Realms of Eas


Late at night, well, it's always late at night in the Fields of the everlasting moonless Night, a divine realm, the executives of a certain company met for their regular meeting.
Most of the discussion went by as usual without issues, they had either been briefed beforehand about the topics or it wasn't a subject which needed upfront information, and they soon reached the end of the conference. Though not before two subjects had to be discussed.
"... and lastly my report of our investigations into the nameless information network which had recently appeared in the lower realms.
The papers should have been on your desks three days ago, but for those out of office or unable to read it for other reasons, let me summarize the most important points.
The network is likely to expand in the following cycles and decades. It seems rather robust and adaptable, however it gained those traits by removing any controlling entities. A number of information managers, assassins and couriers form the core, while normal as well as law opposing guilds and businesses buy their services with favors, items or money.
Please note that some of their members also work as part of other organizations.
Can we destroy the network, should it pose issues? As no management exists it would be hard. We would have to basically remove most of their members. No easy task as likely only the informants know most of their members. If we can trust those conclusions based on our observation.
Can we get in contact with the network as usual? Technically yes, but again as no management exists we can't pull the leader on our side. Furthermore with the network mainly working in the information exchange business, we would risk exposure.
In conclusion, i would suggest we either try to infiltrate it or ignore them. Yes, the former would accelerate their growth, but also gain us access to their infos. Not necessarily much at the moment, but it could be useful in a couple decades. The latter would save us some personal while also preventing any links from forming."
Simon paused after condensing his previously lengthy report down to the important bits, then continued. "Did anyone have anything they want to add? And other suggestions how we should deal with it?"
A few moments later a single hand rose, yet before the person behind it could speak he was interrupted. "No Vincent, we won't send the R&D department out. Just get in contact with the information department, should we choose the infiltration."
The hand was put back down.
"If there are no other opinions, i would like to continue with the vote."
A short public vote later, a decision had been made. With a slight majority in its favor, the infiltration won out.
Then with a few more words the executive ended his speech.
Nodding to the man, the chairman of the meeting took back the word. "... Thanks Simon. Now to the last point on our agenda for today, Xandra, anything new from the human resources?"
"One external elimination. The usual. A darkness mage with a second stage affinity who didn't want to join the church and ignored our contact attempts.
One got pulled in by us, while the last one of the potential issues seemed also interested and is currently still under observation. I'll provide further information on that probably by the next meeting.
Unfortunately that is where the good news ends.
Seven of our eight junior members managed to reach the Spring of Destiny, however they were eliminated shortly afterwards. The soul retrieval has failed. As there hadn't been any survivors and we shouldn't have any grudges with the newly ascended goddess of destiny, based on the intel of the information department, i can only assume she doesn't want any prying eyes around. So i wouldn't send a team out to get the souls personally. We are fortunately only talking about a few new members around level 100. Also her title alone makes it likely that she would be prepared and the level restrictions around her divine realm don't make it easier.
In addition the last remaining eighth member, who got delayed by the war in the nearby Flame Sea Shore, has been lost a couple of hours ago."
Even though the woman just reported the death of nine people, no emotion could be seen. She was clearly used to similar reports, even though deaths during missions weren't that common for their company.
"Which lost?" One of the executives asked. It wasn't common for her to use such ambiguous words.
"Lost lost. Soul vanished. Ring ceased to exist. Simultaneously. Seems like a sacrifice, but once he died our rings should have been able to send his soul back to the HQ. Could have also been a cross world summoning, if we want to include all possibilities regardless of likelihood, but according to history we only summon people and none gets summoned from the Realms. Also rather unlikely: a high level space or dimension mage could have kicked him from the world, but those people wouldn't be able to enter the Flame Sea Shore.
... Or it could be the foretold invaders." Xandra explained, the last point rather reluctantly.
"Most people see the invaders behind everything bigger which had happened within the last cycle and wasn't immediately associated with any other known person or organization! I doubt they would start with such an unimportant realm." A rebuttal she had already expected.
Ever since the prophecy had been made public, there had been a lot of tension in the higher realms.
But as she had anticipated the argument, the woman had also prepared a counter.
"Well... there had been a bunch of events in that area of the Realms.
Weird mana fluctuations in the Forest of eternal Twilight, the leader of The first Meadow vanishing, a demigod ascending, a war started by a nameless faction. The first three events are likely to be linked, as the Usurper could have failed the summoning for whatever reason, but why would anyone start a war for such an uninteresting realm? Yes, it could be someone from a well known clan or family. Someone who quickly wants to gain a bunch of levels while also hiding their connections to not cause problems for them and their backing, in case of failure.
But usually they prefer more secure options, nothing hard with their background.
Then killing one of us at level 107 in a realm with a 110 level cap should be basically impossible, unless one wields similar magic or has counters for it. Things i, we, try to prevent since the inception of this company.
However, if we assume the low level invaders have used the summoning rite to enter the realm, killed Hannibal with his men, the only witnesses, and then prepared to take over the Shore? It would make sense and while we know that such an action would create a war-quest and draw in countless competitors, they weren't necessarily aware of it. If we trust the reports of older heroes and reincarnators, there are countless worlds without systems and even those with one usually function differently at least in some way.
Also while Eas could probably prevent such events from happening, it likely wouldn't mind some invaders. Shakes things up, creates more conflict, makes it harder to stagnate."
"Fine. I guess we can say that this incident has the highest odds of actually being caused by the invaders. Though i still think it's more likely to have reasons connected to some forces in the Realms. The behavior doesn't fit a world-ending threat."
Before the discussion could derail further the chairman took the word again. "Let's end our speculation about the reasons here. Just give the information about the missing person to the followers of law. They really like to throw themselves on such cases and we wouldn't need to invest further personal. If it's actually the invaders they are also better equipped to deal with them and will let us know. Or does anyone here have other ideas?"
After a few moments of silence, there was an answer. "I could send out someone from my R&D depar-"
"No! Anyone else?"
As no one who wasn't Vincent answered, he continued. "Okay then... Simon, please inform the followers. Xandra, are there any other points you still need to discuss?" "None." "Good. Is there anything still left which needs discussion and hasn't been put on the agenda beforehand?" More silence. "Then i'll conclude our meeting for today. Thanks for your contribution. We'll see us in 16 days."

