Quick Transmigration: Homewrecker System!

Chapter 962: 15.181

"With this, you will be immortal in this world, to be the guiding spirit of my religion and your descendant. This is the best I could do for you, Han Min," Bai Shijue said. "I'm sorry I can't defy your death."

The spectral Han Min kneeled right beside Han Ning and then prostrated deeply, "Master Bai! You have given me a grace that no human will ever get! I will forever be indebted to you and follow you for eternity!"

Bai Shijue chuckled, "You will be mainly stationed here, in this village. But since you're a light spirit now, you can roam around the land. You can guide those people who have been worshipping me for so long. You don't have to worry about your health or physique now."

"Yes, Master Bai! I will surely help people who are worshipping you! I will also be a great teacher for all of my descendants!" Han Min said.

Han Ning watched everything in a daze. He was actually a little jealous because his great-grandpa would get all the great things from Master Bai.

"Han Ning," Bai Shijue called his name.

Han Ning quickly prostrated in front of Master Bai, "Yes, Master!"

"You don't need to feel jealous of your great grandpa. You have been— and will continue to be trained by me. Even if you cannot live forever as a spirit like your great grandpa, you will father many strong and wise children. This is a promise of mine."

Han Ning thought Master Bai had graced him with fertility and guaranteed his children to be strong and wise. He was so happy, but he didn't forget his true intention, "Master Bai! I will make sure all of my children follow your path! They have been graced by your blessing, so I won't let them stray!"

"Good, just don't be too harsh on them. Let the kids grow until they find their own answers, okay?"

"Yes, Master!"

[Pupa: Do you actually have the power to bless people? You're the most powerful cultivator, but blessing stuff is like… the God of Nothingness' level.]

[Hehe, nope. But like, just look at Han Min's descendants. Han Min was already a very smart, strong, amiable, and diligent kid. He grew up to be such an amazing man.]

[Han Ning is also a very smart, sensible, devoted, and strong man. He will also grow into a great man. I said that simply because I know Han Ning has a good gene. He will also pass that good gene to his descendants and so on.]

[Pupa: So you're literally doing nothing to get worshipped.]

[W—Well, I still put up a good show!]

"I will stay here for a year and will train you. I will have to return to the Forest of Lost Mist because I want to retrieve something, though," Bai Shijue said. "Han Ning, you have to train really hard for one year because I might return to the immortal realm after this."

"Yes, Master Bai!"

"Master Bai, will you return to the mortal realm again?"

"I will, it'll take a while, so I want to make sure that Han Ning will be well trained before my departure. You don't need to worry because when I return, I will bring you with me to the immortal realm, Han Min."

"T—Thank you, Master Bai!"

[Now, the real problem… how about Baishe? Pupa, are you really sure that white snake is still alive?]

[Pupa: Yes, she is still alive. But I don't know her exact location now. I cannot locate her at all.]

[Is she hurt? I think you have the function to detect life force, right?]

[Pupa: She is not hurt, but I think she is in slumber or something. She must have been resting, probably shedding her skin?]

[Oh! Yeah, I remember that snakes still need to shed their skin. Maybe it'll take her a hundred years or something?]

[Pupa: Possible.]

[Okay, I'm a little relieved now. I'm scared that something might happen to her. Well, now that everything has been settled, the only thing I can do is train Han Ning here and return to that evil god to retrieve the vial of the death.]

[Pupa: How about Han Shun?]

[… I hope I'm ready to face Han Shun after a year in the mortal realm. But he is in good health right now, correct?]

[Pupa: I cannot detect his whereabouts. But he is still alive, at least.]

[Han Shun, I hope that kid will be strong enough to kill me after we meet. So I can finally finish this world. I don't know what will wait for me after I finish this world, but I want it to be finished nonetheless.]

[Pupa: Do you not have any lingering feelings for Han Shun?]

[Huh? I do, of course. But not as a lover. I want him to succeed and be the heavenly immortal he was destined to be. But I don't think we're supposed to be together romantically.]

[Pupa: That's… new. I thought you'd be fucking every single being with cocks in this world.]

[Hey! I'm not that immoral—]

[Pupa: Remember when you're inside a baby's body, and you're seducing four men at the same time? Yeah, talking about being immoral.]

Bai Yunyu stopped arguing instantly, but he was upset because he couldn't get the last words when arguing with Pupa.

Pupa scoffed and rolled its eyes, but it secretly sent a message to the headquarter because there was an anomaly in Bai Yunyu in this cycle.

'Maybe this will be the cycle where everything will be right,' Pupa thought. Secretly wished that Bai Yunyu wouldn't fuck this up again.

After his memory was recovered by Father Admin, it soon realized the endless cycle of pain needed to end, or Bai Yunyu and his husband, Master Han Ye, might never be together.

'I don't want to repeat this cycle again. I don't want to see this family again ruined,' Pupa thought. 'Huh, I guess I'm not that heartless as a system. Maybe Yunyu secretly configured heart setting when he created me.'

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