Random Portals

Chapter 47 An Undead General and a random Sphinx

“Why hello there Mr. Undead General.” Silvia said.

The large undead snarled, “I have been warned of you. You’re the treacherous Wisp.”

“Oh, I’m sure my former blood-sucking employer has told you all about me.” Silvia’s light fluttered mischievously. “Have you spoken to the assassin’s guild?”

“It seems you know why we are here. How about you give over my nephew’s body and we will be on our way.”

“Has it not occurred to you that you are punching above your weight? Have you noticed how barren the dungeon has been?” Silvia noticed a few of the undead soldier shuffle uneasy.

“I admit it is not what we expected of an undead dungeon, but I believe I am more than enough to handle the one who killed my nephew. If not, there will be another sent in my place and another in their place if they should fail. It will be never ending and this Steven you have thrown your lot in will never have a moment’s rest.”

“Oh my, so you're saying the undead will continuously send fodder to the chosen of Chaos to grow stronger.”

The Undead General’s eyes narrowed, “the chosen of Chaos! What do you mean?”

“Do you think I would become a bonded familiar to just anyone? You know of the knowledge of Wisps, we don’t become another’s familiar easily. I can assure you that. You will fail if you pursue Steven.”

“If you are correct and this Steven is the chosen of Chaos, then it changes nothing. I am here to collect my nephew’s body or parish trying.”

Silvia sighed, “Undead, always so hard-headed, hmmm. I tell you what, if you kill the Elder demon, I will return your nephew to you.”

“Elder demon? What Elder demon.” The undead general looked around.

“The Elder demon Sorin had hired as the dungeon boss.”

“As much as I would enjoy destroying any of those disgusting demons, I do not have the authority to do so. The king would not like me to cause problems with a Dungeon Lord if it could be helped, especially one of an undead dungeon.”

“Steven will soon be the lord or this dungeon.”

The general’s eyes narrowed. “He is a domain holder?’

“He is. Go on, try to leave this dungeon.” Silvia said.

The general tuned and nodded to one of the undead soldiers. Once he failed to return to the previous floor, Silvia spoke up.

“See, Sorin has tricked you into fighting his fight.”

“I admit he did not tell us of this, but it does not change my mission. We have exchanged enough words wisp, take us to this Steven or we will go find him ourselves.”

“What if I told you Necros was unharmed and well?”

The General’s eyes widened. “You know his name! Even so, I have a hard time believing that he would allow himself to be captured, especially unharmed.”

“Ahh, but he is. Which means you have no cause for being here.”

“But I do. I have been ordered to return his body, regardless of his situation. I will be going now, enough with these idol words and take me to him.”

“What do we receive in return?”

The General’s black eyes turned hard, “you mean to hold him for ransom.”

“I’m unsure. I will have to consult with Steven on the matter, but I believe he would appreciate compensation for his safe return. Do you have any shards?”

“SHARDS! Do you think I just carry such relics around?”

“Oh, do calm down!” Silvia said.

“My patience is running thin with you, Wisp. I may not be able to harm you, but I will take my wrath out on your bonded human, and we both know what will happen to you.”

Silvia’s light turned a deep blood red. “I see. So you threaten me? You will make great fodder for Steven’s growth. There will be no body to be reclaimed for you.” Silvia then sped away so quickly she knew the undead thought she had vanished.

She was unsure what to do with the Half Naga Steven would probably want them alive. So she needed to send them all to the hidden path. But the priority was to find Steven. If he came back out of the hidden path and the curse hadn’t lifted still yet, he would surely die in a fight. From what she could tell, the General and the arachnid possessed similar strength. Maybe she should have just given them the damn assassin and have them leave. But she couldn’t be sure that they weren’t working for Sorin and would just kill Steven. Not to mention if Steven pulled out that assassin, it was likely he would just try to finish the job.

Silvia found the Half Naga camp in chaos. She flew around till she saw Sirus, who was talking with Evesakia. Silvia then darted towards them.

“We need to go now!” Silvia’s light flared as she reached them.

“What is going on? Is it more soldiers?” Sirus asked.

“Worse, it’s an Undead General.”

