Real teaching, teammates from Sobu High School

Chapter 102

On the day of the special exam, the commanders of the three grades were taken to different self-media classrooms.

Yukino Yukinoshita was taken to the operating table and taught by the staff how to operate it. Nearly half an hour later, the school's special exam began.

【First round begins】

【The first-year commanders were given the right to choose, and the project they were inspected for was - computer operation】

"Is this the only vague hint?"

The black-haired girl frowned slightly.

Computer operation?

Computers can be operated in many ways.

Being good at typing is computer operation.

Being able to use office software such as Excel is also considered computer operation.

Cross-domain and setting up a proxy server are also computer operations.

The scope is really too wide.

"Among the first-year students, the one who is best at using computers should be Sotomura from Class E."Yukinoshita Yukino recalled the student information she had memorized,"But the exam items mentioned by the school are too vague."

"Should we let the second and third grades fight first to test the style of this exam?"

Yukino frowned.

She realized that this exam was not easy.

The people taking the exam involved three different groups of forces.

Even if they had agreed to cooperate before, if their own interests were damaged, then the cooperation would break down.

If Yukinoshita arranged a competition between the second and third grades, and the third grades lost.

Then would the third grades still cooperate with the first grades?

【The first-year commander has 5 minutes to choose.

The school broadcast reminded Yukinoshita Yukino

"According to Kushida-san's information, there are no second-year students who are particularly good at computers."

"Even if the questions given by the school are not necessarily what the students from Tomura are good at, there should be no problem."

Yukinoshita Yukino made the operation and selected the first and second graders to compete.

Then when selecting the contestants, she found the column of Class E of the first year and decided to send Hideo Tomura.

【Round 1: Computer Operation】

【The first-year commander chooses the first-year to compete with the second-year】

【Hideo Somura, class 1, E, please follow your homeroom teacher to the exam location as soon as possible.

Hideo Somura, who was sitting in a daze in the classroom, was stunned.

"Do you want to play?!"

Sotomura was indeed confident that he had a good computer skill, but he did not expect that there would be items related to computer operation in the special exam.

If he lost, the score of Class E would become negative.

If he chose to drop out at that time, he would most likely be selected by others.

"Doctor, if you lose the game, I will never forgive you!"

Sudo pounded the table, making a loud noise.

Ever since Horikita Suzune dropped out of school, his temper has become as bad as before.

"Yes, I’m sorry… I don’t dare to go."

Waicun, who was already scared, was now trembling with fear.

"You don't have to be afraid, Sotomura-san."

Kushida Kikyo ran to Sotomura and gently held his hand."Although Sudo-san said it very harshly, I'm sure he hopes that you don't have to be nervous."


Tomura looked at the red-haired man with a glaring look, not quite believing it.

"If you are afraid of fighting alone, I will go with you next time." Kushida Kikyo smiled and said,"Although I probably can't go into the competition venue, it's okay for me to cheer you up outside the examination room."

""Chabare-sensei, is that ok?"

Kushida Kikyo looked at the female teacher standing at the door of the classroom.

"If you just stand outside the examination room and wait, the school will not care."Chabashira Sae answered the student's question

"The teacher said there is no problem." Kushida Kikyo blinked her beautiful eyes and a beautiful smile bloomed on her face,"Sotomura, are you still nervous now?"

"No, no more!"

Being encouraged by the cute girl in the class, Waicun felt full of strength.

Men at this time must not say no!

Waicun came to the examination room accompanied by the girl and competed with the second-year senior.

The content of the exam is to complete the school's requirements within the specified time.

If both parties complete it within the specified time, or neither of them completes it, then the school will assign the next task until one party completes it and the other party does not.

The first question was just a simple software uninstallation problem, with a time limit of 3 minutes.

Both Waicun and the second-year seniors completed it successfully.

But in the second requirement, it became a little difficult.

It turned out to be using Excel statistical data

"Fortunately, I helped the teacher with these materials when I was in junior high school."

Although Gaimura rarely used Excel, he quickly figured out how to operate it and successfully completed the task assigned by the school.

On the other hand, the second-year students were a little confused.

Damn, who would have the opportunity to use Excel?

Normally, if you encounter computer operations that you don't know how to do, you can just search online.

But the trouble is that the second-year seniors are not sure whether this behavior is considered cheating.

Cheating is strictly prohibited in Highly Cultivated School. If you encounter such a thing, you will be expelled directly.

""Nanyun, help me!" the second-year student shouted.

In this exam, students participating in the competition can communicate with the commander through the intercom.

However, they can only request support once.

"Don't you know how to use such a simple thing?"

Nan Yun frowned slightly.

After all, he was the vice president of the student union and had to use computers to process some data. He was quite familiar with the operation of office software.

After telling the contestants how to operate, the second grade had used up the opportunity to ask for help in this competition. From now on, the contestants can only complete the exam by themselves.

"Is this a Photoshop?"

Looking at the new requirements, the second-year seniors widened their eyes.

Is this school sick?

Can't they test computer operations that can be used in daily life?

Unlike the frustrated second-year seniors, Waimura was relieved.

"Fortunately, I know a little bit about PS."

In the end, Waimura successfully completed the question within the specified time, while the second-year senior student worked hard for a long time but failed.

【First round results: First grade wins, second grade loses】

【[Student Sotomura Hideo from Class E of the first year will receive an additional 200 points for class change]

If he collects 1,000 points for class change, Sotomura will have the opportunity to jump directly from Class E to Class A.

But he has no time to think about class change now.

After the game, he breathed a sigh of relief, glad that he could win.

Compared with other grades, the conditions in the first grade are really too poor.

If we are not careful, two classes will drop out.

We can't afford to lose!

On the other side.

In the multimedia classroom.

Looking at Sotomura's tired appearance, Yukino Yukinoshita was thoughtful.

"So we also need to take the players' psychological endurance into consideration?"

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