Random Portals

Chapter 34: Abominations

“Master.” Nev said. “I can’t leave the dungeon, when I try the dungeon puts floating words in front of me telling me I can’t leave the Dungeon while my Master is challenging the Domain Holder of this Dungeon.”

Steven’s eyes widened. “Shit! I did get some sort of notification on the fourth floor, but I assumed that only pertained to me.”

“This is not good!” Silvia said.

“You think! I’ll need to eat something soon, and I will not eat undead!”

“I'll share what I have, but I don’t have a lot of food left,” Steven said. “what about the drones, have you tried to send them out?”

“I have. They couldn’t go out either.”

“I wasn’t aware of this feature of the Dungeon. This is my fault. I should have known and warned you of this.” Silvia’s light dimmed.

“I don’t blame you. This is not your fault. It just means we need to start pushing through the dungeon faster.”

“Master,” Nev said, looking down, “I won’t make it but a few days without food. It takes a lot of fuel to keep my body going, even in this human form.”

Steven paled. “Is it possible to reach Sorin in that amount of time?”

Silvia sighed. “It would be possible, but we would have to rush through the dungeon to the hidden paths. And you wouldn’t get to level up. I’m not sure Nev can deal with the Elder demon and then Sorin.”

“I can’t, not if I’m half starved and don’t get to rest. That would be impossible even with the help of the adolescent wisps.”

“Is there a way we can contact those outside? If you could tell the drones to bring in food.”

“Nev cocked her head side to side in a very spider like manner. “I cannot contact the drones, but it may be possible for me to reach out to one of my daughters.”

“Great!” Steven said. “That will solve this problem!”

“Uh,” Nev sighed, “I’m not so sure any of my daughters would be willing to help. In fact, I know none of them would if they thought it was possible for me to die. The only thing they would be interested in would be my corpse.”

“Okay, I’m lost.” Steven said.

“Spiders,” Silvia started, “are a lot like you humans. They want power by any means possible. It’s in their nature to kill the Queen and take the throne. It’s just their cycle of life when the Queen gets old or is surpassed by one of her daughters. They will kill their mother and eat her corpse to gain the ancestral memories. Further more…”

“No, that’s enough! I don’t need to know any more,” Steven said. “If we can’t get help, we will just have to push through this dungeon. We can’t go back, so we have to go forward.”

Steven could tell that Nev looked unsure but nodded in agreement, and Silvia’s light dimmed.

“The next floor is like a maze and constantly shifting, and filled with undead abominations and traps,” Silvia said.

“It is my least favorite. The abominations are a pain to deal with.” Nev added.

“Well, we will just have to push through it.” Steven said. “I’m open to suggestions. If either of you have a better idea, I’m all ears.”

No one had any better ideas and several hours later they were deep within the sixth floor, staring at multiple paths leading forwards.

“There has to be a faster way.” Steven said as he paced back and forth.

“The drones are the fastest way I know how to deal with this floor.” Nev said.

“I’m sorry, this floor is constantly changing. I can’t be certain which path is the correct one.”

“All we have to do is get past this floor and then you can lead us to all the hidden paths, right?” Steven asked.

“Yes, the other floors are straightforward.”

Suddenly, one of the drones came sprinting down from one of the tunnels. “My Queen,” a Spider-kin knelt down panting hard, “this is the path.” The Spider-kin pointed down the path he just came from.

“Good job!” Steven said, as he took off at a jog down the path. Spider Queen and Wisp right behind him, they were trailed by nearly a thousand adolescent Wisps. A few of the wisps even led the way.

This was the fifth time they had done this. Steven knew there would be an undead abomination at the end of this tunnel, as long as they made it before the dungeon shifted. If that happened they would come to another room with multiple tunnels leading out and have to wait till the Drones found the correct path, again.

Silvia had told them there were seven abominations and once all seven were dealt with, the path to the next floor would appear. They had only dealt with three so far, meaning Steven had three undead abominations in his inventory.

Steven ran as fast as he could, but was ultimately too slow. He saw the room that led to the fourth abomination just as the dungeon began shifting. The dungeon continued shifting until there were several paths leading out again.

“Damnit! Damnit! Damnit! I’m just too slow!” Steven placed his hands on his knees while he caught his breath.

Unfortunately, Nev couldn’t just finish this floor for him. They all had to enter the same door or they would end up separated when they went to the next floor. The Wisps were also no use, although Steven didn’t understand why. They could fly a lot faster than the drones could run and would be able to check out each path. But Silvia said they didn’t know what to look for, which made no sense at all. A giant undead abomination was pretty easy to spot.

