Real film and television: After choosing the villain path, I am invincible

Chapter 27

Late at night.

Prime Minister's Office.

A dark shadow that ordinary people cannot detect enters the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Prime Minister's study.

The shadow suddenly appeared and taunted: "I never thought that Prime Minister Liu, who is known for his integrity as a civil official, would invite a eunuch like me!"

An old man in the study who was in high spirits was not surprised by the shadow's sudden appearance. He put down his brush and replied :

"The world is bustling with people, all for profit; the world is bustling with people, all for profit. The reputation of integrity is just for outsiders to see. The only thing that never changes is profit. Mr. Wang should know this better than Mr. Liu."

It turns out The black shadow is Wang Qizong, the head of the East Factory, and the vigorous old man is the prime minister of the current dynasty.

"Hahaha!" Wang Qizong laughed, "Liu Wenzheng you are such a hypocrite!"

Liu Wenzheng was not annoyed, "For most people, a hypocrite is better than a real villain, because they don't know the truth, they only see the surface." Wang Qizong looked disdainful, "When you are ruined, you will be worse than me!"

Liu Wenzheng smiled, "I won't have that day!"

"Because we have a common enemy, Wang Factory Association will help me."

Wang Qizong He looked at Liu Wen Zheng with interest and said, "I heard that today Prime Minister Tian was severely humiliated by Cao Shaoqin, and you can't stand it?" Liu Wenzhen retorted, "I was just humiliated today. Mr. Wang's prestige has been ruined in the past year. Not only can he not protect his godson, after all, your godson Quite a few, but even the top, second and third bosses of the East Factory were killed by the King of Jin, which is really a joke.

"Now even a small seventh-rank official dares to call Wang a eunuch dog!"

"If I , would have committed suicide out of shame long ago!"

"You!" Wang Qizong could no longer hold back.

But after a while, he calmed down again, "The Prime Minister didn't ask me to come here to mock me, did he?"

"Of course not, I asked Mr. Wang to come here to discuss important matters." Liu Wenzheng's eyes suddenly became sharp, like an eagle watching Lang Gu, "Let's join forces to get rid of the King of Jin!"

Wang Qizong was not surprised either, he had guessed it long ago, and sighed, "The King of Jin is the emperor's favored one, how can it be so easy to get rid of him!"

Liu Wenzheng smiled, "You are so Understand the heart of the emperor. The prestige of the King of Jin among the people is unrivaled. I am not afraid, it just hasn't reached the breaking point yet. Once someone triggers the suspicion in your majesty's heart, the King of Jin will die without a burial place. "

"The peak will decline, the full moon will wane, the full essence will overflow, this is an eternal law. The unchanging truth!"

"When the prestige of King Jin reaches its peak, it will be his decline. Now all he needs is a pusher."

"As long as we do this, this..., King Jin will surely die!"

" Hahaha! You scholars have such dirty hearts! "Wang Qizong laughed.

The next day, early morning court.

Ninety percent of the officials were on high alert, because they knew something big was going to happen today.

Wang Qizong was the first to say, "Your Majesty, the factory guards discovered that the Prince of Jin had privately made a dragon robe at home! This was the dragon robe that the factory guards stole at the risk of their lives."

The Emperor Qian's first reaction was, "Impossible, the Prince of Jin has no intention of rebelling. ”

Wang Qizong continued: “It is an ironclad fact that the people secretly built a shrine for the King of Jin. Everyone knows this. They said, ‘If the King of Jin could become the emperor, their lives would be better! ’ "

Emperor Qian was a little shaken and fell into deep thought.

He had long been wary of the reputation of the King of Jin among the people.

Several good officials immediately knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, don't believe Mr. Wang, this is all fabricated by him. The King of Jin is devoted to For the people! I will never do anything to rebel! "

The King of Jin is dedicated to the people, and this sentence hurts Emperor Qian again!

At this time, Prime Minister Liu suddenly gave a look to the other officials.

These officials are all anti-Jin The king's camp.

All the officials knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, please understand that the King of Jin has no intention of rebelling. We are willing to guarantee it with our lives!"

It was the first time that Emperor Qian saw all the officials agree so unanimously.

They actually agreed Plead for the King of Jin!

Emperor Qian's eyes began to become dangerous, and all his officials were actually on the side of the King of Jin.

If the King of Jin really rebelled.

Then! I dare not imagine!

"How dare you! What are you doing? Am I a tyrant? ? Am I unable to distinguish right from wrong? I will make a fair judgment on this matter, and I will leave the court!"

Emperor Qian was furious and left with a wave of his sleeves.

