Random Portals

Chapter 42: Vassal slots

This was Steven’s second time seeing this fallen angel, and he still felt unnerved just by looking at him. He had the same pale blue skin as Gideon and even had a halo above his head, although his familiar’s halo was black and had cracks that shone with an orange light. His hands and feet were bound by a glowing white rope attached to his ankles and wrists. Each glowing rope went into some sort of circular void, as if the fallen angel was bound to another plane of existence. In fact, that’s exactly what Steven assumed was going on. Despite the bindings, the being looked like a force to be reckoned with.

Steven was a bit unsure why Gideon had been so adamant about him choosing this familiar. But what’s done is done and he might as well make the best of it. Steven opened his mouth to speak, but his new familiar beat him to it.

“Let’s get one thing clear, Mr. Odling. I don’t want to be here. And the only reason I am here is to finish out my sentence. I couldn't care less about you, your goals, or ambitions, whatever they may be. I will open portals when you tell me to, and that’s it. I’m not interested in telling you anything and will not. My contract only applies to opening portals and I will do that to the best of my ability. But do not rely on me for anything other than portals. I have watched several of my summers parish. I’m only telling you this to make both of our lives a little easier, well, whatever fleeting mortal life you have remaining.”

“Well, aren’t you a charmer," Steven said, "okay then, I understand. I do appreciate you being up front with me and…”

“Master! You can’t possibly allow this familiar to talk to you in this manner.”

“Nev, it’s fine! This is my new familiar, and it’s best to just think of him as just an ability. Gid…” Steven froze, and his new familiar looked at him curiously.

“A friend of mine told me this was the best choice by far. And it was also a favor to said friend.“

“Okay, Master, but I still don’t like the way he speaks to you.”

“Now that introductions are out of the way, how about you tell me where you want a portal and I’ll open it. Or you can send me back till you are in need of my services.”

“Actually, introductions aren’t done, I do not know your name.”

“I am known as Jabriel,” the fallen angel said with narrowed eyes, “you have already met my brother, and he has even told you his name for some reason.”

“Brother,” Steven’s eyes widened in surprise, “now that you mention it, you both have the same stare. Anyway, it’s nice to officially meet you, Jabriel. This is Nev, and this beautiful ball of light here is Silviaburlaxatrix.”

“Hey,” Nev said, “why does she get described as beautiful?”

“Because one does not need to describe beauty when the definition of beauty is standing in front of them.” Jabriel said.

Steven turned to look at the bound angel in confusion.

“Keep your flattery to yourself, you’re just a tool to be used as my Master sees fit. The only opinion I care about is my Master’s.”

Steven smiled at that. He wasn’t sure why exactly, but he was glad that Nev didn’t accept his flattery. Nev seen Steven smiling and moved closer to him and held his arm. Jabriel didn’t comment and just looked on with his neutral expression.

“I’ll dis miss you for now but I plan to use you in combat so we will need to get use to one another soon. I’ll need to know how many portals you can make at once and how fast you can make them and what your limitations are.”

“Understood. Portals can be key in combat. I must warn you, I have watched many of my summoners die due to their foolish actions.”

“I appreciate your feedback and would be more than willing to take any advice you would be willing to offer on the subject.” Steven said.

Jabriel looked at Steven curiously, but didn’t speak. Steven then dismissed the connection with a thought. He wished it would have been that easy to summon him.

“Master, that angel, fallen, or whatever it’s called, is extremely rude.”

“I agree Nev, however, that being has already formed a core and was well on his way to obtaining a minor god title before he was forced to serve as a familiar for a set time.”

Nev took a step back. “Are you serious? But what kind of being could be forced to do anything? And how do you know all this?”

“A friend told me. Now let’s go find out where Silvia has gone to. I’m surprised she left like that.”

While he went to find Silvia, Nev went to check on her enthralled minions. Steven didn’t have to go far to find Silvia. She had gone back to the camp, and was simply floating above a few embers from last nights fire.

“I would light it for you but I don’t have any wood.” Steven said.

“It’s fine. Eve has some more of those ever burning leaves. She will make me one tonight.”

Steven could tell something was off with the Wisp by the way her light was dimmed. He still wasn’t sure if she did it on purpose or if she was just completely oblivious to her light giving away her mood.”

“Do you want to talk about it?” Steven asked in a low voice.


“Okay, just know I’m here if you want to.” Steven looked at the Wisp for a moment longer before going over and picking Eve up and placing her on the bed. He was careful not to wake her. He felt terrible for her having to sleep on the ground. If anyone should have slept there, it was the elf, since he barely knew her.

“Wisps are supposed to remember most of our past lives,” Silvia said, “but I don’t remember any of mine. When you mortals die, your memories are whipped but Wisps are reborn with most of our memories intact and over time, we remember everything. But I can’t remember anything! Making me no better than mortals,” there was a brief pause before Silvia continued, “I think the council did something to me, but I can’t prove it.”

“Like I told you before, I will help you take down a corrupt council, especially if they have messed with your memories.”

Silvia’s light brightened. “Do you really mean that?”

“Of course I do!”

