Rapeworld Isekai

Chapter 4 – Balls In Various Places

When we returned to the scene of battle, Ash was watching over Loli-Peter and Maddie. Both girls were safely extracted from the plant, but looking worse for wear. They were covered in pinpoint puncture wounds, all over their body, but the damage was shallow and they weren’t losing much blood, thankfully.

Peter was curled up in the fetal position, staring into the distance, silently holding her horrifically bulging stomach. She looked pregnant, very pregnant, like a woman with twins or triplets. There was a dullness to her eyes, as if her mind wasn’t quite there anymore.

Maddie was doing a bit better. She was clearly in pain, but coherent at least. She looked a little pregnant too, though her bulging belly wasn’t quite as distended as Peter’s. It seemed the monster hadn’t had time to fully fill her up with… whatever horrible thing it did to Peter.

As we approached them, I watched Maddie reach inside her pussy with a pair of fingers, and grab hold of something.

“Aaaargh! Shitfuck!” She growled in agony.

With a firm grip, she yanked hard, and pulled out a ball of plant material, covered with viciously sharp thorns, a bit like an extra-cruel chestnut. The thorn tips were red with blood.

Oh fuck… those must have hurt just as much going in.

“Okay, I won’t complain about the wolf anymore…” was all I managed to say.

“I can help get them out,” Lysander offered, holding up a hand.

“No!” Maddie panicked and flailed at Lysander, “Don’t you fucking dare! Stay back! Just… let me do this myself. Nice and gentle.”

“Healing might do more harm than good if those aren’t removed first. Do you have anything for pain?” I asked Chloe.

Chloe shook her head sorrowfully, “Sorry Miss Tyler, I leveled but [Life Magic] is still rank 1, I don’t have any new spells, just the general healing one I started with.”

I racked my brain for how I could help. Fire… wouldn’t be helpful, to say the least. What else? Purify? Would that work? Actually, it might.

“Can I try something?” I asked.

Maddie grimaced in pain and gave me the dirtiest look.

“I won’t hurt… probably,” I said. “It’s a spell that purifies things. It might clean away those spiky nuts too if think of them as a type of impurity.”

“Where do they go?” Maddie asked skeptically. “I don’t want them all shooting out of me at once…”

“No idea, they might just vanish, or evaporate, who knows… never cast it before.”

Maddie glared at me, and then gave a thoughtful glance to Peter.

“Are you really going to suggest testing it on Peter first?” I said, raising an eyebrow. “That’s kind of a dick move…”

“No. Well… she’s kind of all… dissociated and mind fucked anyway…” she mumbled guiltily. “At this point, you can hardly traumatize her more…”

“Try it on Peter,” Lysander suggested. “She’s the most injured. If you only have enough mana to cure one, then Peter should be the priority. Maddie looks like she can survive waiting, or even pull hers out by herself if she prefers.”

“Hey… wait…” Maddie mumbled. “Maybe you can do me first after all…”

I ignored her whining and went to Peter. After reaching third level after the last fight, I was all full up on mana again. I gently touched her swollen belly, and wove the spell shape for Purify in my mind. What are seeds? Plant trash, garbage, litter. They certainly don’t belong inside a person’s vagina and/or anus. It required all my concentration, and I spent an extra minute just to get the image absolutely clear in my mind before I began.

I released the spell and fed it mana. Wisps of beautiful white-gold light enveloped Peter. Just like Chloe’s healing spell, this one was channeled. I continued to hold the spell. It didn’t cost much to maintain, but it was very slow to take effect. The first signs were outside the body, dried blood and dirt turned into a cloud of dark vapor and evaporated away, dissipating into nothingness. I continued to hold the spell, casting occasional glances at Peter’s distended belly.

Eventually, minutes later, I saw a change. The belly started to shrink. It was working. I continued to hold the spell. It took another fifteen minutes until Peter’s belly flattened back to something approaching normal. I kept holding it for a few minutes longer, until I was almost out of mana, just to be sure the spiny seeds were totally gone from inside her.

