Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 363: Cutscene of Father and Son

There was a tiny detail that Han Jing forgot when he woke up after his nap and looked at his family who were actually still around. Han Jing also forgot that the day after the Mid-Autumn Festival was some sort of holiday, but it wasn't that.

Han Jing wasn't getting 130,000 yuan at all at once… all Han Jing had was 12,000 yuan which was a far cry from the whole amount—but it was a great counter to him just suddenly spending all of his money.

"I'm glad, but also disappointed in myself." Han Jing muttered underneath his breath.

"You're not the only one."

Han Jing threw a look at his old man, and sighed inwardly, but then scratched his head. "I see…" After getting enough rest from his so-called nap, Han Jing was in a better mood where his father's words didn't instantly push his buttons.

"You know, Jing, why don't you and your father go out and buy lunch?" His mother suggested.

It was one of those attempts to have the two of them get along more, and Han Jing really didn't like it that much at all. But then again, he didn't have much choice about it and neither did his father actually complain either.

"Hurry up. I'm already prepared and your sister's hungry," Han Shirong said as he stood up at their door.

"You know, if Jinjing's that hungry—we should just order something. That'd be a lot faster." Han Jing pointed out. He watched his mother's face dim slightly, and though it did… Han Jing just wanted to say that it was actually an honest and helpful suggestion.

"There's too many people ordering food these days, they'll just get stuck in traffic." Jinjing grumbled underneath her breath as she put down her book. The younger girl threw a look at Han Jing. "Just get off your lazy ass and get to the bathroom. You need exercise, anyway."

"Gah. Fine." Han Jing pulled himself up to his feet and dragged himself to the bathroom. While Han Jing got a bit sensitive or moody when it came to his father, it wasn't fair to say that his old man was the only one with the sharp tongue.

Jinjing also had it in spades.

Once Han Jing was dressed in his solid colored shirt plus cargo pants staple, the man walked out of the bathroom and checked his phone.

[ RO: Han is currently in his room studying ]

[ You are currently earning EXP in Student Class and improving your Skills ]

Even though Han Jing was one of those people who detested games that had offline modes to help accumulate levels and experience… considering it was cheating and that the grind was part of the fun—he was relieved about this.

"Is that really what you're going to wear?" Han Jing's mother asked. "Why not wear something a little different?" 

Compared to his father, Han Jing did look a bit underdressed—but that was because the man looked like he got up and dressed for work. The man's clothing options were reserved in that way, so it made Han Jing look like some slacker.

… and technically, he kinda was. But that was beyond the point.

"You know people are not going to care about what I wear, mother." Han Jing rubbed the back of his neck. "Most of them are more concerned about their lives and their own business."

"But they'll still form an impression around you, regardless of whether you want to or not," His father said. "The fact that they won't care enough to fully know you just means that you'll have to present yourself as much as you can. It's far too easy to pick out flaws in someone's appearance than the good thing that you always do."

"...fine." Han Jing gave up at last at the lecture that was being given. There was no use trying to argue and he didn't even know why he still tried in the first place. He went over to his closet and tried to pick out something more 'different'.

"Jing, why don't you wear these? They'll look nice on you." His mother strode over to his closet and picked out some slacks and even a buttoned up shirt.

"Mom, I'm not five—I can pick out my own clothes to wear."

"Well, your father still chooses to wear what I chose for him." 

"That's different—" Han Jing realized he was arguing again and quickly dropped it. Sometimes it was better to choose when to argue against something or when it was more worth it to actually just compromise for a little. "Fine, I'll wear this. Thanks, mother."

It only took a couple of minutes and then Han Jing was out and wearing clothes he hadn't touched ever since his second year of university. These were actually one of those outfits that Han Jing tried to wear whenever he went out clubbing with Mou Gu in the past.

Comfortable clothes weren't going to cut it when you were around them.

Not as bad as some women though. Before Han Jing knew it, the two of them left their apartment and went down the stairs. A lot of the people who were usually up in the morning and sometimes had their doors open—due to the terrible air-conditioning—still had their doors closed.

So it was with much chagrin that Madam Dongxia was chipper and looked like she didn't even miss a single hour of sleep. She looked far more well-rested than Han Jing and was currently petting her cat, Whiskers.

"Oh, look at that father and son!" Madam Dongxia remarked chirply. "Why, the two of you look so similar to each other as Jing here grows older and older." 

"Haha, thank you." 

It was far from a compliment that Han Jing would like to accept. 

Madam Dongxia looked at his father. "Shirong, you should have told me that you were coming for the holidays. I tried to invite Wenling overnight but she said no. It was because you're finally home, no wonder. Not working overtime, huh? I hear that holiday pay is much more."

"Well, it's not too bad trying to get some rest every once in a while." Han Shirong replied and rubbed his shoulder. "Heavens know I need it, we're not getting any younger after all."

"Then it's about time that Han Jing tries to step up sometime soon." Madam Dongxia laughed. "I bought a lot of flowers from your son and I must say that they are all in good quality. His supplier must be really good."

"Is that so?" Han Shirong said and smiled politely. "I think I'll wait for Jinjing to graduate from college before my mind can be at ease. Those real estate investments aren't going to pay themselves either."

"Oh my, you must want to leave my apartment quite soon." Madam Dongxia laughed and elbowed the man. "I still remember the day when you and your wife first moved in here, seeing Han Jing when he was still in diapers. How much time flies."

"That's a very nice memory, Madam Dongxia," Han Jing said and tried not to wince.

"Quit your sass, boy." Madam Dongxia wagged a finger at him. "Where do the two of you seem to be going by the way? Some father and son bonding, I presume? That must be quite nice."

"We're actually going to buy lunch, Madam Dongxia." Han Jing replied at last. "Jinjing really gets upset when she doesn't get to eat properly. Growing girl, and all that."

"She's currently studying so she needs all the nutrients that she needs for the upcoming exams," Han Shirong agreed with his son at last. "So if you'll excuse us for now, we'll be taking our leave."

"Oh, well, take care, two." Madam Dongxia smiled genially. "How about dropping over to my room later for some tea with Wenling? I would love to catch up with you two."

It took a couple of minutes before Han Jing and his father were finally out of the apartment and radar of Madam Dongxia. Once the ordeal was finished however, came the collective sigh or relief from the two of them.

"Man, she never knows when to cut a conversation, does she?" Han Jing sighed.

"Not at all," Han Shirong sighed and shook his head. "But she's the only one who has very affordable rent in the city so you'll learn how to manage when it comes to her."

"Very affordable, but she barely takes care of some things in the apartment. I'll be damned if the lights on the fourth floor stay dark or that one washing machine keeps overflowing."

"The fifth one on the right side of the room."

"Yeah… how did you know?"

"I also lived here, son." Han Shirong replied to Han Jing and shook his head. "I had to leave when work started piling and shared an apartment with my co-workers but that doesn't mean I'll forget every little nuisance in the apartment."

"I didn't think you'd start talking about this," Han Jing snorted a little. "You always have good things to say about everyone else."

"...You learn how to keep comments to yourself to keep the peace, Jing."

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