Really Strange Stuff

Prelude pt.1 – October Live Stream

note: the Really Strange Stuff crew first appeared in Club Luna as a couple minor antagonists back in chapters 99 - 105, before turning up again towards the end of book four in what was at the time a patreon-exclusive interlude, in between Club Luna chapters 155 and 156. that bonus chapter is now this prelude, as we begin their own story. 

spoilers: this story will spoil some details from Club Luna since it takes place after & refers to events in Club Luna books 3 & 4

"Hey folks!" announced the handsome young man with the short sandy-blond hair and bright blue eyes. "Welcome to the stream!"

After a short pause for some obvious canned applause special effects he continued, "I'm Keith Wilson and this here's my man Chaz Varela."

The camera panned to the right to reveal a second man, who raised his drink in a toast as he responded "Hey folks."

His beverage might have been soda or it could have been beer, the can was hidden inside a foam coozie with the Really Strange Stuff logo facing the camera.

A moment later the view zoomed out to fit both men in the frame, with Keith sitting on the left and Chaz on the right. They were kind of chilling on a sofa in what looked like somebody's rec room, and both were casually dressed in jeans and t-shirts. The shirts both had the RSS logo prominently screened across the front.

Despite being seated it seemed fairly obvious Keith was the taller and slimmer of the two, while Chaz had more of a stocky appearance. His messy black hair looked overdue for a trim but his dark eyes glinted with with wit. Also visible in the shot was a phone on the arm-rest next to Keith, and a tablet in a stand on a side-table facing Chaz.

The blond continued with his spiel, "As usual we're coming at you live from the Really Strange Stuff world headquarters, streaming from our top secret location somewhere outside of Chicago. And friends, we have got something special in store for you tonight!"

"That's right Keith," Chaz took over. "Before we get started though let's have a shout-out to our buddy Gorgonz-Hola for moderating the chat on the stream. We're -"

Keith interrupted with an enthusiastic, "Yeah! Shout-out to the Gorgon!"

"Shout-out Gorgon," Chaz repeated with a grin.

"And shout-out to my fabulous girlfriend Bailey!" Keith added, "She's behind the camera again tonight, and as usual she's on top of all the technical details for tonight's stream. So thanks babe!"

Chaz nodded, "Yeah for sure! Shout-out Bailey!"

There was another pause for some more of the canned applause, before the co-host got serious again.

"Anyways," he stated into the camera, "Let's keep the chat polite and on-topic tonight, ok folks? Speaking of topics, we'll be touching on some stuff that can get a little divisive, there'll be some LGBTQ stuff and while we don't want to silence anyone's opinions we do have to ask that folks keep any hatred or bigotry to themselves. Gorgonz-Hola has his big ban-hammer out and he'll be booting anyone who crosses the line."

"Right," Keith nodded. "Anyways let's get on with the show! So by now I know all you folks know about that huge case we've been researching in Canada right? We went up there looking for catgirls and bunnygirls, not only did we find them but we uncovered a huge conspiracy up there. They've got werewolves, they've got men in black, even the government was involved trying to cover it up and silence us -"

This time Chaz interrupted, "We will not be silenced!"

"Damn right!" Keith nodded. "So we're still working on that case, and we've had another huge breakthrough which we're bringing to you live tonight on the stream! So buckle up folks this is going to be wild!"

Chaz added, "Hat tip and shout-out to Really Strange Stuff subscriber 'Shorkie' for this one. She saw our big exposé back in July and reached out to us with information that led to tonight's stream."

"Shout-out Shorkie!" the blond shouted as he raised his coffee mug in a toast. Just like Chaz's can coozie, Keith's mug had the stream's logo prominently displayed so the camera could pick it up.

Then the host looked at his friend and said, "So you took the lead on this one Chaz, tell us how it went down."

"Long story short," Chaz began, "Someone calling themself 'Kid Chaos' is behind the recent wave of demi-humans. Catgirls, bunnygirls, foxboys, wolf-enbies, you get the picture. So this Kid Chaos allegedly lurks in a few trans discords, and they're mailing enchanted plush toys to almost anybody who asks for them. So yeah, most of the demi-humans seem to be trans. And the fuzzy ears and furry tails are kind of like a side-effect? They're getting an instant magic transition, but that also includes some animal features."

Keith asked, "You said most of them are trans, but not all?"

The cohost nodded, "That's right. Not every demi-human is trans. It's hard to come up with numbers but my rough informal estimate is ten to fifteen percent of them are cis."

"Interesting," Keith stated. "But boring. So let's get on with the exciting stuff already!"

