Reality Breaker: Edge of Reality

Chapter 26: The disappearing Flames

The arena buzzed with excitement as the crowd surged with anticipation. Minho, Jinwoo, and Taeyang faced each other in a triangle, each one a testament to raw power and determination. Minho stood tall, his flames flickering brightly around him, illuminating the arena with a warm, orange glow. Jinwoo cracked his knuckles, energy sparking at his fingertips, while Taeyang bounced lightly on his feet, ready to unleash his formidable strength.

“Let’s see what you’ve got!” Taeyang called, a confident grin spreading across his face.

“Like I said don’t underestimate me,” Minho shot back, brandishing his blue blade, the flames dancing in sync with his movements.

Jinwoo smirked, glancing between his opponents. “We’ll see who’s left standing.”

With a collective roar from the crowd, the battle erupted. Taeyang charged first, barreling toward Minho with fists raised, unleashing a flurry of powerful punches. Minho deflected the first strike, flames igniting along his blade as he countered with a slash aimed at Taeyang’s midsection.

“Too slow!” Taeyang grunted, dodging to the side and launching a kick aimed at Minho’s head.

Minho ducked just in time, feeling the rush of air as Taeyang’s foot whistled past. “Nice try!” he taunted, retaliating with a burst of fire that shot toward Taeyang, the flames spiraling with intense heat.

The crowd gasped as Taeyang rolled out of the way, narrowly escaping the inferno. “You think fire is enough to take me down?” he shouted, excitement coursing through him as he pushed forward again.

Meanwhile, Jinwoo seized the opportunity, dashing towards Minho. “You’re gonna need more than that!” He unleashed a bolt of lightning from his fingertips, aiming for Minho’s back.

Minho spun around just in time, bringing his blade up to deflect the attack. The collision sent a shockwave rippling through the arena, electrifying the atmosphere. “Not today!” Minho shouted, his voice ringing out over the crowd’s cheers.

The three fighters engaged in a dance of strikes and dodges, each move met with counterattacks that reverberated through the arena. Taeyang and Jinwoo worked in tandem, exploiting Minho’s focus on defending against their relentless assault.

As the battle raged on, the energy in the arena surged. The crowd’s roars became a deafening cacophony, fueling the fighters’ determination. Minho’s flames flared brighter, matching the energy in the air, until—without warning—everything changed.

In the middle of a swift attack, Minho felt a sudden, icy grip around his core. The flames that had once surged around him flickered ominously, fading into nothingness. Confusion gripped him, and he froze momentarily, disbelief washing over his features.

“What the—?!” Minho gasped, glancing at his hands, which were now devoid of the fire that had been his ally just moments before.

“Got you now!” Taeyang shouted, seizing the moment of vulnerability. He lunged forward, delivering a powerful punch that connected squarely with Minho’s gut. The impact knocked the wind out of him, sending him sprawling to the ground.

The crowd gasped in unison, a wave of concern rippling through the stands. “What happened to his fire?” one voice echoed amidst the chaos.

“Is he out of the fight?” another cried, the worry palpable in the air.

But Minho struggled to catch his breath, the sudden loss of his flames leaving him feeling exposed and vulnerable. Panic surged through him, threatening to overwhelm his determination. He could hear Cale’s voice in his mind, urging him to rise, but the chill in his body kept him grounded.

Taeyang, riding the high of his successful attack, grinned. “Looks like the fire has gone out!” he taunted, stepping closer to Minho, who was still trying to regain his composure. “You're out of this fight now!”

As Minho lay on the ground, struggling to regain his breath, the atmosphere in the arena shifted. The crowd’s cheers faded into a murmur, the tension palpable as Taeyang turned his attention to Jinwoo.

“Looks like the fire is out for him,” Taeyang said, a triumphant smirk spreading across his face. “Now it’s just you and me, Jinwoo.”

Jinwoo narrowed his eyes, a determined glint in them. “Don’t get too cocky, Taeyang. This fight isn’t over yet.”

The two fighters squared off, the arena buzzing with anticipation once more. Taeyang took a step forward, his fists clenched, ready to unleash his power. “Let’s see if you can handle my strength!”

With a sudden burst of speed, Taeyang charged at Jinwoo, his fists raised in a flurry of punches. Jinwoo expertly sidestepped, his agility shining as he ducked and weaved, narrowly avoiding Taeyang’s onslaught.

“Not bad,” Jinwoo remarked, his voice steady as he prepared to counter. “But you’ll have to do better than that!”

In a swift motion, Jinwoo conjured a bolt of lightning, launching it toward Taeyang with precision. The bolt crackled through the air, illuminating the arena in a blinding flash.

“Too predictable!” Taeyang roared, his muscles coiling as he sidestepped the attack. He retaliated instantly, leaping high into the air and aiming a powerful kick down at Jinwoo.

Jinwoo reacted quickly, raising his arms to deflect the blow. The impact resonated through his body, sending him staggering back, but he quickly regained his footing.

“Nice try, but you’ll need more than brute strength!” Jinwoo taunted, gathering energy at his fingertips. He unleashed a series of rapid-fire lightning strikes, each one aiming to catch Taeyang off guard.

Taeyang, however, was undeterred. With incredible reflexes, he blocked and dodged the strikes, the air sizzling around him as he moved. “You think you can wear me down? I thrive on a challenge!”

With that, he charged again, his fists glowing with energy as he unleashed a series of powerful punches aimed directly at Jinwoo. The two fighters clashed, their movements a blur of speed and strength, each blow met with equal force.

Jinwoo’s agility allowed him to dodge and counter, but Taeyang’s relentless assault began to push him back. “You’re strong, but you’re not invincible!” Jinwoo shouted, channeling more energy as he prepared for his next move.

“Let’s see what you’ve got!” Taeyang shouted, his confidence unshaken. He charged forward, his fists igniting with fiery energy.

In a stunning display of power, Taeyang unleashed a devastating punch, the force of it sending shockwaves through the arena. Jinwoo barely managed to roll out of the way, feeling the rush of air as the punch grazed his side.

As they exchanged blows, the crowd erupted into cheers, the energy in the arena reaching a fever pitch. Both fighters were pushed to their limits, sweat glistening on their foreheads, determination etched into their expressions.

“Impressive,” Jinwoo said, breathing heavily. “But I’m just getting started!” He raised his hands, drawing on the surrounding energy.

With a fierce yell, he summoned a massive bolt of lightning, larger than any he had conjured before. The crackling energy illuminated the arena, casting dramatic shadows across their faces.

“Not today!” Taeyang shouted, focusing all his strength. He charged at Jinwoo, determination in his eyes, preparing to meet the lightning head-on.

The clash of energy and power sent a shockwave through the arena, illuminating the crowd's faces in awe. Sparks flew, and the ground trembled as the two fighters collided in a breathtaking display of strength and skill.

“Let’s finish this!” Taeyang yelled, pushing through the electricity, his fists glowing with intensity.

“Agreed!” Jinwoo replied, channeling every ounce of energy he had left.

In that climactic moment, the arena held its breath, waiting to see who would emerge victorious from this fierce showdown.

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