Races: Online (VR Smartphone App)

Chapter 30: Back To Travelling

Before he could consider the implications—a sharp rap sounded at the door.

"Good morning, breakfast is ready. Do you need some help to get down, Han?" Nire's voice sounded outside his room. "Old Man Joe told me that you guys will be leaving today."

"Er, just a minute!" What was he even saying? He could get down on his own! He had to. He turned to the Universal Chat and sighed as he typed out a quick farewell.

Han: I see, thank you for telling me. I have to go now, I'll see you Seniors again!

He then dismissed all the screens with a sigh, he shuffled towards the door, dragging his sore leg along. He opened the door to see Nire Summer waiting beside the door frame.

"Well good morning~ You look like you haven't slept a wink." She chuckled and moved closer to him. "I'll help you get down stairs."

Han gulped as he held her shoulder, it felt so real—her slight form. "Probably because of the pain."

She began to walk and he moved along. "Oh, that's surprising, we used a tiny bit of healing potion to patch things up. Then again, you did lose some blood so you're probably feeling woozy." 

She was chatty, but it was alright. It helped Han take his mind off things right now. Nire Summer assisted him as they went down her wooden stairs, her inn was actually quite big.

"I was thinking of adding a third floor actually, it'd be like my own castle." She gave him a grin as he finally settled down on one of the tables in what appeared to be the common room.

There were already a few people in the inn, travellers like themselves. Some were already eating their hot breakfasts while others were already enjoying their early spirits.

Old Man Joe Light was among those who was drinking and chatting with some of the people.

It seemed like the old man finally had a crowd to listen to his outlandish tales.

Now where was—

"Here's your breakfast, sir." The sarcasm was from no other than Timothy himself. The man placed down a tray filled with three plates with heapings of what seemed to be pasta.

It made his mouth water but he looked up at his companion. "Huh? Are you deciding to stay here with Miss Summer than travel to the Capital?" Han grinned at the young man.

"Of course not, you dimwit!" Timothy flabbergasted, his face aflame. "I was only lending Miss Summer a hand or two."

"And a great help he's been. These look better than what I can make~" Nire chirped as she paused for a moment. "Be right back!"

Timothy sat down in front of him and grabbed his own plate. "You took your time to wake up."

"I thought I woke up early." Han said in reply, reaching for his own plate as well. The waft of noodles was enough to make him drool. "But I didn't know you could cook."

"It's a basic skill." Timothy eyed him, a dour expression on his face.

"I guess you're right—"

A tall pitcher was placed on the table along with three glasses. "Tada~ I got some juice in addition to the pasta, let's dig in!"

"Woah, thanks!" Han immediately poured himself a cup and blinked at the shimmering liquid that filled his cup. "Is this magic?"

Timothy snorted while Nire simply laughed. "No, that's the juice from LumenFruit, I guess it's your first time encountering it?"

"Um yeah, it's not going to make my insides glow or something right?" Han looked at his glass, could he really drink this sparkly liquid? 

She shook her head. "Nope, haven't seen that happen yet. My [ Alchemist ] friend says it's safe enough for consumption."

Safe enough, that was comforting.

"...I see. And wait, did you say [ Alchemist ]?" Could this be the person he could sell his gathered resources to?

"Mhmm, my friend is an [ Alchemist ] from Wolfcrest, they're the ones who make healing potions?" Nire glanced at Timothy. "Are there no…?"

Timothy rubbed his face. "Our village is quite small, so no [ Alchemist ] would consider putting a store there. My, er, friend here isn't that familiar with [ Classes ] that he hadn't encountered yet. He's not really that smart too. I really don't know why." 

Timothy visibly winced as he used the word 'friend'. 

Han didn't know what to say, the guy finally acknowledged him as a friend while seemingly trying to make it out in a nice way that he was the village idiot.

"That's pretty mean to say, I'm sure Han's talent lies somewhere else." Nire chastised the man, she picked up her fork. "But we should really eat before the pasta gets cold."

Soon enough they were all finished and the Innkeeper had walked them towards the stable where Old Man Joe Light's cart was being kept.

"Thank you, young missy for taking us in! You've been a great help to us—have some of my harvested crops to use while cooking!" Old Man Joe Light easily picked up a crate with one hand.

"No-no, you guys are paying guests! But, er...I suppose I can't say no to such a generous offer." Nire sheepishly accepted the crate from the old farmer.

Han was staring at the two mules, was it just his perception, but did the two of them look bored? Maybe he was imagining it after hanging out with Miss Becky before.

"Well then, the three of us will be all off. Thanks once again! Once I drop off these two boys at the Capital, I'll be sure to drop by on my way back." Old Man Joe Light laughed. "It's quite nice when a pretty 'ol lady like yourself takes care of old fools like me! It reminds me of the good—"

Timothy cleared his throat and stepped in. "It was good to meet you, Miss Summer. I hope you stay safe and be on more guard, there are stray goblins in Oaken Ashwoods so you have to be careful."

"Well, aren't you too worried." Nire Summer grinned. "Don't worry! I'll be fine!"

Han looked up and managed a small smile. It was time to leave but there was still that strange feeling. He did his best to ignore it. "Thanks for taking care of us, Miss Nire. Maybe someday, the two of us could drop by your inn again."



When the sight of the three travellers were quite far enough that they looked like specks in the distance, Nire Summer sighed a bit and looked at the crate of crops.

The three were good people as usual.

She liked them really, they were good guests too.

But… she turned her back from the road and opened the crate. It was indeed filled with a wonderful assortment of fruits and vegetables. 

She looked around her surroundings. The Oaken Ashwood was a stone's throw away from her inn, she sighed softly to herself marched back into her premises.

The crate was left outside and exposed.

Until a lone creature darted outside the forest, its pointed ears twitching as it dashed towards the crate. A few other of its tribesmen followed along. 

And soon, the crate was whisked off into the woods.

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