Random Portals

~Chapter 62: Domain of Undeath~

Steven didn’t get to relax long before a familiar voice caught his attention.

“Wow, so this is Master’s home.”

Sitting up, Steven seen Nev gawking at the library. She was back to wearing a dress made of webs that was just on the verge of being see through. The spider Queen smiled when she realized Steven was staring. He tore his eyes away from her body and looked at her face, which was just as perfect.

“Master, I have dealt with the traitorous spiders and have acquired what you asked of me.” Nev handed him a small bag. “It’s a plant bag of holding.”

He wasn’t sure what she meant by traitorous spiders exactly, but didn’t want to deal with that right now, so he ignored it. “Great, want to smoke with me.”

“Of course.” Nev said as she continued to glance around the library. “So this is your true domain. There is a lot of magic here. It is such a shame monster races can’t acquirer a domain.”

After taking a few drags from the water pipe, Nev spoke up. “On my way here, I scouted out the Half Naga village and found a contingent of knights and soldiers there.”

Steven sighed. “What should we do about them?”

“Whatever Master wishes. If I tell them I reclaim that city as my own, it is likely they will all up and leave. Although they have several Naga prisoners there.”

Steven stood up, righteous fury burning in his chest. “What gives them the right to hunt a race to extinction?”

“Their might,” Silvia said as she flew in. “This world has always been the survival of the fittest. I’m unsure how your world works, but here, if you are weak, then you will get suppressed.”

“The Naga aren’t weak, though.” Steven argued.

“Well, not all of them, but most of them are. Their leadership has made them weak. As Sirus said, their leadership had been infiltrated by the humans for sometime. They were even able to send off their strongest warriors and striking when the clan was vulnerable. The humans and elves would have likely not been able to take the clan down the way they did if all the strongest members were present. You were even used in this scheme, by keeping Sirus distracted. Now, with all that aside, let us deal with Sorin.” Silvia said, light flaring.

“Oh yes, I can’t wait to see the look on that smug vampire’s face.” Nev said.

“Do we have to do this now? How about tomorrow?” Steven asked.

“I plan to teach you how to absorb this domain tomorrow.” Kat said as she flew in. “Then I plan to leave.”

“Fine. Let’s get this over with.” Steven grumbled as they headed outside.

Steven looked up at the rain bouncing off the barrier above. “Shouldn’t we do this in the sunlight?”

“It’s fine. We have taken precautions.” Silvia said.

“We? Who are you talking about?” Steven asked.

“She is referring to me.” Kat said, “we set up a ritual circle so he can’t use any movement abilities. Not to mention the domain’s safety features.”

“And then there is me,” Nev added. “In a one-on-one fight, that vampire doesn’t stand a chance against me.”

“You have no reason to worry.” Silvia added. “Even without the amulet on, you have two shard abilities to keep you safe long enough for the spider to intervene.”

“Alright, I trust you. Well, I trust Silvia and Nev.” Steven corrected.

“You're telling me you trust that spider over me?” Kat asked. “Wait, don’t answer that, as I really don’t care. I’m leaving tomorrow anyway, and if I’m honest, Steven, I hope I will never see you again. You have caused a myriad of problems for Blank and I.”

“I caused problems. You two were the ones that randomly teleported into my house.”

“And you are much better for it now, are you not?”

Silvia flared her light. “You two stop it, Katarina. You are an Elder wisp. And should act your station. Steven, you, well, you're a bit intoxicated, so I suppose it doesn’t matter.” Silvia’s light returned to normal. “Now step into the circle and pull out Sorin and then quickly step back out of the circle.”

Steven looked at Silvia, then to Kat, before turning to Nev, who simply smiled at him in her normally seductive manner.

He then looked at the ground and, for the first time, noticed the glowing symbols arranged in a circle. “Can’t I just put my hand in there and pull him from inventory?”

“It doesn’t matter as long as you put the domain holder in that circle.” Kat said.

Steven looked at Silvia once more before placing his hand over the symbols and willing the vampire out of his inventory.

Sorin immediately appeared on his feet, though he was still bound in webs, and he fell over to one side.

“Allow me.” Nev said as she held one hand out and the webs vanished.

It took Sorin a few moments to realize he was no longer in his dungeon and was trapped in a ritual circle. It was obvious when he realized it, as a defeated look came over his face. He simply stared daggers at Steven.

Silvia was the first to speak. “Hello there Sorin. How is it going?”

Sorin turned his gaze to Silvia. “Well, if it isn’t the traitorous wisp. Just so you know, I have sent word to the council of wisps and you are now wanted and will never be accepted back into Wisp society.”

This had more of an effect on Silvia than Steven had expected. As Sorin spoke, several wisps started flying towards the barrier. Though none of them tried to blow him up and just hovered around.

