Rapeworld Isekai

Chapter 8 – Dinner and Enslavement

It felt strangely good to have a blanket draped over my shoulders, covering my tits and ass from prying eyes. I was looking forward to proper clothes.

Wait, would they offer me pants if I asked for them? There were some weirdly intense sexist undertones in this backwards society. Would they insist on putting me in a dress, for me to be a ‘proper’ lady? I didn’t know how I’d feel about wearing a dress. Despite technically being female now, the idea of dressing and acting feminine just felt wrong to me.

I’d worry about that when the time came. What I really missed, and what I was really looking forward to getting, was some shoes. We’d been walking barefoot through spiky twigs and pokey rocks all day long, from morning till dusk. My feet had been healed a couple times already, along with the rest of my body, but they were, once again, starting to hurt pretty bad. They were probably all torn up again. I’d have to get Chloe to kiss them better before bed.

There wasn’t much to see inside the town. It was night now, the stars were out in the sky, and the streets were fully dark. In a larger city, perhaps there would be some sort of street light system, either lanterns or maybe some sort of magical equivalent for electric lighting, but that was clearly too much of a luxury for a small town like this. We passed a few wandering townsfolk dressed like medieval farmers and tradespeople, but for the most part, we were the only ones walking the streets this time of night.

The buildings were mostly wood, with mortar and cobblestone foundations. None of the windows I could see had glass, but most of them had wooden shutters the occupants could close at night. Streets were narrow, and the buildings were tall, two or three stories high, and tightly packed together like townhouses. Space inside the town’s outer wall probably came at a premium.

The church, or temple, was the first purely stone building in the town I’d seen. The peak of its roof was an entire story taller than the rest of the town’s buildings. It wasn’t all that impressive compared to Earth’s fancy gothic cathedrals, but it was a noticeable step up in fanciness from the surrounding buildings.

The temple was built in a fancier part of town, surrounded by impressive mansions on all sides. It sat on a large plot of land, with a small graveyard and various other buildings sharing the land with the temple itself. We didn’t go into the temple-proper. Instead, the priest, Father Jordan, led us into a large, three story, wooden mansion along the rear edge of the lot. It was the church rectory, he explained, a home for all the acolytes, clergy and any other church officials that came to town. Currently there were two other [Priests] and ten or so acolytes living there.

When we entered the rectory house, the priest led us to some sort of cozy drawing room. There were a series of soft squishy couches, a table in the center, and a cold fireplace with some firewood stacked and ready inside. The priest took some sort of rune inscribed wand from the fireplace mantle and pointed it at the logs. With a shimmer of fire magic, a spark caught on the wood and started to grow into a warm fire.

We sat down on the couch. Lysander and Emi were squished in the middle with Maddie and me on the outer sides. Ash sat alone in a padded chair next to us. Chloe, our naked, nervous, and newly enslaved elf, knelt on the floor at my feet, between my knees and facing away from me. Her wrists were still bound together in front of her with chains, and things would stay that way until we officially assumed ownership of her. She gently leaned against the inner side of my leg, seeking a bit of reassurance from my touch. I gently pet her head and she let out a soft coo of pleasure.

“Adam, Ethan,” the priest called out. “Come down, we have some guests.”

There were soft padding footsteps from upstairs, and two boys came down, entering the drawing room. They wore similar white robes to the priest, though I could see that their version was a simpler cut, with less adornment. They were clearly beneath the priest in rank, some sort of acolyte, or altar boy equivalent.

Both boys had blue eyes and smooth blond hair. They gave off slightly effeminate vibes, and I mentally catalogued them as ‘pretty’ rather than ‘handsome.’ They both looked to be brothers. The eldest looked to be in his late teens, just barely legal. I had to admit he looked kind of cute to my new body’s tastes. The younger boy was an adolescent, looking to be around Emi’s apparent age.