“That should do it,” I sighed, and moved away. “Chloe?”

Peter was still in rough shape, covered in freshly bleeding puncture wounds, opened by my cleaning magic that apparently decided scabs were dirty too. The dangerous stuff would be on the inside though. Pregnant women didn’t balloon up overnight, things probably got torn up inside there pretty bad from all the stretching. Chloe took my place, and after a couple false starts, she managed to channel her viridian healing magic. It worked much faster than my Purify, and Peter’s wounds vanished after only a minute or two.

Peter whimpered like a puppy, no longer in pain, but clearly still in desperate need of a hug. Ash picked her up, and cradled her in his lap, for once, not sexually harassing the rescued damsel. Peter snuggled up against him happily, her face resting in the crook of his neck.

“That’s… kinda cute actually…” I said.

“Less talking more purifying,” Maddie groaned in pain.

“Sorry, out of mana.”

“You…” Maddie trembled, looking like she was holding back a long string of curses. “Fucking salad tossing, booby wizard!

“I think my mana should recharge in an hour or so,” I said.

“Oh… only an hour?” Maddie whined.

She grabbed one of the spiky balls she birthed earlier, and flung it at me.

“Ow!” The damn thing hit me right in the nipple.

Maddie whimpered, and flopped down onto her back. “Just tell me when you’re ready. I’ll be lying over here, gravid with torture balls.”

“Yeah, this world is pretty fucked up…” I sighed.

Chloe went over to Ash and started healing his big bruise.

I gripped the spiny ball in my hand, and tried to imagine what it would feel like, having it forced inside me against my will. It was firm and unyielding, viciously shoved inside by mindless and merciless monster. There would be no begging it for mercy. I would be trapped inside a cocoon of thorns forever, stuffed full to the breaking point with these things. It would be so horrible. I’d be so pathetic and helpless.

I snapped out of my daze and realized I was starting to get a little warm between the legs. I nervously placed the spiky ball back on the ground and did my best to keep a poker face. Was… was the idea of being torture-raped by a bramble bush really turning me on? What. The. Absolute. Fuck.

Well… in my dream, the imaginary girl I turned into liked pain… So, being in that body now, what did that mean for me? I’d spent my entire life enjoying the dominant side of my kinks. Now, would I suddenly be some sort of super-masochist like that girl in my dream? Just because of the way this body was wired? Was I still the same person I was before? I shuddered with existential dread.

We rested for a while, Loli-Peter cuddling in Ash’s lap, Chloe, Lysander and I sitting in a circle practicing our magic forming, and Maddie quietly writhing on the ground nearby. To my great surprise, nothing tried to rape us. We weren’t sure if that was just good luck, or if the monsters were scared to come into the former lair of the plant monster.

“Tyler,” Lysander broke the silence. “You should consider getting [Meditation].”

I still had a free Skill point. I opened the menu, and scrolled to find [Meditation]. I focused on the name for a few seconds without selecting it. To my surprise, a helpful tooltip popped up with a description.


Meditation: Skill (Tier 1)

Enter a state of mental serenity. While meditating, health, stamina and mana regeneration rate increases by 100% (+10% per Skill rank).


“Looks like it’ll double my mana regen while resting?” I said. “That’s okay I guess.”

“It unlocks other skills,” Lysander added. “I now have [Sense Mana] and [Advanced Mana Manipulation] as options for purchase next level.”

“I can guess what [Sense Mana] does… what does [Advanced Mana Manipulation] do?”

“It appears to improve mana control greatly, allowing better mana efficiency per spell cast.”

“Oh, now that’s useful,” I agreed.


Maddie groaned, “Get [Meditation] you twat waffle, fill up your mana faster, I’m in pain here!”

I wanted to roll my eyes at her complaining, but Maddie really was in pain. Getting [Meditation] seemed like a no brainer.


You have unlocked the skill: [Meditation].


Entering a meditative state was easy. I didn’t need to sit cross legged or hum a Tibetan chant, I just let my mind go adrift, letting the world around me fade into the background. I felt a surge of vitality enter my body, speeding my regeneration.