Sirus took a step back, eyes wide. “Should we flee to the ninth floor? No… that would end poorly.”

“Hey,” Silvia said, flaring her light in front of Sirus, “snap out of it and let’s go. I know a place they won’t find us, but we need to hurry. We don’t have a lot of time.”

“Right!” Sirus said as he turned and began yelling orders.

“Come servant, we must go,” Silvia said as she began flying off.

Eve looked as she wanted to protest but followed Silvia without a word. It wasn’t long that Silvia found Fidah, and she too was ordered to following.

“Okay, this here is the hidden path,” Silvia said as she flew around a section of the dungeon wall, “we need to get all the Half Naga in here. It’s where Steven is. It should be safe.” Silvia didn’t mention that if Sorin gave the undead a map, then they would easily find them.

“Shall I start leading my clan here?” Eve asked.

“Former clan,” Silvia said, “You belong to Steven now, even though he doesn’t see it that way. You are now his.”

Eve bowed her head, “Yes, of course I am sorry. Should I lead the Half Naga here?”

“Yes, now make haste, and be warned. There are some traps once you enter the hidden path, although the spider Queen should have taken care of them. I will go warn Steven. Fidah, you will help Evesakia.” Silvia then made to fly into the illusionary wall, but stopped. “One more thing, and this is extremely important. Your lives are much more important than the entirety of that clan. If it comes to your life or theirs, you are to choose your life without hesitation! If they do not hurry, then you two are to go through the hidden path. Understood?”

“Yes.” Eve and Fidah said nearly at the same. Eve then turned and hurried off.

“Fidah, if Eve forgets her place, use whatever force necessary to get her to comply.” Silvia then darted into the illusionary wall.

She hoped nothing would happen to Eve. She didn’t want to have to deal with a depressed Steven. Actually, now that she thought about it, she should have ordered Eve to come in here and let Fidah led the Half Naga. She turned to fly back through the illusion wall, but found she could not. “Oh, well, great!”

At least she knew Steven was still in here. Darting into the dimly lit hallway, she paused for a moment to take in the room. It was huge. Her attention quickly turned to several humans, most of whom looked pale and were vomiting.

Silvia flew over to one of the humans that looked to be doing better than the others. She thought she remembered this one as Fidah’s clan’s men. If that was the case, he wouldn’t have been enthralled like the rest of them.

“Hey you. What’s going on here?”

The elf looked up. “I’m unsure. That terrifying spider human told us to build a bed, and we all began to do so then after a few minutes everyone started puking their guts out.”

Silvia Sighed, “which way did they go?”

The elf pointed behind them. “Towards the chest we found and where that mimic was.”

“Okay then, and don’t worry, they will be fine.” Silvia said as she flew off.

She quickly came to where the chest was. One chest lay open, all the items gone. But there was no sign of Steven or the Queen. It was also unlikely Steven would leave a chest behind, even if it was empty.

That damned arachnid better not have seduced Steven! She didn’t want the be the grandmother of little Spider princess. She wanted half elves, or even the Half Naga girl could make some good children but she didn't want monsters. They would make poor masters. After all, she had made a deal with the younger wisps and she planned to uphold that.

Silvia darted around, looking in every direction. She could sense Steven, but didn't know where he was.

Steven fell and then continued to fall, or at least he thought he was falling. After a few minutes of the sensation of falling into complete darkness, a voice spoke.

“Master, are you okay?”

It took Steven a moment to realize it was Nev speaking, he couldn’t see anything and even his other senses felt muffled. He then realized she was holding him.

“Yes, I am fine. Other than my pride. I’m the man I should be holding you.”

“I would love nothing more, although I believe it is safer for me to hold you at this time.”

“I have to agree. Do you have any idea what’s happening? Are we falling or does it just feel like it?”

“I am sorry, Master. I am unsure I have been shooting webs, but I have not been able to find anything. This darkness is not normal. I can not see a thing.”

Before Steven could even open his mouth to speak, the sensation of falling stopped. Suddenly, the world around him came into view, then they fell another few feet. Although Steven barely felt the impact since Nev was holding him and was apparently in spider form.

Nev was so large she barely fit into the room, so she quickly turned into her human form while still cradling Steven in her arms.

