Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 77: A Mad Plan

Medium Bunz with her plump ginger cheeks is deep in thought. Alexi has been standing next to her in Pikes' business district. The wide warehouse looks older than almost all the other buildings around it. The pitter-patter of NPC owned carriages pulled by horses, mules and some are pulled by a strange magical orb.  Medium Bunz goes through her plans thinking of the possibilities of how it can all go wrong. She plays with her apron rolling it up and down. She pretends to be rolling her heart into an soft plump doe. After a long while of this, she finally looks ready. Pinning her hair up, fixing her apron. 

Arriving at the association she goes to the counter knocking on the window interrupting the clerk. A man with gangrene teeth covered by fools gold looks. He has dazzling blue eyes and rancid breath that smells through the magical security glass window. Everything about the man is cheap his poorly kempt hair cut into odd angles as if his children cut his while he sleeps. His somewhat delicate shirt and rather shabby pants. The only thing of note is his necklace. Each silver band is a  Rugin script symbol. Medium Bunz doesn't know the local language. When she made her character she picked Dwarven as her main language because she wants to eventually acquire a dwarven lava stove. She has always had an eye for jewellery she takes a moment to appreciate before the man slides his shirt over the necklace. 

Midas says, "What you want girl?" If she heard to herself she would have sworn this man hissed at her as he spoke. More than his breath is unpleasant his face has changed to one of almost outright disgust. Medium Bunz plays with the edge of the apron stooping herself from reacting. She wonders, 'why would a business use this guy as a clerk?' She has had a weird feeling about Pike since she arrived coming from the northern hamlet. Pike for a supposed centre of commerce is poorly run. 

Medium Bunz, "This woman would like to know why we are being subject to unreasonable conditions." She of course doesn't expect an answer from him but being straightforward is a great feint. She smiles ignoring with all power the urge to hurl from the smell. 

Midas says, "Sunken Reef has offended..."Medium Bunz eyes pop open why would a clear be so well informed this doesn't bode well for them..." Your group is lead by 'undesirables to the crown. As an instrument of his will, we have seen fit to encourage your group to grow and leave the nest of our Kingdom. Medium Bunz should be furious right now but at least she has an answer, not the one she wanted but an answer. Pressing her smile to remain. 

Medium says, "while we welcome such diligent 'encouragement'. Our roots grow deeper due to your pruning." Midas is not the only one who can use doublespeak. Most people in a work environment quickly learn to say one while meaning something else completely. He sticks his finger into his trying to remove the irritation. 

Midas says, "Don't play with me girl. It's already bad enough your kind is here, now you want us to associate our illustrious kingdom with those things any further will bring trouble." Tyr had warned non-human players that they will be mistreated in Pike. Even though the entire region is technically an autonomous zone within the Kingdoms' borders it is still within the kingdom's borders. The reason for this technicality she found out is because it is the only place the kingdom allows Non-human to be unrestricted. SKY Ocean Hunter has also indicated that it is critically important to secure the region. Tyr mission is a priority after securing the Red Iron Island. Unlike other parties, or guilds she has been able to get info on. Sunken Reef is unnaturally focused on certain pursuits leaving behind the gains to some of the other guilds gaining. She can't see what they are pursuing in fact Tyr only said, 'Do your best alright.' Her cheeks go even more Rosey thinking of Tyr gets her blood pumping sure he is a little younger than she like but that doesn't matter in here.   

Medium Bunz says, "what is your problem with supreme beings?" Most NPC factions adore players as an aspect of the supreme being. They are literally manifestations of the Creator and arbiter of all things. Given the provincial attitudes of most factions, this is one of the few advantages players are supposed to have when interacting with NPCs. Midas's face expressive breaks eyes wide with madness. Breathe sheathing with anger and fowl tear-jerking stink. 

Midas says, "We are of the old blood we killed our gods. We brought the world to heel under our boot. Only by the machinations of your filthy kind did we fall." Midas is speaking as if he was in The Alpha Unity. The setting of which was over five hundred thousand years in the past. Back then most races enjoyed a much higher level of development. She supposes it makes sense since the last event of Unity was The Shattering. The players final act back then was to defeat a terrible enemy however it also devasted every realm. Every major race had their population in a fortnight reduced by over ninety per cent. Medium Bunz can see how some people can come to view the players as bad omens. 

Medium Bunz says, "That is heresy, I should report you the Supreme Church!" Every player knows that the Supreme Church the ai they met when creating their character is an agent of the church. While this organisation doesn't involve itself in terrestrial matters. Their presence alone has been a massive comfort to many especially the humans who have enjoyed continued favouritism since the last Supreme Churches Leader are now more than sixty per cent human. 

Midas says, "Not need to overreact girl. We are only doing as Pact Demands." Medium Bunz smiles if Pike is a collection of random interests then the laws governing them are as varied as the people. The Pact though is at least a player aligned legal system. While is not completely familiar with she has made three plans depending on which legal system the Merchant association uses. Alexi brings out a series of parchment. They have the symbol of the local library on them. It lists the various recourses Medium Bunz has available to her. The Librarian was more than happy to help them find the specific reference in the system files. 

Medium Bunz says, "according to article five under the taxation code written by the grand Merchant Esmeralda. I believe that someone has wrongfully interpreted the will of the king and thus I seek my worth to be tested and witnessed." If he wasn't so shocked Midas would be laughing his arse off. This girl has asked for the worst possible thing a test of worth. At least she is smart enough to accuse any of the Merchants' Association she dodge a hidden trap. This forces Midas to consider the girl as one with sharp nails. Also by associating herself with the king she is essential to say she is a subject of Asrugo. Midas given that she is a human has to avoid mention her supreme being status. He chuckles no merchant in their right mind would ask the mint to intervene. The Mint might sound sweet as one of eight Financial institutions that operate in every known realm. The Mint is always looking for ways to expand its influence. While they are known to be fair and impartial to a fault. The mint is so powerful that they are magically barred from interfering and thus must be summoned. 

Medium Bunz is essentially trying to leverage the Mints' greed to pressure the Kingdom. The Mint is also in particular interested in players as functional y immortal beings. They can be used to go places where the mint has had its eye on for many eyes. Medium BUnz is of course aware that they will have to pay a massive price but the mInt is an organisation that is long term gains focused. So at least they can defer some of it too much later date. 

A distressed manager nearly falls out of his chair when the official notice for The Mints' arbiter comes across his desk. Dashing downstairs he yells, "Who dares to bring this doom upon us?" He is holding the notice gem. Midas points to Medium Bunz and Alexi. "Are you insane, do you see what this will do to us The Mint won't ever leave?"

Medium Bunz is fully prepared to go through with demand half measures don't work. She has played to business management games to be tripped up by the first manager event to pop up.  Medium Bunz says, "The Mint is an honoured institution who only seek to guide all to wealth and prosperity." Parroting the company line only sets of the manger more who grumbles pacing about reaching random people. He stares daggers at her. Midas smiles even wider his initial evaluation of Medium Bunz having shot up even further.   

The manager says...

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