I knew I wouldn’t be able to meditate while actually doing anything constructive, but I found it was possible to focus on my [Mana Manipulation] practice while meditating. In fact, meditating helped me focus on it better.


[Mana Manipulation] Skill has reached rank 4


Filling my mana took another half-hour, more or less. When the time came, I let go of my meditative trance, got up, and wandered up to Maddie, to finally clear away her spine ball pregnancy as well.

“Fucking finally…” she gasped and gave me a hopeful smile.

I bent down and reached out to touch her belly. Really, I could have probably touched her anywhere, but it seemed more appropriate to touch closer to the spot I wanted to ‘purify’ first. I noticed something.

“Did your belly get smaller?” I asked.

“Huh?” she looked down and poked at herself. “Dunno… maybe.”

“I think it did…” I muttered. “Are you like… digesting them or something?”

“Dude, I know you’re not a biology major, but seriously… it’s in my cunt not my stomach… pussies and wombs don’t digest things.” Maddie snarked.

“Then did they dissolve somehow?” I asked.

“I’m curious too…” Lysander spoke up, and walked over to us. “Can you pull another one out?”

“No. I’m not ripping up my cunt again to satisfy your curiosity. It fucking hurts, you dipshit. Just get them out!” Maddie snapped.

“Please…” I said, eyes wide for maximum adorableness, “it’s for science…”

“Here!” Maddie grabbed a discarded spiky nut she’d pulled out earlier and flung it at me, “Stuff that up your own pussy if you’re curious.”

I caught the spiky ball in my hand, actually considering it. It would only hurt, Chloe could fix any damage after, and we could learn something valuable. I had a theory…

“Seriously? Fix me first, you fucking weirdo!” Maddie growled.

Right, Maddie had waited long enough. I controlled the spell shape, easier now with [Mana Manipulation] up another rank. Like with Peter, I drained almost all my mana pool to get rid of Maddie’s spine balls as thoroughly as possible. Chloe came up from behind, and gave Maddie a quick healing session afterwards, much to Maddie’s immense relief.

I even got a level in holy magic because of all the Purifying I was doing.


[Holy Magic I] Skill has reached rank 2


I took a moment to catch my breath, staring intently at the spiny ball still in my hand. S-should I?

“What’s your hypothesis?” Lysander asked curiously.

“I postulate that the rape monsters want to corrupt Untainted creatures with Taint, not breed with them, if they increase their population, they probably do it another way. If so, why would they plant seeds in us? My theory? These might not be seeds, they could be like… spiky Taint suppositories. If they dissolve inside us over time, they could release a dose of Taint to corrupt a victim. The same might be true of creatures with ovipositors and such, or even monster semen, everything a monster stuffs inside us might eventually dissolve on its own, even without the Purify spell to speed it up.”

Lysander paused to consider, nodding her head slowly, “That would explain the spikes too. You don’t want to make it easy for the victim to take them out before they fully dissolve.”

I nodded, “The problem is finding a volunteer to test that…”

I held up the spiky chestnut thing. It was somewhere around a golf ball in size. That wasn’t gigantic or anything. On its own, it probably wouldn’t be all that painful to take inside me if not for the thorns.

“You’re blushing,” Lysander pointed out. “Breathing hard too.”

“What? No I’m not…” I stammered in embarrassment.

Lysander nodded sagely, and gave me a little smile. “I think I understand, allow me.”

She held out her hand, gesturing me to give her the spiny plant ball. I wasn’t sure what she intended, but I nervously complied, placing it gently into her hand.

Lysander reached up and suddenly grabbed a fistful of my hair.

Ow! What the f-” I shouted.

Lysander yanked harder, tipping my head back and throwing me off balance. She took a step forward, wedging her knee between my thighs. My eyes watered from the pain of having my hair pulled. I felt a finger invade my pussy. It slid in easily. I realized I was soaked.

“Wet, as expected,” Lysander commented coolly.

“What are you-” I stammered.

I felt the spiny thorns kiss up against my lower lips.