The younger boy looked at us with innocent curiosity, likely wondering who these half-naked weirdos showing up on their doorstep were. The older one blushed a bright red when he noticed that none of us girls had clothes on under our blankets. Feeling saucy, I loosened my grip on my blanket a little bit, giving the young gentleman a flash of my modest cleavage and thighs while still hiding the good bits from view.

As I’d hoped, his eyes locked onto my body, and he blushed even redder. I smiled, and suppressed the urge to cackle. Behold the power of the female body, mortal! Was I giving him an awkward and untimely boner beneath his robes? Good! My dark work is complete. Muahaha!

Did I want to help him with that boner later? Hmm… perhaps. I was starting to accept the idea that this body might be bisexual, even if I still felt more comfortable with females for now. I wanted to experiment to see if I could properly enjoy a male partner, and an innocent scrawny choir boy would be a bit less intimidating a partner than mountain-man Ash.

Father Jordan gestured to us, “Trindon the Merciful has called upon us to grant succor to these poor penniless travelers. He calls us to nourish their bodies and provide safety from the beasts of the night.”

“Yes Father,” the boys both replied.

“Is there any stew left?” Father Jordan asked.

“Yes Father, shall we heat it up and serve some for our guests?” the eldest boy, Adam, asked.

“Yes,” Father Jordan replied. “And perhaps mix up some gruel for their slave too.”

“Yes Father,” the boys bowed, and walked away to the kitchen on the other side of the house.

“Wow, thank you for the hospitality,” Maddie said appreciatively.

“Indeed,” Lysander agreed.

“I am only following the teachings of Trindon, but you’re very welcome,” the priest replied. “Now then, let me get your slave’s paperwork ready before we all get too tired.”

The priest got up and left us to our own devices in the drawing room.

“Dibs on the choir boy,” Maddie whispered across the couch.

“What?” I hissed back, “I was going to go for him, maybe…”

“You? Thought you didn’t like dicks…” Maddie replied.

“Leave the boy alone, you still owe me a blowjob,” Ash grumbled quietly at Maddie.

“Oh right…” Maddie tapped her chin. “Pssh… That’s only gonna take like, five minutes though.”

“You’re sounding confident…” Ash grinned. “I’ll have you know, I have sixteen endurance.”

“I don’t think the stat means that kind of endurance,” Emi said.

“Oh come on, how hard could sucking a dick be? Macho as you may be, you’re still technically a virgin. For your first time, five minutes is generous.” Maddie replied.

I wondered how well I would do if I tried. I’d sucked off a tentacle, not a dick, but it was sort of the same thing, wasn’t it? I wondered how long the tentacle monster lasted between ejaculations, five minutes? It was probably longer. Did I do a good job? After my two-hour-long odyssey with the Rock Mimic, it was probably safe to call myself a gagging-face-rape veteran at this point. By the end there, right before I was rescued, my gag reflex was just… gone, and I had no idea if it would ever come back. Did that also translate to actively giving blowjobs? Or was that a different sort of skill? I was pretty sure I could now swallow an entire hotdog without flinching. A fun party trick, if nothing else.

“Have any of you actually sucked a dick before?” I asked.

I looked around at the couch full of formerly straight dudes, one bisexual dude who’d never had a partner before, and a lesbian.

Chloe quietly raised her hand.

“I meant like a human, not a squid or mimic or whatever,” I added.

Chloe kept her hand up, starting to blush pink.

“Oh yeah, you lost your virginity young didn’t you?” Emi said.

Chloe nodded shyly, “My mouth was used too. It was actually used more than my ass or pussy, because they didn’t want a mess, or to make me pregnant.”

Emi sighed, “That’s a pretty fucked up thing to do to a kid.”

“Um… I got used to it?” Chloe shrugged. “I guess the first few times were painful and scary. There was a whole gang of high school boys that used to hang out near my house, and every day after school, they’d make me their toy. They used me for a few years, before they graduated and moved on. I guess they were sort of bullying me, but I actually ended up enjoying it, eventually. It became a sort of treat at the end of the day.”