Eric could only sigh in relief as the followers of law finally left his smithy. Not that they would have found anything if they stayed longer, however it was still mentally taxing. Also it was bad for the business just having them around. At least they also looked at the other stores who temporarily opened a branch here near the war zone without any clear targets.
"Hey uncle, do you know who those were?" A young seeming girl suddenly spoke to him. He had no idea where she had come from, but then again, he had been more focused on the uninvited guests he couldn't just kick out without causing even more annoying questions. She was still weird, as the girl was munching on a bunch of meat skewers, worth quite the fortune, and for some reason a [Homo sapiens Lv 100] didn't know about the followers.
Also it was unusual to see someone with her status still have her appearance, since it took some time to reach level 100 and even after visiting the fountain of youth one would usually not get rejuvenated to such an extent. Well, nothing was impossible in the Realms and it was irrelevant who the girl was or how she looked. She was a potential customer and that was all that mattered.
"The followers of law. Just a bunch of people who try to keep the order in Eas. They don't have any real privileges outside of the realms under their direct control, but since they are mainly against theft, slavery and murder they kind of just got accepted as those in charge of the fight against crimes." He shrugged. "But it's still annoying to have them around since then everyone assumes that something has happened which required their involvement. Though if i had to guess they are probably here to prevent anyone from selling cheap work force..." Eric explained.
"Interesting..." The girl commented. She had decimated most of her skewers during the lecture and now threw the two remaining ones over her shoulder.
The smith was about to comment about dirtying his house, wasting money and food, but then a giant maw manifested behind the small being and swallowed the thrown pieces of meat together with the metal without even chewing.
He hadn't expected such a display. It was rare that people showed off, since it meant exposing one's cards for little gains.
Though as the businessman the smith was, he tried to analyze her abilities and maybe recommend one of his weapons.
Unfortunately the only thing he could think of, which might come close, was something like a devour affinity. However he had no idea what her previous ones could have been or what exactly it could entail, besides eating stuff. Maybe some derivation from rot or flesh? But that would make it a 4th stage affinity...
What had he been thinking about again? Probably nothing important.
The girl had by then already long left the store.

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