“Master, are you okay?”

“I am. Thanks for holding me. Though you can set me down now.”

“Yes, of course.”

Once Steven was on his own two feet, he looked around in confusion. It looked as they were in some sort of cave turned into a house. A long book shelf lined one wall and was filled with books. There was a table with papers scattered all over it and a bed in the corner.

“What the hell? Where are we?”

“I do not know.” Nev said, Just as confused.

Steven continued to look for an exit, but there didn’t seem to be one. He looked up where they had fallen from but there was just solid rock .

“Why isn’t this place dusty? It looks abandoned.”

“It could have an enchantment on it.” Nev said as she looked around.

The pair then spent a good while trying to figure out how to get out of the strange room. Steven even have Nev turn back into her spider form and hold him up to the ceiling so he could feel around for an illusion. But it was solid. At some point, Steven started looking over the papers on the table, but couldn’t make out what it said. To him, it looked like some ancient text you would find carved in stone. He asked Nev about it, but she said she was not familiar with this language and became quite fascinated with it.

Eventually, they both ended up sitting on the edge of the bed since Nev accidentally broke the chairs when they fell in.

“Looks like we found a bed,” Nev said seductively.

“Really, we are trapped in this weird tiny room and you’re going to try to seduce me?”

“Yes, and I would very much like to succeed in doing so. You may order me to stop at any time.” Nev whispered in his ear.

Steven’s heart raced, and he took a deep breath to calm himself. He would not let this spider eat him.

“Your heart is racing. I can tell you want me. Why do you deny yourself?” Nev asked.

“Why do you want me? You are far more attractive than I am and could surely have any man you wished?”

Nev smiled, “I want your seed, you are a Domain holder with the blessing of Chaos. You would give me powerful hatchlings!”

“Well, thanks for being honest.”

“Do you not like my answer, Master?”

“It’s the truth, so I do like your answer. It would just be nice to be desired for other reasons. But that is irrelevant. I won’t do anything with you. I’m not going to get eaten!”

“Oh, that’s what’s holding you back,” Nev smiled as she moved closer to Steven, “I can do nothing to harm you and have to serve you to the best of my ability till you reach level one hundred, at which time I can devour you. If I do anything to harm you before then, I will die.”

“You know, if you would have left the part out about eating me, I might have just given into you right here and now. How about you promise to not eat me and ill give you all the seed you want?”

Nev bit her lower lip. “I wish I could make that oath to you, but I can not. Why worry so much about things that will be decades in the future?”

“Decades? You think it will take me that long to reach one hundred? I’m already level twenty.”

“I know it will take you that long, leveling will get harder.” Nev said as she pushed him down on the bed and crawled on top of him, “Master, I ask for permission to kiss you.” Nev said, her lips inches from his. Steven wondered how she smelled so good, he had never seen her taking a bath. Kissing her should be fine. Right? After a long moment Steven spoke up.

“Permission granted.” No sooner than he got the words out of his mouth, her lips were on his, she then placed his hands on her waist as her web dress began to dissolve. Steven’s heart was pounding out of his chest.

Suddenly a blinding light flashed as the entire room lite up. “Oh! Come on, can I not leave you alone for ten minutes without that dammed arachnid seducing you?”

Nev got up from the bed, furious. “What’s it to you! Why do you care if we mate? Master obviously wants to!”

Steven’s eyes were glued to the still naked spider Queen. It had been a long while and he had never been with anyone even remotely attractive as her, and it would be decades before he had to worry about Nev eating him. He might as well enjoy himself.

“Are you serious? Do you think I’m just going to let…”

“Silvia. My amazingly bright Wisp, could you please give me and Nev like twenty minutes or so?”

“Are you serious? I told you what would happen if you mate with her.” Silvia said, light flaring.

“You heard Master, now get!” Nev said as she got back in the bed.

“We don’t have time for this. The undead are here to collect that assassin’s body.”

Nev’s demeanor changed dramatically. “Who did they send?”

“I’m unsure he is an undead general. We need to get the half Naga in the hidden path before they reach them. I have Fidah and Evesakia on it at this very moment.”