He looked at the camera and grinned, "My man Chaz went undercover into a couple of those trans discords. He pretended to be a trans girl and started digging around for more information on this Kid Chaos. And folks, you won't believe what happened. Chaz?"

There was a faint but noticeable blush on the cohost's olive complexion by that point. He had a gulp of his drink then shrugged, "So I posed as a trans girl named Serenity, I came up with a back-story about how I couldn't afford HRT and my family were unsupportive and all that stuff? Painted a picture of a desperate trans girl who's only hope was finding this Kid Chaos. And folks, you're not going to believe this!"

Keith reached around the side of the sofa for something, then grinned as he revealed a small nondescript cardboard box. It was about six inches by six inches and maybe an inch deep. The camera zoomed in close enough to read the information on the box, except some of it was already redacted.

The shipping label had been partly covered over with black tape, same with the return address. What was visible to the camera was the fact that the package had been mailed from Canada, and it was addressed to someone named Serenity.

"That's right folks!" the blond host stated with a wide smile. "Kid Chaos sent our girl Serenity here a package! And she's going to open it right now, live on the stream!"

Chaz was blushing again as he took the parcel, "Yeah yeah, you know I was just bullshitting all that right? You know what 'undercover' means, don't you?"

"I'm just funning you dude!" Keith laughed. "Now open that thing up, let's see what you got!"

The cohost pulled out a pocket knife, which didn't appear to have the RSS logo printed on it anywhere. He carefully cut through the packing tape on the small container, then set the knife aside and opened up the little box.

"Ok looks like we got a note," he said as he pulled out a folded piece of paper. "And hold up, there's two little plush toys in here!"

He pulled them out and held them for the camera, which zoomed in to reveal a pair of small keychain-sized plushies. On the right was a black cat with sparkling green eyes, on the left was a calico kitty with sparkling amber eyes.

"Oh sweet, you got two of them!" Keith exclaimed. The camera panned back out as he reached over and grabbed the calico plushie.

Then he started describing it, "For our audio listeners the plushies are about two inches long? They look like they're made of yarn, the head and body is stuffed while the legs and tail are just kind of floppy. The one Chaz is holding is a fuzzy black cat with green eyes, the one I grabbed is more colourful. It's got a white belly and paws, but the head, sides, back, and tail are all a patchwork of orange, brown, and black."

"The plushies look like they're meant to be clipped to a key-ring or whatever," he added. "They have a little loop of nylon thread sticking out the back that's connected to a plastic clip. The clip and loop on mine are both orange, while Chaz's are black. Basically it looks pretty cheaply made, the kind of thing you'd find in a dollar-store discount bin."

Chaz commented, "I'm not sure why we got two of them, considering I only asked for one. Anyways let's see what the note has to say."

He held the plushie in his left hand as he unfolded the paper with his right, while Keith continued holding his plushie as he leaned closer to get a look at the note too.

"Ok it's handwritten which is unexpected," Chaz stated. "And I'm no expert but I'm gonna say my guess is Kid Chaos is a girl? It looks like a girl's writing."

Then he read it out, "Hi Serenity, sorry things have been so rough for you. I hope they're about to get a whole lot better. Your story moved me so much I decided to send you something special. Enclosed are a pair of enchanted plush toys I prepared just for you and your girlfriend. I know you only asked for one but I figure your gf might like one for herself as well. To activate them the two of you just have to hold your plushies while one of you says the magic word..."

He paused and it was clear he wasn't going to say the next part out loud.

Then he continued, "That'll turn you and your girlfriend into cats, just like the plushies. Put a paw on the plushie and say it again, you'll both transform into your ideal catgirl forms! That's all there is to it. After that you can keep using the plushies to change between cat and catgirl as often as you like, but you'll never be able to return to your original body again. Oh and remember not to lose your plushies! You won't be able to change forms without them. Good luck! Signed, Kid Chaos."

The two guys were quiet for a few seconds as they sort of stared at the note and the plush toys in their hands. Then the blond host asked, "So who's your girlfriend? Have I met her? Or was that part of the story you cooked up when you were pretending to be Serenity?"

"Yeah the 'girlfriend' was just part of the act," Chaz shrugged. "I claimed Serenity was dating another trans girl, but didn't ask for two plushies. I guess Kid Chaos was just feeling extra generous or something."

At that point the two guys both seemed to be distracted by something. Keith had a look at his phone while Chaz checked his tablet. They were both still holding their little plush toys though.

"Ok looks like chat is going a bit wild here," Keith announced with a grin. "Everybody wants to know what the magic word is, and at least half of them want to see a transformation live on the stream. So why don't you go ahead and tell them that special word, Chaz?"