"Your Majesty, the King of Jin will never rebel, please understand!" All the officials Continue to shout.

Until Emperor Qian completely left and his back could not be seen, the officials stopped shouting.

Liu Wenzheng and Wang Qizong smiled at each other.

This kind of situation

Besides, no emperor would let King Jin go.

King Jin is dead!


The Royal Forest Army and the Dongchang Factory Guards were dispatched.

The Jin Palace was investigated, and the Dali Temple was investigated.

The old housekeeper was arrested, and Cao Shaoqin was arrested.

One day passed.

Early morning.

Emperor Qian declared that Yang Tiangang should go to court.

Yang Tiangang silently picked up the Tianren-level black spear, and when he held it hard, the tip of the gun and the upper half of the gun retracted into the lower half of the gun.

This is a stretchable combination spear that he designed and built after melting the Tianlong City Breaking Halberd.

The purpose is for portability.

He put the spear into his sleeve, hoping he wouldn't have to use it this time.

Before leaving, he said to Asong, the leader of the Dark Night Organization: "If I don't come back within an hour, you will take away the relatives of everyone in the palace and Dali Temple and put them in place."

Asong said with tears in his eyes: "Yes, Your Majesty!"

Yang Tiangang patted Asong on the shoulder, and then followed the eunuch who announced the decree.

He actually thought about the possibility of this ending, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.

After all, he was ready to punish the prime minister and retreat bravely to explore the world.

It's a pity that I didn't expect Emperor Qian to be so suspicious.

Two quarters of an hour later, he arrived at the Jinluan Hall.

"Prince Jin, take a look!" Emperor Qian said coldly, pointing to the so-called evidence.

Yang Tiangang took a look and saw that it was a dragon robe, ten pieces of letter paper, and two pictures.

"Your Majesty, I did not make the dragon robe!"

"These ten pieces of paper colluding with generals are imitating my notes."

"This sign is even more ridiculous. It was forced onto it."

Wang Qizong said at this time: "Your Majesty, don't listen to his sophistry. Letters can be faked! But people can't fake."

"A dozen generals and a dozen officials admitted to colluding with the King of Jin!"

"Your Majesty can declare them to go to the palace to confront King Jin!"

Afterwards, more than a dozen military generals and more than a dozen civilian officials were brought up.

[Dad, these people are all threatened by Dongchang]

Tongzi reminded.

"Your Majesty, these people have been threatened by Dongchang and can do countless things." Yang Tiangang said.

"I ask you, have you been threatened? Now that I am here, you don't have to be afraid of any threats!" Emperor Qian asked.

These military generals and civil servants replied directly: "No, Your Majesty, we have a guilty conscience, so we exposed the wolfish ambition of King Jin!"

"Prince Jin, what do you have to say now? The witnesses and physical evidence are all there!" Emperor Qian scolded angrily.

Yang Tiangang could see that Emperor Qian wanted to convict himself.

It was useless for him to argue.

"Your Majesty, if you want to accuse me, why bother? I have nothing to say! Can you let my housekeeper and Cao Shaoqin go? They don't know about it. I am willing to withdraw from the court and give up my position as King of Jin."

Wang Qizong said happily: "Your Majesty, did you hear that? King Jin has nothing to say! King Jin admitted it! He admitted treason!"

"How can we just let King Jin off for the crime of treason? Your Majesty, please execute King Jin."


The entire hall fell silent.

Everyone looked at Emperor Qian, waiting for his decision.

Including Yang Tiangang also wanted to know how he would deal with it.

"Prince Jin deliberately conspired to rebel. He is punishable by death! Everyone in Prince Jin's Mansion and Dali Temple will be taken into custody and all those involved in the rebellion will be killed!"

Emperor Qian finally made his decision.

Yang Tiangang felt sad, "Your Majesty, please release everyone from the Jin Palace and Dali Temple. Once they are taken into custody, they will definitely be framed by Dongchang in connection with rebellion and be executed by the Nine Clan!"

"Your Majesty, please tell me clearly, they really don't know!"

Emperor Qian said nothing.

"Your Majesty!" Yang Tiangang shouted.

Emperor Qian said nothing.

"Your Majesty!" Yang Tiangang shouted again.

Emperor Qian still didn't speak.

"Your Majesty!" Yang Tiangang shouted for the third time.

Emperor Qian still didn't speak.

Yang Tiangang slowly closed his eyes and stopped shouting!

He showed off the black spear in his sleeve!

Why are you forcing me?

I really want to take the high road!

I don’t want to rely on killing!

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