No! Nooooo!” I squirmed and pulled away.

Lysander gave my hair another painful yank, tipping me off balance again. She pulled me down to the ground. I landed on my back, and Lysander quickly pressed herself down on top of me, laying between my legs, staring me right in the eye.

“Lysander! Seriously, what the f-” I started to complain.

I was shut up by Lysander’s tongue in my mouth. What was happening? That crazy bitch was making out with me? What? I was a fellow dude like, two hours ago! I felt the spiny torture ball kiss up against my lower lips again.

Oh fuck no!

I moaned in protest, but Lysander kept her mouth pressed against mine, muffling the sound. I tried to squirm away, but Lysander’s grip was solid. She wasn’t all that much bigger than me, but she knew how to use leverage to her advantage. I was fully pinned down.

I whimpered helplessly, and did the only thing I could. I tried to relax my pussy.

The spiny ball was slowly forced inside, carving cruel scratches into my inner walls. I screamed and thrashed, but Lysander kept up the merciless pressure, slowly easing it in as deep as her fingers could reach. I felt the spines poke against my delicate cervix, and cried.

Lysander removed her fingers from inside me, but kept a grip on my hair and continued to make out with me. I lay there submissively, incredibly turned on for no good reason, and kissed her back.

“Uh Lysander?” Ash grumbled, confused. “The fuck are you doing to Tyler?”

Lysander pulled her tongue out of my mouth, and leaned back. She stared down at me with analytical eyes, and a slightly sadistic smile. “Experimenting,” she replied.

Ash sighed, “Look as much as I want to encourage your newfound lesbianism… I’m not sure Tyler appreciates your affections.”

“No, Tyler wants this.” Lysander said, with an absolute cold certainty that made me shudder. She lowered her head, and gently nibbled on my ear. My pussy twitched around the torture ball inside me and sent a masochistic shiver up my spine.

“N-nn!” I stifled a moan.

“See?” Lysander confirmed.

“Tyler,” Ash said sternly. “Tell me this is consensual or if I need to pull Lysander off you and kick her ass.”

I felt myself blush with humiliation, “It might be… slightly consensual.”

“Yes or no,” Ash said sternly.

“Y-yes…” I whimpered.

Ash sighed, “Alright… five more minutes, and then we go. You guys can fuck properly when we get somewhere safe.”

Lysander lowered her head again, and gently kissed me. “You know, I wanted to kiss you ever since we started going through puberty together,” she whispered.

“Really? But I was a guy,” I muttered.

“And I was bisexual. I knew you were straight, which was why I never informed you of my sexual interest. But I’m a girl now, and I know you like girls...”

Lysander leaned in and kissed me again. I let myself relax and go with it. The spiny thing inside me left my awareness, it didn’t even hurt anymore now that it wasn’t moving. I let myself bask beneath Lysander’s touch. I felt her soft fingers stroke my nipples, felt her lips brush against my neck.

Lysander reached back down to my pussy, and stroked my clit. I moaned, and rolled my hips against her hand…

“Oh fuck…” I moaned.

The orgasm snuck up on me, totally caught me off guard. I suddenly realized I was at the peak. I wrapped my arms around Lysander, and squeezed her against my chest. I moaned out loud, and shivered in climax, squeezing Lysander’s hips between my thighs.

She gently patted my oversensitive pussy, and I twitched a few more times, before finally releasing my grip on her. Lysander leaned forward and kissed me one more time before climbing off.

Maddie clapped her hands, applauding our public performance.

“That was quite enjoyable,” Lysander announced to the spectators nonchalantly and walked away, leaving me behind in the dirt.

I looked around, embarrassed. Ash looked impatient. Peter looked indifferent. Maddie was amused. And Chloe looked incredibly jealous. I wasn’t sure which one of us she was jealous of.

I cleared my throat, “I uuh… guess we can get going now…”

It was just before midday. The smoke of our mysterious destination was still visible in the distance but it barely seemed like we’d gotten any closer. We had to hurry if we didn’t want to get caught here overnight.

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