“That’s totally fucked up,” Ash grumbled. “How are you not completely traumatized?”

“Um… Maybe someone else would react differently to the same situation, but for me… I guess I got into it? It definitely influenced my sexuality. I knew they were using me for sex, that I wasn’t their friend or anything, but it still felt good to make them cum. I liked to see them smiling after, all satisfied, and knowing that I did that, that I was the source of their joy.”

“I guess that’s sort of empowering, in its own weird way,” I said.

“It gave me a sense of fulfillment and purpose that I’d actually been missing ever since they boys graduated and left me alone. For the rest of my time in high school after that, and the start of college, nobody bullied me, sexually or otherwise, but I kinda wished they did? I felt a little empty without someone to please. Porn helped, but it wasn’t the same. Being your healbitch during our tabletop games actually scratched that itch a little. Though I kinda wished you’d have grabbed me, forced me under the table, and made me suck you all before the game started. But I guess you didn’t realize that, and the non-sexual roleplaying was still pretty fun.”

I felt a pang of grief at the missed opportunity for under-the-table blowjobs. At least we had her now though, “I guess you’re getting what you wanted now, being our slave.”

“Y-yes, I hope so…” She stammered nervously.

“I, for one, plan to use you sexually, and I bet everyone else will take a turn or two. The only difference between now and before, is more pussies and fewer cocks. I’m sure you’ll make us all plenty happy.” I said.

“Thank you, I’ll do my best,” Chloe replied, with a strangely heartfelt smile.

“So, any words of wisdom for us?” Maddie asked. “Think Ash can hold out longer than five minutes from his first beejay?”

“Um… it depends… on a lot of things.” Chloe said quietly, her big elf ears turning red as she blushed.

“Do tell…” Maddie said.

“Like… the guy… how long it’s been for him… or what sort of mood he’s in… how relaxed he is… and also, on you, you can finish it quick, or make it last a long time if you wanted to…”

Chloe smiled shyly, but I detected more than a little bit of confident pride in her eyes. These were the sage words of a true blowjob sensei.

“So if you, the expert wanted to finish him quick, how long would it take?” Maddie asked.

“Me?” Chloe asked cutely, and looked over to Ash. “Um… if I really tried… maybe a minute? I guess it depends on Ash’s mood, and how much he likes me. But unless he orders me to do it fast, I usually prefer to go gentle and make it last a while so I can, um… stay down there for longer. I like being on my knees, serving, and boys tend to put away their dicks once they’re done.”

“A minute?” Maddie said. “Them’s fighting words! Want to make it a competition? You’ve probably got some skill, but this body has got some fabulous dick sucking lips,”

Maddie pursed her lips, and make a smacking noise with her mouth. I appraised her claim. Indeed, they were big lips, soft and pillowy. Not like, gross fake lip injections, but definitely softer and fuller than anyone else in the group. I supposed that made her better at sucking dick somehow? I wouldn’t know. Only my ex-girlfiend had done that for me, and while she did a fantastic job, I had nothing to compare her to.

“If Master Ash orders a quick blowjob from me, I’ll obey and do my best,” Chloe bowed her head to Ash.

“Oh hell yes,” Ash said with a happy grin. “Compete for me, my lovely harem girls.”

“It would be difficult to make it a fair competition,” Lyander said thoughtfully. “Whoever went first would have an obvious advantage.”

“This is making me wish I still had a dick…” I sighed sadly.

“I know… right?” Emi added.

Chloe gently pawed at my leg, and looked up at me sadly, “Um… it’s true I’m… a bit more experienced with dicks, Miss Tyler, but um… I’ve never served another girl, but I would try my best… if you ordered me to, of course. I think some of the skills might be transferrable?”

“Chloe, I’ve been meaning to ask, are you actually bisexual? or are you just incredibly submissive and willing to let anyone paw at you.” I asked.