The cohost laughed nervously, "Come on man, I don't really want to turn into a catgirl. And that's assuming these things are even real, which seems pretty unlikely to me. I know that's what folks are claiming, but honestly? I find it hard to believe that someone's just mailing magic items out for free to anyone who asks."

Keith rolled his eyes, "Don't be such a chicken-shit dude. This could be our big break! The chance to prove magic is real, live on a stream, in front of hundreds of viewers!"

"Then why don't you do it?" Chaz responded in a sort of 'I dare you' tone.

"You know what? I will!" the handsome blond replied. He held up his hand with the little calico plush toy then addressed the camera, "Here we go folks! The magic word is Mew!"

At the same time Chaz exclaimed, "No hey wait! I -"

The stream seemed to glitch at that point. There was a burst of both video and audio static before it stabilized again. Except the two hosts were gone.

In their place sat a pair of small house cats. On the left was a cute little short-hair calico, and on the right was a long-hair black floof with a pair of bright emerald green eyes. The two cats were sitting atop some discarded clothes, what appeared to be jeans and t-shirts. And next to the cats were the two little plush toys.

"Oh holy fuck!" a girl's voice gasped somewhere in the background.

There were some sounds of movement as a third figure entered the frame. It was a girl with short messy red hair, freckles, and glasses. She was wearing jeans and a hoodie, and seemed like a perfect blend of cute and nerdy. It had to be their camera operator Bailey, and she was freaking out because her boyfriend was now a small calico kitty.

She slowly moved towards the sofa as she stared wide-eyed at the two cats. And they were looking back at her as well, with curious expressions on their little faces as if they were wondering what she was doing.

The camera girl looked and sounded confused and scared as she approached the left side of the sofa. She looked down at the little calico cat and asked, "Keith? Is that you? Holy shit this can't be happening! Change yourself back! Please?"

The two cats stared at the redhead for another second or two, then turned to look at each other. And that's when they both finally reacted. The black cat hissed and its back arched, while the calico's tail puffed up and it crouched down small as if frightened.

"Guys!" Bailey suddenly exclaimed. "The plushies! Touch them and say the word again, that'll turn you back! Right?"

The cats looked at each other again, then they both reached paws out towards the plush toys. The calico made a cute little 'mew' sound, and the stream glitched out once again. After a burst of audio and video static it came back to another unexpected sight.

The two cats were gone, but the original hosts hadn't returned either. Instead a pair of young attractive and very naked women were sitting on the sofa, looking shocked and confused.

On the left was a petite busty girl, with fair skin and amber eyes. Her hair was dyed into random streaks of white, black, brown, and orange. It was cut in a cute pixie style that worked perfectly with her rounded face and wide full lips. Poking up through her hair were a pair of fuzzy triangular cat ears. And wrapped around her right hip was a long furry feline tail, that was still puffed up in alarm. Both her ears and tail had the same calico pattern as the little cat had a few seconds earlier.

On the right sat a tall slim sexy young woman with a perfectly tanned olive complexion. Her long jet-black hair flowed partway down her back. Her bright green eyes were open wide in surprise, but her lips were starting to curl up into a smile. A pair of tall black tufted cat ears stood up ontop of her head, while a long floofy black tail wrapped around her left hip. The end of her tail began swishing back and forth as she looked down at herself in amazement.

"Guys?" Bailey asked again nervously. "Is that really you? Keith? Please say something?"

The calico catgirl stared up at the redhead, her eyes still wide in shock. She looked like she didn't know what to say or how to react. After another couple seconds she finally gulped and nodded, "It's me Bailey. I don't know what..."

Her words trailed off as she seemed to realize what she sounded like. The cute high-pitched voice matched her petite curvy feminine frame perfectly.

At the same time the hot ravenette on the right started to blush. She moved her hands to cover herself as she whispered to the camera girl, "Hey Bailey? We're still streaming right?"

"Oops!" the redhead grimaced as she scrambled back out of view to get into her position behind the scenes.

Then in a sultry femme voice the tall slim black-haired catgirl addressed the camera, "This is Serenity and uh, let's call her Callie for now? This is Serenity and Callie. And friends? This right here is some Really Strange Shit."

The petite calico catgirl shook her head then finally seemed to get over her shock. She exclaimed, "Holy shit Bailey, cut the stream! Go to break or something! What the fuck are -"

At that point the live image was replaced by a pre-recorded ad for the Really Strange Stuff merchandise collection, featuring t-shirts, mugs, and can coozies as seen in tonight's episode.

Can't wait to find out what happens next? Join our Patreon and get immediate access to the next chapter, bonus chapters, and more! Patrons have already read up to chapter 6 and you could too!

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