“Now put some clothes back on and let’s get out of this place. As for you Steven, we need to have a long talk after this is over.”

Nev walked over to Steven and kissed him on the lips while glaring at the wisp.

“You gave her permission to kiss you, I see. Your little Half Naga will be sad. If she lives, that is.”

Steven shot out of the bed. “Let’s get out of this place!”

“Give me a moment. I’m trying to find the path out. I wasn’t even aware this place existed.” Silvia said.

“Okay, well, I’m going to send all this stuff to inventory then while you figure it out.” Steven said while trying not to look at the spider Queen.

He then began sending everything he could to inventory. There was no point in leaving any of this behind. Maybe this stuff would come in handy. It also distracted him from worrying about Eve. The dam spider was just way too attractive. He couldn’t trust himself around her alone. Was she lying? No, she couldn’t. She was under oath, and Silvia assured him she couldn’t break it. He needed to see speak with Silvia about it to see what would happen if they did. No it was best to not give into the spider! Steven’s mind raced as he sent item after item to inventory.

After sending the book shelf to inventory, he yelped and jumped back. Nev immediately turned and took the offensive.

Behind the book shelf stood an odd looking humanoid creature. It had somewhat cat like facial features and wings tucked behind its back. What made it even odder was the spectacles that it wore. Nev was just fixing to attack, but the being spoke first.

“What have you done with all my research?” The cat like being then fell to his knees. At least Steven assumed he was a male.

Nev stepped forward, but Silvia flew in front of her.

“Are you an offspring of a Sphinx?” Silvia asked.

Now that she mentioned it, Steven could definitely see the resemblance. Aside from the human body, it looked very similar to a sphinx

“My research! It’s my life’s work!”

“It’s fine. Answer our questions and we will bring it back.” Silvia said.

“I know this is completely unexpected, but shouldn’t we be getting back, Eve and the other Half Naga could be in danger?”

“You’re still cursed. There is nothing you can do.” Silvia said.

“My research is fine? Where is it?” The being asked, eyeing Nev’s still naked form.

“Yes! It’s fine, it’s just in my inventory,” Steven said before turning to Silvia. “how do we get out of here?”

“Hold on, I’m trying to figure out where we are exactly. I can tell we are still in a part of the dungeon. It’s just…”

“There is no way out. I’ve been trapped here for years.” The Sphinx said.

Steven felt bad for the being but he was also wanting to get to Eve, and the way the sphinx creature was looking at Nev was irritating him, especially since they were just interrupted and Steven hadn't calmed down yet. Wait was this guy watching them the whole time from behind the bookshelf?

Steven stepped in front of Nev. “Keep your eyes to yourself. She is mine!”

Steven didn’t see the wide smile Nev had till he turned around to tell her to cover herself. “Put something on! I don’t care what, just something.”

“Yes Master, of course.” Nev said, still smiling as she pulled out a tattered dress from somewhere.

The sphinx was looking down at the ground now. “I’m sorry, I’ve just been in here for so long and I've never…”

“I’ve got it!” Silvia said. “We are still in the hidden path, we are just in a side pocket of it,” Silvia looked at the sphinx, “who ever created this place was powerful.”

“We can question him later. I’m also curios why he was hiding. Now, how do we get out of this place?”

“Jabriel should be able to portal us out of here without issue.” Silvia said.

“Oh! Yeah,” Steven said sheepishly he had forgotten all about him.

Steven didn’t have to do anything but think about his new familiar and the bound angel steeped out from a portal.

“Mr. Odling, how may I be of service?”

Despite the angel saying he couldn't read his mind, Steven still wondered if he could and just didn't want to admit it.

The sphinx yelped and stumbled back. “Th-that’s…” The Sphinx started.

“I need a portal out of here.” No sooner than Steven spoke a portal large enough for him to walk through appeared the portal its self was an oily black. Steven had used the portal for fighting and had stuck his hand in it but had never gone into it completely.

“Where does it lead?” Steven asked.

“To the place you first thought of when the portal appeared, just like it always does.” Jabriel said.

Steven nodded, and was fixing to step through when Nev stepped in first. Steven then went in, followed by the wisp.

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