“I don’t need the council. I’m forming my own.” Silvia stated.

“Are you serious? You plan to overrule the council?” Kat asked.

“I do.” Silvia said smugly.

“With adolescent wisps?” Sorin mocked. “How truly pathetic.”

One of the adolescent wisps flew down and flared their light. “I would have you know.” The little wisp’s voice was small and barely audible. “Thanks to Elder Silviaburlaxatrix, I am a true wisp.” Several other wisps flared their lights at this and everyone went into stunned silence. Everyone except Steven.

“You guys can talk?” Steven asked, completely taken aback by the turn of events.

The little yellow wisp flew right up next to Steven’s face. “Hello Master Odling, I am Whimsy, the first of the wisps to transcend. There are many others on the verge of doing so. If it was not for you and Elder Silviaburlaxatrix, this would have never been possible, so thank you. We will always be indebted to you.”

Steven was about to ask what he did, but the vampire spoke up. “So what, you got one little wisp to transcend and now you think you're going to take over the council?” Sorin scoffed.

Thousands of little wisps turned red, and Sorin took a step back. The vampire seized up slightly as he bumped into the barrier. He quickly moved back to the center of the barrier while staring at all the red glowing wisps wearily. Silvia then flew up amongst the wisps. After a moment, they all flew away and out of sight. Steven was starting to think that maybe he shouldn’t have brought thousands of tiny wisps that could explode inside his domain. But at least they were no longer in his inventory.

“Let’s finish this,” Kat said. “And Silvia, let us speak further on this later.” Kat then flew up to the barrier and the winged cat shifted into her wisp form while shining a bright white. As soon as she did this, Sorin’s shit-eating grin vanished.

“Wait, maybe we can talk about this. I have treasure! I also know things about the other Domain holders.” Sorin’s face then turned to one of pain and he fell to one knee.

Despite all the problems Sorin had put him through, Steven had to look away.

After a moment, Silvia spoke. “It’s time. Place your hand on the barrier.”

Steven hadn’t even noticed Silvia come back down. Nev was way too distracting, even with Sorin trapped in some sort of ritual a few feet from him and thousands of wisp flying around that could blow up at anytime, he found himself glancing at Nev. Maybe he shouldn’t have smoked so much. Nev was a bad influence. It was as if she wanted him to stay stoned. It’s not as he could let her out smoke him.

“Do it now.” Kat said.

Noticing the urgency in the Elder wisp’s voice, Steven quickly pushed his thoughts away and stepped up and placed his hand on the barrier.

Would you like to strip the Domain of Undeath from Sorin Lazor, Yes/No?

Selecting yes, Steven felt an immense pressure began to push on his mind. It was slow at first, then it rushed him all at once. He barely held on to consciousness, as his mind was bombarded with knowledge. When it was done Steven felt drained, and he knew things he hadn’t known before. Like how to create undead.

“Master, are you okay?”

It took Steven a moment to realize Nev was holding him upright.

“Use a stamina potion. It will help.”

After a pause, Steven pulled a green potion from his inventory and downed it.

The exhaustion faded some, but he still felt drained.

Looking at Sorin, he could tell the vampire got the worst end of the deal. His normally white, pale skin was shriveled and gray. But he still looked to be alive.

“Master, can I have him? He would make some unique drones.”

“Sure, do with him as you like.”

A wide grin fell over the spider Queen’s face.

“Steven!” Silvia said as she flew over. “How many times do I have to tell you to not let her take advantage of you? Sorin has an unformed core, not to mention the essence. Even a former Domain holder will be worth several levels.”

Nev frowned in irritation.

“I already told Nev I would allow her to have an unformed core. Although the essence...”

“Of course, Master, I’ll allow you to finish him so that you can gain the bulk of the essence.”

Steven didn’t notice the irritated look Nev had.

“We have a visitor.” Kat said as she flew over.

Steven’s eyes widened, and he turned to Kat.

“What do you mean, visiter?”

Nev shifted into her spider form.

“I don’t think he is here to harm us. He is one of two beings on this planet that could likely break through the domain’s defenses.”

“You know who he is?” Steven questioned.

“I know of him. He likely knows of Blank and I as well. Powerful beings try to keep tabs on one another. Stay in the domain, and I will open up communications between you two.”

Silvia gasped, “Steven, that is Sorin’s boss.”

“What! Sorin had a boss?” Steven thought back.

Kat flew towards the barrier and Steven seen a pale-skinned man sitting in a chair made of translucent skulls sipping on a cup of what he could only assume was blood. While staring right at Steven.

“He is an ancient vampire that goes by the name of Edgar.” Silvia said.

