Realms of Eas

0006 – Character Creation (2)

As it turned out, the class at least did something, though Sarah still wished she knew what. Fortunately it was an additional affinity and didn't fill in her one affinity slot with something useless for the foreseeable future.




The help menu again didn't offer much, just a confirmation about what she already knew, though it seemed everyone not born with an affinity could choose one of those six as their first affinity.
"Hm... probably fire and that unknown one i got as i selected the extra class as well as all classes... too bad i can't take all the elements..." answered Sera to the earlier questions.
Sarah half expected such an answer. "Didn't you read the info from Eas? Ignoring that Darkness should fit you better as you should be able to change that later, why are you taking all classes? Wouldn't it be better to just take one you want to focus on and, if you really want more, add them later?"
"Eh... whatever, it'll probably work out. ... and it's now too late anyway." Answered her sister, who most likely just finished gaining all classes she could.
Again sighing she gave up. It was what she expected and it wasn't worth thinking about it now. Besides, as far as she knew her sister, she would probably somehow manage to work around the drawbacks for multiple classes sooner or later.

Back to her own decision. Fire and air were ruled out fast. She wasn't a fighter and using them in a productive way was probably hard at the beginning. Similarly light and darkness were out. One of those was probably her way to gain access to Mana affinity or something like that, but when she could trust Eas - which wasn't completely the case, but for the moment she just had to assume that the mindreading gamemaster was trustworthy - she was probably able get it also with the other elements. So the choice was between earth and water. Earth could probably focus on crystals and metal, while water had ice, at least in regard to useful components of the elements. Finally a decision which wasn't that hard.
[You gained Water as an affinity.]
It was way too versatile to pass on it.

Now just the choice for her class was still open.
However there wasn't much of a choice as only one class appeared in the menu.


Searcher of #####

(The only class for you, as you gained #####. The lock and the key to that which lies here and beyond. The path and barrier to that which is known and unknown. That which was will be and that which will be was. You have seen a glimmer of a truth, but the glimmer has also seen you. Mental class, focused on the search. You will not gain skills through this class. You can not gain other classes. Eases the acquisition of certain skills through other means.)


Sarah was shocked. She didn't expect to lose all her class choices for some cryptic one, which didn't even offer skills. As her other classes didn't reappear even after opening and closing the window a few times, she tried to ask her sister. "Sera, did you also gain a weird class after you chose your extra class?"
"No? You? Lucky... What is it?" was the way too happy answer.
"You wouldn't call me lucky if you knew that that class replaced all other class options, doesn't give skills and prevents you from getting more classes, so no... what? Quintuple-classing for you?" retorted Sarah sarcastically and somewhat annoyed.
"You had only five classes?" Replied Sera a bit sad for her sister only having so few before answering her question, "what was the word for double that?"
The scientist gave up. For the third time in the last minutes. "Forget it. I'll just take that weird one and hope it does something once i figure out what my extra class is."

[You gained the Searcher of ##### class.]

[Sarah Goldschmidt

Age: 3
Species: Human Lv 0

Searcher of ##### Lv 0
##### Lv 0 Ex


Water Lv 0

Condition: Mindmelted

Genius of Mind
Progenitor of a new Age
The first Mage
Nemesis of Gods
Breaker of Reality
World Invader
Witness of the Unthinkable


Hlth  44/ 60
Stmn  52/ 60
Snty  32/340
Mana   1/410

Vit  6
End  6
Str  7
Agi  8
Dex 10

Wil 34
Sol 41
Int 29
Prc 22
Mnd 28


Mana Efficiency 2
Mana Harvesting 9
Mana Sense 4
Micro Magic 10
Overmind 1
Perfect Memory -
Spell Carving 10
Spell Casting 10
Spell Creation 5
Spell Hacking 3
Soulbond 1


Everything was set. Not that she liked her class selection, but she had to deal with it somehow. That her sanity got reduced by another point was a bit worrying, however for the moment she just hoped that it was due to her trying to remember what happened directly after being summoned and not some lingering aftereffects of that. But to be sure Sarah planed to check on that state periodically.
However much time to think about it wasn't granted to her, as Eas continued with its explanatory text-boxes.

[Now then, since you finished selecting your affinities and classes, i guess i can drop you off in the world.]
With that the two girls were slowly getting covered in a bright light.
[By the way, your bodies will be adjusted to the new world, so do not get too surprised when you look a bit different.]
And just as Eas was sure that one of them had finished reading the second message they vanished. A 'trick', if one wanted to call it that, it had learned over the aeons. The summoned usually reacted negatively to the news of getting their bodies adjusted followed by thousands of questions and a lot of emotions. There were even cases where the summoned people declined to sign the contract due to it. So it just let that piece of information slip in at the end while letting them think they are slowly transferred with some light effects. Later they could still ask the help menu or those around them.
Was it necessary this time? Maybe not. At least one of them seemed like a reasonable and logical person, while the other may not even read the message, however it didn't want to risk it. Creating and maintaining those custom realms in between space and time takes some effort and only so much mana is offered during the summoning. The mana offered this time was more than normal, but there were two people to summon and it had to fix a few breaches due to the haphazardly modified summoning spell. In the end it worked out somehow, since that one girl seemed to like fail-safes.

The space shattered and returned to what it was before, not that most beings could even fathom it or it's description and only received sanity damage.

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