Quest Around the Multiverse

Chapter 2

I take out the sword from my inventory, and to my surprise, it comes with a belt for my scabbard. I put it around my waist and smile a little when I see a sword on my belt. I love mediaeval fantasy stories and video games.

I like playing them, but because of my occupation as a CEO, I did not have enough time to play them. It is my dream to cosplay as a mediaeval knight or fantasy adventurer. I even ordered an actual steel sword from a swordsmith I found on the internet. It has been blunted and cannot be used as a weapon, but I'm happy to have bought it even then.

I want to buy the real thing, but the swordsmith cannot ship it to me if it is sharpened. I tried to sharpen the sword, but I did not have enough time to do it.

"Now, where should I be going?"

I can see a massive city in the distance from up here, but I think it will take me a day to arrive there. I look down and see a village not too far away from the hill I stood on. Maybe I should go there first.

I walk down the hill and follow the dirt road that I assume will lead me to the village near the hill. While following the path, I suddenly hear something coming from my right. I take out my sword and point at where the noise is coming from.

A second later, I see a wild boar charging at me. I quickly jump away to the left and see the wild animal run past me.

I look at the name above the Wild Boar.

|Wild Boar (Level 1)|


I looked around for a second, and a plan formed inside my head. I jump away once again when I see the wild boar charging at me and start to run toward the nearby tree. I put my back to the tree and waited for the pig to run toward me.

When the wild boar charges at me once again, I jump away and see it crash against the tree. When I see it dazed from crashing into the tree, I leap forward and stab my sword into its brain. There is no blood or guts, and I can see the boar disappear a second later.

|Wild Boar has been slain!|

|Every reward will be sent to your inventory|

That thing is a monster?! It looks like the real Wild Boar, just a little bit bigger. Or at least it was bigger than a regular pig. I have never seen a wild boar.

I put my hand into my inventory and saw that I got two-kilo pork meat and one pigskin. I open my stats, and I can see a gold coin symbol just under my stats. I can see the number seven hundred and ten next to the gold coin symbol.

It looks like I get ten coins from killing the boar. I really want to get into the forest and hunt another monster, but I need to go to the village first and get some information. I will only fight the monster that comes at me.

~Sometimes later~

I wipe some blood away from my clothes and release a tired sigh. Holy shit, this place is filled with monsters. I encountered at least twenty wild boars before I got out of the forest. I managed to raise my stats and even my level before even getting out of the forest.

|Name: Jacob Shiff|

|Race: Human|

|Level: 2|

|HP: 145/170|

|MP: 120/120|

|STR: 14|

|VIT: 16|

|DEX: 14|

|INT: 12|

|WIS: 12|

|SP: 5|

My VIT is the one that gets the most boost because of how much damage I take from all the wild boar I fight. Even when I have a perfect strategy to fight against the wild boar, they can still manage to move even when I stab them through the head.

It really hurts when you get headbutted and kicked by an angry pig. If not for my health getting filled back once I get to level up, I will have broken ribs and broken arms.

Anyway, there is a new tab in my stats. It was called SP, and it was a Status Point where I could spend it to increase my stats. I really want to use it, but I know that the higher level I become, the harder it will be to gather that SP. I need to save it for now and increase my stats from training and hunting.

Other than SP, I get a boost to all my stats when I level up. I got two stats in everything. It was not much, but I could feel the difference when I levelled up.

"I hope there will be no more monsters. I can see the village from here."

I walk toward the village and arrive in front of a wooden gate. I walk toward the guard standing in front of the village and say.


"Greetings, stranger. Welcome to Hakos Village! What can I do for you?"


"Can I ask where the inn is? It's been a while since I slept in a warm bed. I spend most of my night in the forest."

That is my cover story. I'm a traveller and adventurer that explores the world and it's been a while since I slept on a bed.

"Oh! An adventurer, huh? It is good to be young. Anyway, just follow the middle road here. The inn should be the seventh building on the right."

"Thank you for your help."

"Think nothing of it and enjoy our village. Just don't cause any trouble!"

"Will do!"

As I pass the gate, I can see three roads ahead of me and I follow the middle path. I count the building and arrive at the seventh building and see a building with a bed symbol in front of it. I get inside the building and see many people eating some food that looks delicious.

Man, even a simple stew looks delicious. It's been a while since I had a homemade meal. For the past two weeks, I have only eaten instant food.

"Good Afternoon." I smile at the man behind the desk.

"Good afternoon, stranger. What can I do for you?"

"One room please."

"Of course. A regular room will be ten potch and a large room will be fifteen potch."

"I will take the regular room please."

"Of course! For how long?"

"Hmmm, two days for now."

"Do you want to include food?"

"How much?"

"We serve the food three time a day. Breakfast from 6 AM to 8 AM, Lunch from 11 AM to 1 PM and Dinner from 7 PM to 9 PM. The food is ten potch a day."

"That means I need to pay twenty more for food."

"That is correct."

"I will take it."

"Great! Do you want me to serve your food now?"

"Yes, please."

"Very well. That will be forty potch, please."

I put my hand into my pocket and took out forty coins from my inventory then put them on the desk. I wait for the inn master to count the money and nod his head when he confirms the money.

"Please take a seat. The food will be ready in a minute."

I smile a little and take a seat on the chair near the stairs. I miss this homely feeling. The last time I feel this feeling is when my parents are still alive but after they died. My siblings and I are too busy with our work and cannot spend our time talking to each other.

I wonder what my siblings are doing? Are they going to be okay? I hope they are not sad with me gone. They are the only people that I still care about on Earth.

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