Steven didn’t respond. A chill ran down his spine.

“I do not believe I can take him alone.” Nev said. “I have all the drones in the area moving in on this location as we speak.”

“I don’t think we should provoke him.” Silvia said.

“I agree. Even though he is undead, I prefer to not chance it.”

Kat was now back in her cat form and flew through the barrier. Edgar didn’t even look at her as he stared at Steven with an unreadable gaze. He took another sip from his cup before turning his gaze to Kat.

They spoke for a bit before he heard Kat in his mind. “Steven, this is Edgar, Edgar, this is Steven. I have connected you with a mind bridge, so you may speak."

"Hello Steven, I believe you have something of mine I would like to have back.” Edgar’s voice was casual and smooth with the tone of someone that knew he would be getting his way regardless how things ended.

“Let’s get to business. I want Sorin. I don’t care that you stripped him of his domain, the Elder wisp assured me he will survive. The question is, what do you desire in return?”

“Uh, um, let me discuss this with my Wisp.”

“I heard what he want’s.” Silvia said with an irritated tone. “What reassurances do we have that Sorin won’t try to come after us in the future?” Silvia asked light flaring.

Edgar smiled. “You have none, and I can assure you that spoiled nephew of mine will come after you for revenge. Though you have my word, I will discourage the behavior. I will not bail him out of this situation a second time. Also, let’s keep the part about him being my nephew between just us. I only told you so you understood that he is family and I will not allow you to just kill him. If you wish to keep him as a slave for a few decades, I would not be opposed to that, though you will need to make an oath that you would not kill him.”

Steven was taken aback by how casual Edgar talked about keeping his nephew as a slave.

“No, I don’t want to see him.” Silvia blurted out.

“What is it you desire in trade, then?”

“Shards.” Silvia said.

“Does your bonded wisp speak for you, Steven?”

“Yes, she will be handling all negotiations.”

“Great, and how many shards do you wish, little Sill?”

Silvia’s light flared before returning to its normal color. “Three and a formed core.”

Edgar’s eyes narrowed, and his jovial tone faded slightly. “Do not be so greedy, little one. You have already stripped his domain. Three shards I can do, however Sorin is not worth a formed core. For your greed, I offer you two Shards of my choosing.”

“Two shards and an unformed core.” Silvia demanded.

Edgar stood up, and his chair vanished. Nev moved forward and Steven seen drones slowly creeping down on webs.

“Nev, hold up,” Steven said aloud. “Edgar, I apologize. I believe it is best I continue the negotiations. I think my wisp is a bit too involved, giving her history with Sorin.”

“I got this Steven.” Silvia said.

“I know you do, but I simply want this over with. I’m tired, okay? We will have more opportunities for shards in the future.” Steven turned his attention to Edgar. “Two shards of your choosing will be fine, also throw in some of this world’s currency. I’m sure you're aware I am not of this world and would like to not worry about money. You may choose the amount of that as well.”

Edgar smiled, “deal.” A chest made of shadows rose from the ground next to Edgar and he began rifling through it. Steven watched as he pulled an actual treasure chest from his shadow chest and placed it on the ground. “I shall just leave this here.”

“Nev, could you have some drones escort Sorin out of the barrier? And Kat, could you drop the barrier around Sorin?”

“Never mind with all that,” Kat said.

The next moment, Sorin’s unconscious form appeared next to Edgar, and the chest appeared in Sorin’s place. Edgar then grabbed Sorin by the back of the neck with one hand and tossed him into some shadows.

“I’ll be seeing you around, Steven.” Edgar then vanished into his own shadow.

Silvia flew over to the treasure chest as Steven let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding.

“It is good you took charge of that transaction, Edgar was getting irritated. He is around the same level as Blank and would have been able to tear down the defenses of this domain, though it would have taken him sometime. Anyway, now that is taken care of. I’m going to go rest. That ritual took a lot out from me. When I comeback we will go over your domains.” Kat then flew off towards the tree house.

“Thanks for having my back Nev, I’m sorry you didn’t get to make drones from Sorin.”

“It is alright Master, I know you will lead me to more opportunities. Besides, as Edgar said, he won’t save him a second time from us.”

“Steven, get over here and open this chest.” Silvia said.

Steven rolled his eyes and began walking towards Silvia. The dang wisp seemed more excited for the loot than he was.

“Allow me, just in case it’s trapped, you don’t have your amulet on.” Nev said as she reached down and opend the lid.

Steven’s eyes widened. The chest was filled to the brim with gold coins. A few even fell to the ground as Nev lifted the lid. Placed on top of the gold were two shards, one blood red and the other a sickly yellow.

“Well, send them to inventory so we can see what they are.” Silvia said, light flickering with excitement.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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