“But I thought you wanted a simple life of little adventures, hunting simple monsters and staying at inns with a dwarf bar keep. While having drinks with your comrades.”

“That’s oddly specific. What gives you the idea that is something I would want?”

“I saw a lot when I went into your inventory. It’s connected to your soul, and I glimpsed some of your memories, but don’t worry, I didn’t hurt anything. I could only see your memories because I’m soul bound to you, so the assassin in your inventory can’t see anything.”

“Well, thanks for the heads up.” Steven said, completely unsure how he felt about Silvia getting access to his memories. He couldn’t help but wonder how much of his memories she had actually seen.

“It looks as your harem is waking.” Silvia said, light flickering with playfulness.

Steven rolled his eyes before he turned his attention to Eve. He was still unsure why the Wisp had left after Jabriel was summoned. Maybe it was because she wanted to be the brightest light or something. Pushing those thoughts to the side for now, he focused on Eve.

Eve panicked for a second while trying to figure out where she was. Then her eyes landed on Steven. “Oh! Good morning.” Eve said while quickly covering herself with the covers.

Steven thought that was a bit odd as she was completely covered by her baggy night clothes, which somehow made her even more adorable. Fidah, on the other hand, barely had anything on and didn’t mind if Steven had seen at all. In fact, it was as if she was trying to show him. “Good morning, master.” Fidah said.

Steven turned to Silvia and glared. She was surely the one who put her up to calling him master. He was just fixing to say something when Sirus came into view.

“Sorry to bother you Steven, but…” Sirus stopped talking and froze as he noticed the half naked redheaded elf sitting on the edge of the bed directly in front of Steven. She then yelped and went to cover herself with the blanket, which pulled it from Eve causing Sirus’s eyes to bulge. “Eve… Wha…”

“Hey it’s rude to stare at a lady.” Fidah said.

Causing Sirus to promptly turn around. “I am sorry! I was just surprised I didn’t…”

“It’s not what it looks like, Captain Sirus! I promise!” Eve said, cheeks blushing as she pulled at the covers and scooted closer to Fidah to share the blanket.

Silvia started laughing, “humans are so awkward,” Silvia flew over to Sirus, “It seems, Steven is busy with his harem at the moment you can speak with me and I’ll relay it back to Steven when he has more time.”

“Harem! Wait what! That’s my niece!” Sirus protested as Silvia led him away.

“And you should be proud.”

Steven took a deep breath as Silvia, and Sirus walked out of sight.

“Fidah.” Steven said.

“Yes, master.” She said excitedly.

“Okay, first off, there is no need for the master thing. You can just call me Steven.”

“Well,” Fidah said, “Silvia had me take an oath to serve you, so I must refer to you as something, and Steven just won’t do.”

Steven sighed, “what sort of oath?”

“To serve and obey your commands, as long as your commands don’t harm any of my kindred.”

“I want to make an oath to you as well!” Eve said.

Steven’s eyes widened in surprise as he turned to look at Eve. When he did, she nervously looked away.

“I’m not sure what Silvia has been telling you two, but I’m not forming a harem.” Steven said.

Eve continued to look down, but the redhead looked Steven right in the eyes. “Call your band of women whatever you like. I really don’t care what you call me. But I have already made an oath that I cannot break less I die. So as for me, I’m joining your damn harem if you like it or not. But if you don’t keep your end of the deal, then…” Fidah fell to her knees in front of Steven and started crying, “please, allow me to join your harem.”

Steven was so taken aback by the elf’s one eighty in attitude he had no idea what to say and just stood there staring at her for a long minute before he finally spoke up. “Uh, well sure. You can join I guess…” Steven looked around for help, but Eve was still looking down and the queen and wisp were nowhere around. “If it’s what you really want, then who am I to stop you.”

The elf looked up, tears still in her eyes, “truly you will accept me!”

There was no way Steven could tell the crying elf no. “Sure.”

No sooner than Steven said that, he received a prompt.

Allow Fidah Underwood to become your second vassal. Yes/No?

(Note: 1 of 3 slots are filled.)

Steven wasn’t sure what he should do, but if Silvia had already made her take an oath, then he supposed it was fine. The Wisp was quite knowledgeable, if annoying at times. Selecting yes, a green light shot from his chest to Fidah’s chest as a pale green light shot from her to him. Dismissing the prompt congratulating him for getting another Vassal, he seen Eve down on her knees next to Fidah teary eyed.

“Steven…” Eve said, “Please can’t I join too?”

“Eve, I… I don’t think you understand what it means, and if Shirem comes back…”

“I don’t care. I just don’t ever want you to leave me again. I want to adventure with you like we talked about,” Eve said, teary-eyed. “We talked about all the adventures we would go on together. Please...”

Steven’s biggest weakness was crying women. He had absolutely no idea what to do in the situation.


“Okay, fine, sure you can join me too. But nothing changes between us”

Allow Evesakia Swift Tail to become your third and final vassal. Yes/No?

(Note: 2 of 3 slots are filled.)

After selecting yes, a green light shot towards Eve’s chest as a violet light shot towards Steven from Eve. After a moment, another prompt appeared.

Congratulations, you have obtained all your vassal slots. You must rename Blank’s Domain at this time.