Steven continued walking into the cave room with multiple tunnels as drones wordlessly started down each path. Pulling his bed out of his inventory, he sat on the edge and began sending wisps to inventory. It seemed like a never-ending task. Steven was surprised when all the Wisps were able to change floors with him. He figured Silvia pulled some sort of shenanigans. But it really wouldn’t matter if they couldn’t defeat this dungeon before they starved. Steven was worried more about the spider Queen than himself. He still had some food, but he wasn’t sure if Nev would turn feral when she started going hungry. Steven sighed as he sent the little wisps to inventory.

“We will get it this time.” Silvia said.

“I could make it every time if my mana wasn’t always half empty. I could just change to my spider form and charge down the path at twice the speed.”

“I know, but we need the Wisps,” Silvia said.

Steven didn’t reply, he just lay back on the bed as wisps flew into him. He held his hand up to stop them before his mana got too low. One mana to send something to inventory wasn’t much, but when it needed to trigger hundreds and hundreds of times, it added up.

“Mana potions would really speed up this process.”

Oh, how Steven itched to have a smoke, but if he did, his mana regeneration would be halved.

“How you holding up, Nev?”

“I’m doing fine, Master. It will be another day or two before the hunger will start to really set in.”

“Are you sure you don’t want some of my food?”

“It wouldn’t give me much substance. I need raw flesh.”

It wasn’t long before a drone came sprinting down a tunnel and they were off again. This time Steven burst into the room in his Spider King form. The undead abomination had two heads, one of a cyclops and the other was what Steven thought was a fish, but it was hard to tell, as the creature was an undead abomination of jumbled up flesh. It had four arms and several tentacles on its back. Steven only gave the odd creature a passing glance as he continued his charge without slowing. The abomination was large, but wasn’t much bigger than Steven’s spider form.

The abomination roared as Steven charged. It, too, charged at Steven. The clash only lasted for an instant. The abomination’s tentacles went to wrap around Steven with the intent to crush him, just to be sent to inventory as Steven’s spider leg touched the abomination’s foot. Steven immediately changed back into his human form and began panting. He had used up most of his mana and stamina on his mad dash. Several wisps began buzzing around Steven in irritation. They all knew this meant he wouldn’t be able to send any of them to his inventory till he recovered his mana. Silvia had to make them back off.

“Master, that was incredible. You dealt with that abomination so effortlessly.”

“Yea, but we got several more before we can even reach the next floor.” Steven said between breaths. It’s not like he had done anything other than touch the abomination.

Several drones had already gone running down the tunnel to scout and deal with traps. There were obviously fewer of them than when they first started this mad dash. Steven was just happy they didn’t have to run down this tunnel, though he knew they would come to multiple paths somewhere down this tunnel.

Once he caught his breath, they started down the tunnel, using the lights from the Wisps to light the way. Silvia had suggested it so he could save his last dark vision potion.

“What is the meaning of this?”

Sirus was familiar with these younger princess spiders and knew the best way to deal with them, so he stepped forward.

“Please, your highness allow me to explain.” Sirus said.

“Okay, go on then, explain why hundreds of you half Naga just suddenly appeared in my city.”

Sirus bowed his head and went to one knee. He knew these young spiders craved obedience. “Your highness, we were attacked by the humans and our clan was scattered. More of our kind are surely on their way here.”

“That doesn’t explain how you just appeared in the middle of my city, or why I should care. We tolerate you reptiles in our cities due to the treaty, but we aren’t taking you lot in as refugees.”

Goskia stepped forward. “Young princess, I am Goskia. It is I that brought them here. I had an agreement with Queen Nevateb. I would greatly appreciate it if you could lead me to her.”

The spider princess bared her fangs, and Sirus placed his hand on the hilt of his weapon, however the Spider princess didn’t make any moves to harm them nor did the drones surrounding them make a move.

“Fine, if you want to speak with mother, I will have the drones lead you to her. But all of you must go. I don’t want a trace of you here when the humans come looking for you.”

Sirus Narrowed his eyes at the spider. That made no sense. He was just about to ask about this when Goskia spoke up. “Of course, we will all go.”

“Alright then,” the Spider princess smiled, “follow the drones.”

The next moment, the Spider princess shot a web above them and soon vanished out of sight.

“Please, this way. Follow me, the Queen is in the Dungeon.”

Several gasps erupted from the half Naga and murmurs broke out. Several refused to go. But they quickly stopped complaining when the drones casually explained all who defined the young Princess orders would be eaten.

