acting up."

Lots of whispers can be heard

"She has her demon already?" Many heads turn to look at her.

"Do you think she is from an imperial household?" A wide-eyed girl says to her classmate.

"I need to make friends with her."

"I wonder what kind of demon she has probably a fire demon. I think" says Ash to Langa. Who responds with an "I don't think so buddy." While also shaking his head from side to side.

Ash looks at him and says "Where there is smoke there is usually fire." They both laugh at his comment.

Mister Oki says, "okay go but you have to be back before the hour is up."

She quickly slips away moving without making a sound. "Now class, for the next week you will be doing bodybuilding, a strong body can only be controlled by a strong mind and no demon can overwhelm a strong mind." Mister Oki, uses his hand to point at the sign behind him that carried the exact motto he had just said.

" You are all expected to work harder than any other students, my class has carried the title of Titan builder every year I have been a teacher and I do not expect this year to be any different this year alright." Most of the students nod at Mister Oki's question

A quivering slightly sweaty hand from a boy with a well-rounded personality lifts into the air. Mister Oki looks at the boy and moves his head. A strong wind blows causing one of the windows to slam shut. A giant magic symbol can be seen when the window is closed. The boy asks "Sir, might I...I mean we are allowed to transfer classes or can we only change schools."

"Goos question Roger! Yes, you can transfer out however, you will have to fight another student for their place. Can anyone tell what type of fights are allowed between students?" Mister Oki looks around his classroom before picking the scaly-looking fellow right at the back of his class. The boy stands and says " Sanction bout Sir?"

"Are you asking me or telling me?" Mister snaps back at the boy, causing him to hunch over. "stand up straight this is not Kronos Elite." The boy stands his whole stiff with fear. "Sanctioned Bouts...Sir!" The boys yell with the muster of a mouse. Two handsome youths laugh at the boy thus Mister Oki, waves his hand making the two boys' heads knock into each other.

"I suppose your right Aurturis, son of the dragon lord." The whole class erupts as they hear dragon lord. They can't believe that it. "I wonder what other families are here." The two boys who are still rubbing their heads scoff. "

"Okay, class...Hear me well, you transfer to another class however the space is limited thus if there are more than twenty-five students in a class. Those students will have to outperform one another at the physical test at the end of the week and only the top twenty-five will get to continue the rest of them will have to wait for next year."

The kids are shocked by the sudden declaration they all knew that some students always left after week but they heard that it would be at least fifteen of them. Each class was over by six students. Some of them started trying to remember who was in the other classes as they already had two students who should have above-average power.

"Hear me! I hope that you will take all that I teach in and do your utmost in our school hard is its own reward." Mister Oki then motions as a series of books start to float down from the roof. "These are all the books you will need thorough out the year, I will not explain to them your subject teachers can do that. Now please grab the grey book." The book he is referring to takes up more than half the table in class and is at least three times thicker than any other book.

The words are written in common, Langa looks it over and read the title to himself...

"Demon Bloodlines: A introduction to the fundamentals of Demoncraft." The book is written by an Exorcist turned professor

  1. First, I would like to apologise to all of you'll who read my book. I have been away due to personal reasons. The person I left in charge for five days, had one simple task. Unfortunately, they failed to because they accidentally deleted my saved up chapters and thus you'll have been reading openings of other stories I am in the process of drafting. Chapters 80 - 84 and five apology chapters will be released probably Friday or Sunday. Thank you for understanding. Webnovel doesn't allow me to edit more than hundred words on these chapters so I can continue on... 

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