Steven sighed. Blank was going to be pissed, although at this point it was best he kept this domain and give another to the wizard. Well, if that would even be a possibility. Pushing those thoughts to the side for now, he tried to think of a name. He was terrible at naming.

While leaving the screen up, he glanced over at his two new vassals . “Hey Eve, what do you think a good Domain name is?”

“Uh, I’m unsure, let me think…”

“How about the Domain of Underwood and Steven.” Fidah said.

“No, definitely not that.” Steven said.

“How about the Domain of Fidah, Steven and Evesakia.”

“No, just no.”

“How about the Domain of elves and…” Fidah started.

“God. Just stop! Okay, let me think for a minute.” No sooner than Steven said that, the screen in front of him vanished and he received a new prompt.

Congratulations, Divine intervention has come to your aid.

Did this happen because he said god out loud? No, it couldn’t be that easy to ask for help. Wait, now that he thought about it. “Hey, god person, or chaos, sorry I’m not sure what to refer to you as, but I can handle this naming thing, thanks anyway.”

No response. He really didn’t think he would get one, anyway. He ignored the odd looks Eve and Fidah were giving him.

With nothing else better to do, Steven tried to reopen the page to name his Domain, but each time he tried he just received a notification that said, Pending. . .

Steven sat down on the bed between Eve and Fidah, who were still on the dungeon floor. “Well, I guess the god of chaos is choosing us a name.”

“The God of Chaos?” Fidah asked, eyes wide.

“Really,” Eve said, face lighting up, “I can’t wait to see what he chooses for you!”

Steven got a sinking feeling. “Yea neither can I…”

It didn’t take long before Silvia came flying back. “What did you do?”

“Well, I guess I filled my three available vassal slots.”

“That’s obvious, but why?” Silvia asked.

“You didn’t fill the slot with that elf, did you?” Nev said as she ran over still in human form, “please tell me it was Sirus.”

“It was Eve and Fidah.” Steven said a bit sheepishly.

“Why?” Silvia asked. “Fidah was already oath bound to serve you. You didn’t have to make her a vassal. Why didn’t you consult me first?”

“I understand the Half Naga. She is quite skilled in alchemy and will be quite useful on our travels, but the elf,” Nev said in disgust, “She is nothing but a pretty face.”

Fidah opened her mouth to say something, but a glare from Nev had her promptly close it.

“What’s done is done, okay, and besides, Silvia said she was good with a bow,” Steven said.

“I did, but she is a low level. I was only having her join your Harem not have her become a vassal.” Silvia said.

“For the last time Silvia, I’m not forming a harem! I’m not sure where you got this idea, but I’m a one woman kind of man!”

“Yes, I understand one woman at a time. I’ve seen all your memories. I know the things you desire.” Silvia said, light flickering.

Steven took a deep breath. “I’m ready for the eighth floor now. let’s go.”

“Yes Master, of course. I will get our soldiers.” Nev said as she took off without another word.

“Eve, I adore you and I don’t want you to get hurt in the slightest, so I’m asking you to stay behind.” Steven said.

“Yes master.” Eve said.

“Absolutely not!” Steven said, “not from you. You are my friend and I want you to treat me the same as you always have. Please, I need that from you.”

Eve smiled. “Yes, of course. May I hug you?”

“You don’t even have to ask.”

“What about me? What is it you want me to do, Mr. Odling?” Fidah asked.

“Mr. Odling will do just fine thanks, and well you need to level up so you are coming with me,” Steven said.

“Yes sir,” Fidah said, “If I fall, you will keep your promise, right?”

“Yes, he will. I will make sure of it,” Silvia said. “Now how about you go inform Sirus of our decision to enter the next floor.”

Fidah took off with determination.

“Silvia, what did you promise her?”

“That we would deliver the cure to her people, of course.”

“I would have done that without her devoting her life to me.”

“I know, but we need all the help we can get.” Silvia said.

“Next time, inform me before you do something like that.” Steven said.

“Fine. But don't think I'm just going to drop this like the arachnid. You need to consult me before making big decisions!"

“Here are some potions I’ve had finished up for you.” Eve said.

“Thanks! You're saving our lives without even having to fight.”

Eve blushed slightly. “I’m going to go inform the Elders that I have entwined my life with yours.” Eve said, as she started walking away.

“I doubt the half Naga will be happy about losing someone as talented as her. I do hope it won’t be an issue.” Steven said.

“It’s fine. They won’t dare do anything that would cause them issues with the Spider Queen.” Silvia said.

Steven then received a notification.

Congratulations, The Domain of Odlings little harem, has been established.

Steven froze after reading the notification. He then read over it again to make sure he wasn’t mis understanding it. He then closed the notification and opened up the Domain name.

Unfortunately, it was the same as the prompt. Steven took a few long deep breaths to calm himself before he asked a smirking Silvia if others could see the name.

“The short answer is yes.” Silvia said as she burst out laughing, lights flickering wildly.

Steven then began cursing the god of chaos with every curse word he could possibly think of. After several minutes of this Nev came back to ask why he named their Domain such a thing, he then began cursing again.

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