Sorin went into a rage as he saw a few hundred half Naga appear in his dungeon. He quickly summoned the Beholder and within a few moments the Beholder appeared in his throne room looking at the half Naga through Sorin's Dungeon sight.

“It seems the humans and Elves had infiltrated the half Naga and sent them into disarray. These must be refugees, although I am unsure what they are doing in your dungeon.” The Beholder casually stated.

“Well, what can we do about it?”

“I can have the humans informed that the half Naga had fled into the dungeon. Although,” the Beholder said with a wide grin, “It will cost you dearly. We both know that your domain is being challenged and now that the challenger has made it past the fifth floor, none can exit this dungeon till only one Domain Holder remains.”

Sorin snarled. Demons were conniving, and he hated having to deal with them, but he didn’t have another choice right now. “Fine, but your assassin failed, so I think I’m due a refund on that transaction.”

“Thats not how it works, you know that. All I did was get the hit placed on the target.”

Sorin’s blood boiled at the beholder’s disrespect, but he held his tongue. All he had to do was get the Domain from the intruder and he would no longer be looked down on.

“Just do it. I’ll pay. I want them all dead.”

“Good, good. I knew you would come to see reason.”

“Captain Sirus,” Eve said, jogging up to him, “what floor did you last see Steven on?”

“Miss Evesakia, I told you to stay in the back with the other crafters.”

“But Cap…”

Sirus raised his hand, “you heard me. Now go to the back with the other crafters, where you will be safe.”

Once Eve left, Goskia spoke up. “There is no need to treat your niece that way. She is simply worried about Steven.”

“No, she is worried about Shirem.” Sirus said, “Is Elder Vasuki still under the impression Steven is Shirem?”

“He is indeed,” Goskia said. “Don’t be so hard on him. He is getting old.”

“That he is, though I’m not so sure Steven wasn’t part of the human’s plan, regardless if Steven was aware of it or not.”

“And what are you going to do about it?” Goskia asked.

“Me? Nothing. That’s for you and Elder Vasuki to decide.”

“What if we want your opinion on the matter?”

“I would tell you I’m not qualified.”

“If not you, then who?”

Sirus walked in silence for a long bit before he spoke. “I would treat him the same as we have been.”

“Oh?” Goskia questioned.

“If Steven was involved, then there is no reason to let him think we suspect anything. If he is not involved, then nothing changes. Either way, we need his help. If not for the spider Queen then Steven would be irrelevant and not worth the trouble.”

Goskia smiled. “Elder Vasuki and I have come to the same conclusion.”

“Then why ask my opinion?”

“Because you are the future of this clan. There are many Elder positions available and only a few are able to fill those positions.”

“Goskia with all do respect I don’t…”

Goskia raised his hand. “We can discuss this later.”

They walked in silence till they reached another blue glowing door.

“I’ve never seen the dungeon so empty of undead, I thought they respawned.” Goskia said.

“For some reason, when Steven entered, they stopped spawning.”

“Hmm, there is definitely more going on than we know. What floor do you think he has made it to?” Goskia asked.

“I’m really not sure. With the Spider Queen doing his bidding, it’s hard to say. If I had to guess, I would say they are just finishing up the fifth, or at least I hope as finding them on the sixth floor could be difficult, even with the drones leading us.”

“One more damn undead abomination and we will be off this floor!” Steven said.

“I’m going to rip that damn vampire to pieces and slowly eat him while he watches me devour his flesh!”

Steven turned to say something to Nev, but when he saw the look in her eyes, he thought better of it and turned to Silvia.

“How many wisps are left?”

“Three hundred and twenty-one.” Silvia said.

“Okay, let’s wait till we finish the last abomination, so I don’t have to worry about running out of mana.”

Steven barely got the words out before a drone came sprinting from a tunnel to inform them of the direction of the last abomination.

Nev took off down the path in her spider form. Steven changed forms so he wouldn’t fall behind and took off after her. It was better if he went first, so there was no chance of them getting separated, but he wasn’t about to try and stop the massive hangry spider.

It didn’t take him long to make it to the room with the abomination in his spider form. Once he did, he stopped and changed back to his human form to conserve mana.

Nev was already ripping the abomination limb from limb. However, the abominations had an insane regeneration ability and was regenerating limbs almost as fast as Nev could rip them off. It was a furious fight. Nev was obviously stronger and had more skill but she was only brute forcing her way through the fight instead of using her webs or other shard abilities. Steven nearly got involved and just sent the abomination to inventory, but figured he should let the Spider Queen blow off some steam. She had been quite irritable, barely even talking to him.

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