Reaper's Resurgence: A System Reset LitRPG

B4 | Chapter 22


The Quantum Enforcer looks rather weird, to say the least. He has glowing purple vortexes as eyes along with more glowing purple vortexes that appear and disappear throughout his body. Just glitching here and there seemingly at random.

He’s wearing a fancy looking black and purple robe, with his hair being longer in the front than in the back. With the front portion going down about to his chin and the back being just a couple inches in length. The same as his bangs.

And just like all the other quantum beings I’ve seen, his hair is purple in color. Or rather, a very dark black tinted heavily in purple.

Lastly, he is wearing fingerless black and purple gloves and doesn’t look very happy as he looks between me and Zal.

“Second Quantum Architect, move aside,” the Quantum Enforcer states as he looks past Zal at me. “I have business with the newly appointed Quantum Reaper, and not even you can interfere.”

Zal narrows his eyes and states, “I order you, Enforcer, do not bother my daughter.”

I feel a strange pressure in the air around the Enforcer, only for the universe to seemingly bat it away itself. As if the universe was rejecting his order.

The Architect looks rather angry at that, but when he raises a hand to stop the Enforcer, he feels pressure on himself instead.

My eyes narrow a bit at the sight. And it doesn’t take me long to figure out what’s happening.

The Enforcer must still be chasing after Mom. But he can’t find her, so he’s probably going to question me about her whereabouts.

Not that I know where she is, if I’m being honest.

I glance between the frozen Architect and the slowly approaching Enforcer whose eyes are locked onto me.

Then I cross my own arms and return to my True Form again.

Because, regardless of if I know where she is or not, I really don’t like the idea of this asshole trying to force it out of me.

And for some reason I feel slightly irritated at the sight of him treating Zal like that.

Maybe it’s because I’m the only one who’s allowed to treat him like that?

Not sure.

Either way, I don’t like this situation.

And I know I’m higher on the hierarchy than either of them.

So there’s no better time than now to test out if I can use that authority on other quantum beings or not.

“Stop,” I declare while putting one hand in my cloak’s pocket and the other holding tightly onto my scythe, with the end of my scythe resting on the ground. And lo and behold, the Enforcer actually freezes in place, feeling rather shocked by the development.

It doesn’t last long though, because the universe once again begins to force my pressure away. Just like it did with the Architect’s.

But it doesn’t seem to work anywhere near as well on mine, so I speak again, “Turn around and leave. Now.”

I then watch with some amusement as the Enforcer rather tensely turns around and walks back into his portal, with the universe’s pressure just barely losing out to my own place on the hierarchy.

Which is very interesting to see.

Unfortunately for me though, he turns right back around and reenters through the rift again after leaving. Kind of making my order obsolete.

“Leave and never return unless I order you to,” I declare, making the pressure return on him mere seconds before his hand is about to reach my throat, the man having rushed forwards to stop me from speaking this time around.

And this time I just give him a casual wave as he’s about to walk through the rift. Seemingly infuriating the man even more.

The man stops right on the other side of the rift this time, without closing the rift.

Then he just stands there glaring at me until I get a bit closer to said rift. Stopping a couple meters in front of it and putting my other hand into my cloak’s pocket after wrapping my arm around my scythe.

I glance around the clearing to find both Ethan and Astrid still frozen in time, and Zal fighting against that same pressure he was facing earlier.

“Release them,” I order the Enforcer, making him do just that a few seconds later. After an initial hesitation.

And the man just gets even angrier at that as he states, “You will regret this in the future, Quantum Reaper.”

I tilt my head at him and ask, “Will I?”

Once more, he gets even angrier.

Then the rift vanishes, following which I return myself to my usual form before turning to Astrid and Ethan and saying, “Well, now that that’s dealt with, are either of you planning on going all out in that tournament?”

They just stare at me.

I wait for a few minutes, only to glance at the Architect to find him staring blankly at me as well.

So I ask, “What?”

Zal seems to snap out of his stupor as he mutters, “I… didn’t realize you had your authority already…”

I open my mouth to respond, only for everything around us to freeze again albeit in a different manner than before. With it all glitching instead of acting like time stopped.

Then another voice that I recognize joins the conversation, “Of course she has authority. But it’s only a fraction of her full authority.”

I turn my head upwards to see the Quantum Ruler appearing above our heads through a rift to the quantum realm.

“Grandfather, not Quantum Ruler,” he corrects me of the umpteenth time.

And I just ignore him for the umpteenth time.

I glance at the others who are frozen before looking at Zal.

Might as well not bother talking if you’re just going to read my mind.

I frown a little at the thought.

Seriously can’t wait until I can block that and keep my mind private again.

“Call me grandfather and I’ll stop reading your mind,” the Ruler states, making me turn to blink at him.

Then I simply nod at him and state, “So why are you here Grandfather?”

Zal gapes at me with more than a little judgment on his face.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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