Rebirth of The Strongest Celestial

Chapter 75: Dungeon Part 13: Defeat

Boom! A sicking gunge of gaseous ooze disguised as a dragons' breath melts Rena away. Tyr pacing sideways throws as his [Shots Of Fire] knowing full well that he will die. Nineth Immortal is behind him grabbing her arm madly growling at her herself. The tiny dragon menace seeing his chance to pounce on Tyr. Vapourates forward to Tyr its body collapses to a jet stream. Tyr has seen this type of psionic movement. As an illusionist, most of their movement will appear to be an attack when in truth its a smokescreen used to travel. Tyr knowing this runs through the jet stream quickly turning around so that he can it in the back. 

Pushing as much power as he has through his hands Tyr punishes the tiny dragon. Four! Back scorching [Shots of Fire] singe and sizzle the screaming dragon. It slithers away from creating distance from the back searing flames. Tyr looks down before dashing back the twisted green-scaled dragon had left behind a nasty surprise. [Salamanders Jest] It allows the creature or the player to remove that will explode after five seconds. 

The explosion is powerful to cause an injury with the blast. Tyr falls to one knee he has about ten per cent health left and the dragon has about sixty per cent. It's not a very well armoured dragon, however...Tyr flings his head back he had heard a death whistle. This effect is created when a scaled monster uses [Dagger Scale]. The distinctive whistle is caused by the spinning scale flying through the air. That chilling noise is the only warning of a dragon scale. His eyes dart about aiming properly for once he knows that when a creature uses this skill. That creature suffers damage to defence. Since he is already one knee he uses his knee to stabilise his hand and shots at the three scales wide holes that appeared on the dragon.

An umbrella of skin stretches open. The [Shots of Fire] exploding all around the dragons' [Iron Coat]. Its small body is perfectly hidden beneath this titanic skill. Tyr says, "COME ON!" He really hates fighting Kluges. Tyr knows his time to die coming soon all he can do is wear down the dragon s much as possible. Both He and the dragon dance around each other a single wrong move could turn this around for him plus every second that goes buys him a little more time. He isn't so much worried about the dragon because a bolt flies past him. 

Nineth Immortal had been too hasty in trying to get the eggs. The final words the Dragon Preist told her before were the words of power. Initially, she had assumed it was just a poem or something and used the tattoo to take them back to their starting point so she can gather the dragons' eggs. Now she has said the ten words of power the melodic growls transform her tattoo. encapsulating her entire arm in a red scale the others look much dimmer. Her eyes slits like a dragon and her teeth grow sharp. 

Nineth Immortal decided to go with the red dragon over the brown because of the two dragon scales she has. The red dragon scale is the most straightforward. A flat boost to stats for a limited time is simple enough given how. The illusion is also broken perhaps the most insidious skill this dragon has is [Leviathan Legacy]. She had been completely taken in by this skill to artificially boost the users level. When the Leviathan form faded she should have used her skill monster analyses skill. 

[Beastform Acquired - Red Scale ]

The new beast form is a sort of enchantment, unlike a curse that humans can get she can control from the beginning. Her Beast form is more similar to dragon slayer who progressively changes with even type of dragon they consume. The primary function of this form is to hunt other dragons by granting the user powers that allow her to hunt a dragon. Her stats have all tripled for the next minute after which she will have to rest for an hour.

She flies forward! Dashing past Tyr alongside her bolts the most important lesson that she was taught during the one week before launch by her Legion Commander. Three flaps of wings bolts hitting their target. The dragon hisses pulling magic power towards Tyr can see the waves of energy consolidate. Tyr shots his shot in defence of Nineth Immortal. 

At this moment three things are happening Nineth Immortal is spinning around to deliver her attack her plan is to face the monsters head-on. Using her martial prowess should be more than enough. Tyr is trying to protect from a skill all Kluges possess. It is one of their most effective one-hit-kill skills. The reason it is drawing so much magic power is that it needs to activate [Shimmer]. This harmless-sounding skill is normally used as a traversal skill between planes of existence specifically it is the most efficient and cost-effective method to turn a physical body into pure spiritual essence. 

This is the reason why Frey keeps fading in and out of reality. Her spirit essence needs to maintain a connection with her spirit realm. It is the essence of her power. The dragon will abuse this and attack the spirit directly. Being Arkenian leaves NIneth Immortal particularly vulnerable to a spirit attack. Unlike Frey who is in full control of her phage. An Arkenians' phage is more of a body function which they can't control. 

Tyr knows like any magic aligned being that the only way to disrupt a shimmer or a pure spirit essence being is to use magic. Magic is the only kind of attack that can hit all three types of life. Tyr can only watch as his shot of fire creeps towards the kluge. The tiny mad green-yellow battered body transcends physicality. Its scale turn to unlife losing substance before becoming spirit. 

Nineth Immortal spin is meant to allow her to extended he wings and slash at the small fury. For some reason, she is sure it is smiling as it has won. Everything about this cowardly dragon is not right. It leaps forward mid-transformation. Tyr if he has calculated correctly he should have reached the limit of his trait. He has been careful to always fire at the one-second interval. This cadence in attacks allows his trait to build up without the enemy noticing. His current speed has been upped by almost sixty per cent. Due to the high number of attacks, he has been landing his trait has been steadily speeding him up. 

His second bolt aimed closer at Nineth Immortal explodes forward outpacing every other attack in motion. The second Shot of fire jets into the sky bond partially transformed dragon. Blasting it into the first shot of fire. Nineth Immortal is pushed back by the blast clipping her swinging wing. Yells and moans from Nineth Immortal and the damaged Dragon. A partial shimmer is when any creature is most vulnerable. 

It's spiral twisting in on itself Tyr shakes his not believing what he is seeing. This Level fifteen dragon has mastered a life-saving. If he wasn't fighting the damn thing he would be rooting for it. It has fought very well. The twisting doesn't last very long. Nineth Immortal not knowing what the dragon has done leaps forward. Tyr in a panic follows her. They are four steps away.

First step: the speed up Tyr manages to pass the flying Nineth Immortal. Two attacks one from his left and right are launched him. The first three symbols glow on the dragon's body. Nineth Immortal tries to prepare her elf to strike the twisted dragon. Once Tyr is out of the way her liquid-like wings will turn into a blade and cut the dragon like she wanted to.

The second step a heartbeat later, the hardening of the wings begins. The silver red forges straight and hard the Damascus pattern with red highlights in the end. Tyr arrives first in front of the dragon, several more symbols glowing bright expanding to cover all the dragons' scales. A pulse of magic power erupts from the glowing dragon.

The third step Nineth Immortals' heart tenses even if its a game it looks so real. In front of her the glow expands touching her very soul. Bit by bit power escapes from the dragon the third wave shatters, the next rips the other tears. In front of her Tyr is flailed, stripped of all his muscles then his bones are crushed. The dragons' life saving is has a small area of effect when Tyr moved in front her it was just enough space to leave out of it. [Sundering Scale] takes a dragons essence and uses to heal a dragon however if the bubble is burst. It causes everything in the bubble to receive a massive amount of damage 

The final step the mad dragon grumbles...

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