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Chapter 941: 15.160

"Welcome to my secret realm, Bai Shijue. I didn't expect you to find this place. May I know what you want from me?" The God of Nothingness greeted.

He didn't seem hostile, based on what Yunyu could observe. But he had this mysterious aura around him.

And somehow, this God of Nothingness seemed familiar… too familiar, but Yunyu didn't dare to assume.

Bai Shijue and The God of Nothingness stood so far away, and he didn't dare to get closer, afraid this evil god might've set up a trap or something else for Bai Shijue.

"God of Nothingness, I've come to ask a few questions, maybe a bargain in the process," Bai Shijue said.

Han Ye watched his beloved wife, who was so alerted. Which was understandable. Han Ye was the evil god in here, so any fear reaction was very common.

It still hurt, though. Imagine the wife you loved so much, standing far from you, with all of his defenses to ensure that you couldn't touch him.

'My whole existence has been rejected as always, haha…' Han Ye laughed at himself in his head. It was the only way to cope with the wave of sadness that washed him away.

"I cannot hear you clearly, Bai Shijue. Why don't we have a nice chat in this pavilion? This is a white jade pavilion. I build this for my loved one," God of Nothingness offered. "Don't worry, this white pavilion is safe from any trap. I don't want to trap my own wife, after all."

'An evil god like him can have a wife? Huh, what kind of idiot want to marry him? Do they not know the risk?' Bai Yunyu pondered because he found that was not believable at all.

Bai Yunyu could concede and go to that white jade pavilion, but he wasn't an idiot. He knew that an evil god like this guy must've had many tricks on his sleeve, so he refused firmly; "I would rather have you come here, God of Nothingness. After all, this is your realm. What is the difference between me going into that white jade pavilion and here?"

"Exactly, Bai Shijue, you are in my realm. You're a guest, so I have to give you a proper greeting. I can only give it to you here, in my white jade pavilion," God of Nothingness continued persuading him.

But the more this evil god tried to persuade him, the more suspicious Yunyu got. So he stayed by his ground.

Han Ye's smile faltered behind the mask, he knew that his existence was rejected, but he didn't expect that his wife didn't even want to get close to him. It was a painful reminder that none of their sweet memories together meant anything for Bai Yunyu.

As if… their love was nothing but a mirage for his wife, something that made Han Ye's blood boil.

Han Ye soon tried to cool himself down. This wasn't the right moment to hurt his wife. He had to make it grandeur and excruciatingly painful, as always.

"Bai Shijue, if you're here just to disrespect me, I urge you to leave. I can also kick you out of my realm with a snap of my fingers. But if you're here to discuss something, especially if it involves your disciple, Han Shun, then you need to come to my white jade pavilion and have a conversation with me," Han Ye said. "After all, you have a lot of protection, right? The amount of evil ward talisman around your body is astonishing. I might burn the moment I touched your skin."

Bai Yunyu gritted his teeth. He didn't want to get close to this evil god, but this was for Han Shun and Han Min, so he had to concede in the end.

Thus, Bai Shijue prepared all of his defense against the evil talisman and walked on water towards the white jade pavilion.

Bai Shijue took a deep breath, took the first step inside the white jade pavilion, and took another step until he slowly approached the God of Nothingness carefully.

The God of Nothingness's pale skin was even more terrifying for him because it made him look like he was a walking corpse. He also had dangerous violet eyes that made him look even more intimidating and dangerous.

Bai Yunyu's instinct told him to get the fuck out before something bad happened, but he persevered and stood right in front of God of Nothingness… five feet apart, of course.

He toughened his will and said, "I'm here to ask about my disciple and a request for something."

"I cannot hear you, Bai Shijue. Would you mind getting closer?" God of Nothingness said.

Bai Yunyu advanced one step and repeated his statement.

"I still cannot hear you. Maybe my hearing has been impaired. Can you get closer again?"

Bai Yunyu looked around to find any kind of trap, but after making sure that he was safe, he took another step and repeated the same statement for the third time.

Bai Yunyu thought that he was completely safe. If this evil god wanted to catch him, all these evil warding defenses should be effective enough to burn him to crisp.

Bai Yunyu continued advancing one step more and more until he was only one foot away from The God of Nothingness. Since the evil god didn't seem to react to his evil warding talismans, it seemed this evil god had no intention of attacking.

Because the evil warding talismans would only react once there was an outer threat, either an evil heart or evil intention. But even when they were this close, his defenses had no response.

Yunyu thought it was safe until…

The God of Nothingness suddenly wrapped his hand around Bai Yunyu's waist. He hugged him close, closing all the gaps until the only thing that separated them was their robes.

"What the—"

The god of nothingness's violet eyes glinted with danger, "Now we can talk, Bai Yunyu."

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