Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 79: Plight of the everyman

Deep in humble of forests of Pike is a team of newly accepted Sunken Reef members. They have chosen to go with the main chapter as the others all weird missions that one has to complete and submit rewards too.

Glib says, "This is a scam to get all our rewards. Just look at the fetch quests just to get into the other chapters." Glib has been no less than forced by Thran to join Sunken Reef. 

CS DOOM CS says, " I know right T'an you better be right about this." CS DOOM CS has also been finagled into joining with his old pals. All them been from Ceres 8 and finding each other randomly in Edens revenge : Tales of Moor was like faye since then they have been inseparable. Even going so far as to cohabitat in the small zone. 

Thran is most confident of three and an admirer of the leader. Ever since he saw SKY Ocean Hunter in Las. Finding out that the Naga started a guild he has gathered his team and is ready to prove himself. Many people are talking badly a bout Sunken Reef just because they are a new guild with no backing. So much so that they have already been attacked a couple of teams. Not that this is any different from before as non human characters.

They have been suffering since arriving on the surface. Being a Naga himself Thran finds surface agitating. The humans here all act superior even though anyone of them him could lose their lives to his team. Even more frustrating is that he can't return to the Barren Sea floor until at least level fifty. 

Without any human friends mainly because as always Glib is playing some smelly, bile leaking, skin pealing unlife. Glib like the attention from people find him disgusting it is an easy way to get rid of shallow people. This drought in New understanding friends mean they can't even register at the Adventure Association as a human is needed to vouch for them. This minor rule imposed by the Kingdom has marginalized ever so slighty a lot of non human players. 

Lucky for them the very same guy that Thran admires started a guild and now they have joined. 

He seeks to prove his teams worth to the guild. Afterall even thou players start guilds everyday. None of have made a splash like Sunken Reef. First they are the only none sponsored guild in the global top twenty. These are usually occupied by dynastic powers like the Sabra Clan that has thousands of guilds in it. Since the end of the first day Besides the announcement of the birth of four God tier players in the region.

Which in and of itself is another reason to try and develop in Pike. Sunken Reefs' is a chance for those looked over by the powers that be. Thran remembers in Untiy how these powers always relegated new people and unless they made some unbelievable contribution to their guild. Even then it is not unheard to simply reward that player with something small and not even promote them. 

Cantos Industries cannot control everything even with a powerful system like Overwatch Thran knows he has to look out for his team and now guild.

Thran says, " Trust me guys this is an opportunity of several life times. This guild could be something special even of they fail we can at least kicked some of those mighty high ranking guilds in the face." Thran speaks like long time memeber of Sunken Reef whi has been indoctrinated into believing some far fetched ideas. 

Glib says, " Its not about trust mate. We know you, you like shiny things and get bored quickly. The problem is this Sunken Reef doesn't that special to me. Known of their players are of any real fame besides some great accolades amongst the leaders its a pretty average small town guild." 

Thran says, " You don't know him like I do. I know it sounds weird but SKY Ocean Hunter can do it. He beat every other Naga..." he quick slams his jaws shut looking around almost terrified his neck filling with water as a fear response.

CS DOOM CS says, " You have been doing that since we arrived here. I know you can't about it in game but you don't have to so careful none of these people know about the 'treasure.' Thran rushes into the Loxahatchee. Grabbing his massive trunk trying to keep him quiet.

Thran says, " Before I was allowed to return to the surface I was warned about talking about Ocean Politics on the surface. I don't want to return and be forced into the crustacean war. I don't even understand how the drowned houses think that it is okay as a training site." Thran is shaken by his experience in the deep Barren Sea. The Naga were allowed to go the surface because they have been given a specific mission. The current flow of war means that they will eventually all have to return.

CS DOOM CS says, " alright! I won't do it again." Another group of all human players comes toward them. The Loxahatchee wields his mighty towershield as advance class Goliath his defence is only second to maybe a Jaggernuaght. 

Glib being the stinky piece of shit that he is pretends like he is running away. Really his class which by all the nineteen princes of hell should not exist needs distance. As an unlife entity his mastery of Necrotic energy has been improving thus reducing the amount of rot in his body. The reason he needs to move back is because his own powers when reverse will affect him. True neutral entities like Glib harness both life and death magic like breathing.

Glib of course specializing in zone life magic can't stand the effects himself. The players arrive brandishing there weapons. 

CS DOOM CS says, " At least their is only five this time. Smiling smacking one girl who is hold her bit to big axe in the face with his shield. Unlike most defenders this Loxahatchee knows how to move.

The clank of the poor girls nose breaking on his shield spurs him on..."TO THE DEEP WITH YOU!" Even though he has his doubts he still supports his friend. 

The humans who thought they stumbled upon easy pickings are about to be taught a harsh lesson. Before easy member of Sunken Reef is allowed to venture forth they must have completed the ten trail dungeons. As it says on the guild beginner booklet it teaches people how to work in a team.

Thran knows it is a lot more than that especially the boons on the sixth, seventh and eighth dungeon. Also being taught how to master the unrestricted system gives them many adavantages over normal players. 

Thran leaps forward thrusting his long spear forward into the body of the hunter. Her hawk squawks madly trying to make him stop. Thran as a naga lancer is deadly at close and long ranges. When the hawk swoops down he tries his best to eat it. In the distance like a mad doctor who instead of using tools he uses magic. 

Glib is channeling a spell that saps the life force of players in the the vicinity of the spell. Given how has been ensuring his body with necro force he can't contaminate it with life magic. In the center a small tree starts to come alive..The sapped energy growing into a new team member. 

The Loxahatchee with his massive body is somewhat resistance to the tiny amount of health being snapped up and Thran can always us a health potion. 

The last girls is kind of fighter he has stalled from fear. Or has realized that these players in front of her are no easy meal. Just like all the reports even if they manage to kill these guy their is only three of them and they hardly drop any loot. 

She is frustrated as this is the third team of Sunken Reef and all there members all well coordinated fighters. Not like normal mmo guys it feels like she is fighting a group of players who are all trained by the same master. 

The way the everytime the Loxahatchee moves and his Naga friend respond. Her mouth is agape as the Naga uses his friends swinging shield to leap over her team and... "OH SHIT!!!" 

The Naga lands right on her coiling his body her squeezing it as hard as he can. At the same the spell from that weird smelly guy is disturbing all the magic caster who are now having to fight a tree that keeps growing everything someone loses a life. 

All over Pike it is slowly becoming apparent that this small, newly built guild has some strength. The forums are filling with these teams of three beating up to teams of ten players. Sunken Reef members are surely making a name for the guild.

After reading an incident report Thaw makes his move...

  1. Entity- generic term for certain unlife users. As they have need for a physical form they usually inhabit the body of decent being. using their natural necrophage ability to keep the body functional

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