“Oh…” Chloe blushed. “Well, as a slave it doesn’t matter what I find sexy, I’d have to obey no matter what you made me do. But if you’re asking whether I’m physically attracted to girls? I’ve… never actually done anything with a girl, before kissing you at least. But… I think I liked it maybe? Honestly, I don’t really know for sure, but I suppose I’ll find out more when one of you decides to honor me by using my tongue.”

Adam, the older acolyte boy, chose that exact moment to walk in on our conversation. He blushed red, and tried to pretend he hadn’t just eavesdropped on that last bit. He gave me a gentle smile, and placed a bowl of stew on the coffee table in front of me.

“Thank you,” I said, smiling with gratitude.

He smiled back shyly.

My empty tummy rumbled when I smelled the stew. Oh wow! I had no idea I was this hungry. It made sense, though. It was the end of the day, and this body had never eaten before. I supposed I’d gotten a stomach full of monster jizz, but that all vanished when I used Purify on myself so I wasn’t sure that counted. I held back the urge to wolf down my bowl of stew before the others got theirs.

The stew was served in a wide clay bowl, with a wooden spoon. Adam, and Ethan, the little brother, brought us each a stew bowl.

Chloe didn’t get one. I hesitated for a bit, waiting for the boys to bring out her meal, and realized it wasn’t coming immediately. The others started eating. Chloe gave me a sad look, and bowed her head submissively to tell me it was okay.

“I assume proper etiquette in this world is to eat first, Tyler,” Lysander pointed out, seeing my apprehension. “I presume they’ll feed Chloe after an appropriate amount of time has passed.”

Poor Chloe. She was probably starving too, and now she could smell our food. I felt guilty as fuck, but I picked up my stew and started eating. I was hungry, and I didn’t want to piss off our hosts.

I was half done my meal when Chloe’s bowl of gruel arrived. Ethan, the younger brother, placed it on the floor next to her like she was a dog. He seemed tense, as if he was ready for Chloe to pounce on him like a wild animal. Chloe merely bowed her head to him in thanks, and he smiled back warmly. The gruel was a brownish-greyish mush, served in a wooden bowl of a much less fancy quality than our own clay bowls. She didn’t have a spoon or any sort of utensil.

She carefully gathered a finger full, and put it in her mouth, taking a moment to consider its flavour.

“How is it?” I asked.

“Not as bad as it looks,” she said with a slightly forced smile. “Tastes a bit like porridge mixed with cardboard. I think I could get used to it.”

“Probably a mixture of things that are nutritious but don’t really taste good on their own, stuff like apple cores, corn cobs, wheat chaff, probably a few legumes thrown in for protein, that kind of thing,” Emi suggested. “I assume there won’t be anything too bad in there, I’m sure your average slave is an investment. You wouldn’t want them to die on you from poisoning or poor nutrition.”

“Good to know,” I said.

Chloe continued to eat with her fingers, lifting the bowl to her chin, and scooping the slop into her mouth. The thought that she would be treated like this for the rest of her life was horrifying to me. I was pretty sure I’d be having a nervous breakdown if I was in her shoes. She wasn’t exactly enthusiastic about her treatment, knowing this was all a bit too real and too dangerous to be just a sexy fantasy, but she seemed to be taking it well.

Father Jordan entered the room carrying a thick, rough sheet of paper, “Ah, sorry about that. I ran out of forms and had to go to the notary and interrupt his dinner to get these.”

“Thanks for doing this,” I said, hiding my uncertainty about Chloe’s treatment.

“Here we go,” the priest said, laying down the form on the coffee table.

He explained the document to us, and it would be quite familiar to anyone who’d bought a car before. It was basically a bill of sale. It contained a description of the slave, her appraised value of one hundred gold pieces, her current level and class at the time of signing, the names of her masters and mistresses, and a liability agreement we had to sign, claiming that we were responsible for any damage resulting from the slave’s misbehaviour, including punitive damages should the slave slip free of our control.

Escape for reasons of owner negligence would result in a steep fine for us, but if we were found to have deliberately set her free, we could actually be sent to jail as punishment for undermining the system. There was also a bit about how we had to dispose of her body in a hygienic way, if she died accidentally or we decided to kill her.

Well, that was fucked up. Chloe’s earlier words about her being at our mercy with no limits truly sunk in. We were explicitly allowed to kill her, so long as we did it responsibly. I shuddered.

Signing it was an interesting process. For those of us with the [Mana Manipulation] skill, it was as easy as channeling mana into a magical glyph on the page, stamped with a normal looking stamp, but using a special magically reactive ink. Apparently, the glyph would carry our unique magical signature, detectible by anyone with [Sense Mana] and was impossible to forge.

For Maddie and Ash, Father Jordan had to help them channel mana into their glyphs. The priest touched them on the wrist, and placed their fingers on the glyph. He then moved the mana inside their bodies for them.

There was also a spot for Chloe to register her magical signature. Usually the priest had to force the slave’s mana out, like he did for Ash and Maddie, but Chloe, being a good girl, channeled her own mana into the document willingly.

“Good,” Father Jordan said, standing up and taking the document away. “I’ll just file that in the morning, put a collar on your elf, and everything will be nice and official. As of now, Chloe is legally your slave rather than my prisoner. That means you now take on responsibility for her actions.”

Father Jordan addressed Ash specifically, “I know she used to be something of an equal, but I urge you to be firm with her and keep her in line. A slave that doesn’t understand her place is a dangerous liability.”

“Yes, we’ll do that.” Lysander nodded.

Father Jordan ignored her, and waited for Ash, the man of the group, to reply.

“Yep, we’ll make sure she behaves herself,” he confirmed.

“Ah, and as I mentioned before, there is a fee for slave registration: One gold, plus another five silver for each additional master designated, that’s one gold, twenty silver. If you plan on hunting monsters, and collecting bounties on them, you should be able to make a very healthy living. That would be about a week’s income, maybe two. So long as you use your divine gift for killing monsters, Ash, I’ll consider this gold to be a good investment.”

“I plan to. I already promised Vyreth to be a monster killer in exchange for my glorious dick.” Ash replied.

“I… see,” Father Jordan said awkwardly. “Well, I’ll have one of the boys show you to your bunk room when you’re done eating. I’ll try to find you all some clothes by morning, and perhaps a weapon for Ash. What are you comfortable using?”

“I have a Skill for two handed swords,” Ash replied.

“I’ll see what I can find,” Father Jordan said, walking to the threshold of the door, “For now, rest well, and I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Can you unlock her cuffs now?” I asked.

“That… is your decision to make, as her Masters,” the priest replied hesitantly. “Just know that, without the tracking enchantment of a collar, she would be something of a flight risk, somewhat difficult to recapture should she run away. That would mean a steep fine for you should she escape.”

Chloe bowed her head submissively, and raised her manacled wrists slightly, just enough to give me access should I choose to free her. She was hinting at her desire to be unbound, without doing anything as crass and disrespectful as actually speaking out of turn.

I wanted to set her free of course, even if she’d been lying about wanting to be our slave, I seriously doubted she’d want to screw over her only friends and try to survive on her own as a fugitive in a hostile rape-land. I was tempted to state my decision, but I remembered I was a lowly woman. Instead, I just nodded to Ash to let him act as our mouthpiece.

“Yeah, it’s okay, we’ll take the cuffs off. Chloe’s a good girl, right?” he said.

“Yes, Master. I won’t go anywhere,” Chloe replied.

The priest shrugged and went to get the manacle key. He unlocked Chloe’s wrists, we thanked him again, and he retired for the evening. As a group, we quickly finished eating, and then Ethen came and guided us upstairs to our shared bedroom for the night.

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