Quantum Immortal

Chapter 8 - The Journey Begins

As Wuji prepared for his departure, the air in the village of Celestial Harmony was thick with a mixture of excitement and sadness. The morning sun cast its golden light over the thatched roofs and cobblestone streets, signaling the start of a new chapter in Wuji's life. He had gathered Mei, Jinhai, and Zhen at the village square, the place where they had spent countless hours training and dreaming of their future.

Wuji looked at his friends, their faces a blend of support and concern. Mei's eyes, bright with a mix of joy and sadness, were fixed on him. Jinhai, with his typically stoic expression, nodded approvingly, while Zhen, the most reserved of the group, offered a quiet, encouraging smile.

"Everyone," Wuji began, his voice steady despite the swirling emotions within him. "I've decided to leave for a while to experience the world before the sect exams. I'll be heading to Green Willow City with a merchant caravan. I'll visit the city and then plan my travels from there. I want to see more of the world we've been training to enter."

Mei's eyes widened. "You're leaving now? But what about us?"

Wuji smiled reassuringly. "We'll all meet again in two years at the sect exams in Silverbrook City. It's a long way off, but we'll all have time to grow stronger. This journey is just the beginning for me."

Jinhai stepped forward, his large frame casting a shadow over the group. "You're doing what's best for yourself, Wuji. We'll be here, training and preparing. Don't worry about us."

Zhen nodded, his voice soft but firm. "We'll be ready. Safe travels, Wuji."

Wuji turned to Mother Qin, the kind woman who had cared for him and his friends throughout their years in the village. She was standing nearby, her face lined with worry and affection. He approached her and took her hands in his.

"Mother Qin, thank you for everything. I promise I'll return stronger and ready for the sect exams."

Mother Qin's eyes glistened with unshed tears. "You've grown into a fine young man, Wuji. I'm proud of you. Remember, no matter where you go, this village will always be your home."

With a final embrace, Wuji turned and headed toward the caravan that was to take him to Green Willow City. The caravan was a modest affair, with several large wagons pulled by sturdy oxen and a team of guards accompanying them. Wuji had secured his place as a paying passenger, and the caravan's driver, a grizzled man named Li Wei, welcomed him aboard.

"Morning, lad," Li Wei greeted him with a rough but friendly voice. "You're joining us for Green Willow City, right? It'll be a long trip, but it's worth it. The city's got a lot to offer."

Wuji nodded, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling caravan. "Yes, I'm heading there to visit and then figure out my next steps. How long will the journey take?"

Li Wei scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Should take us about a week, if the weather holds. The roads can be unpredictable, though. We've got a few guards to keep us safe, but always good to be prepared."

The caravan set out, the rhythmic clatter of wheels against the road creating a soothing, steady beat. Wuji found a place to sit and settled in for the journey. As the days passed, he struck up conversations with the guards, learning more about their roles and experiences. He met guards like Yang Lin, a burly man with a booming laugh, and Chen Xiu, a sharp-eyed woman with a keen sense of strategy.

One evening, as the caravan camped near a small river, Wuji sat by the fire with Yang Lin and Chen Xiu. The fire crackled and popped, casting flickering shadows on their faces.

"So, Wuji," Yang Lin asked, taking a swig from his flask. "What's your story? What brings you to Green Willow City?"

Wuji took a deep breath, considering how much to reveal. "I'm preparing for the sect exams. I've been training hard and wanted to see more of the world before I take the next step."

Chen Xiu raised an eyebrow, her expression thoughtful. "The exams are a big deal. Many people come from far and wide to compete. It's not just about skill but also about connections and opportunities."

Wuji nodded. "That's what I've heard. I want to make sure I'm fully prepared, both physically and mentally."

As the days rolled on, Wuji found himself growing more comfortable with the caravan members. However, the journey took a darker turn when, on the fifth day, the caravan was ambushed by bandits.

It was early morning, and the sun had just begun to rise, casting a golden hue over the landscape. Wuji was awake, preparing his things, when the sound of clashing steel and shouts pierced the calm. He rushed outside to see chaos unfolding.

Bandits, clad in ragged clothing and brandishing crude weapons, had surrounded the caravan. The guards fought fiercely, but the bandits were relentless. Wuji's heart raced as he saw Yang Lin and Chen Xiu engaged in fierce combat, their skills tested to the limit.

Wuji's instincts kicked in. He grabbed a nearby staff, which he had been practicing with, and joined the fray. His training with Mei, Jinhai, and Zhen had prepared him for this moment, but facing real combat was far different from sparring in the village.

He swung his staff with precision, using his knowledge of martial arts and engineering to calculate the possible actions the bandit could make and anticipate the bandits' movements. He noticed patterns in their attacks and adapted his strategy accordingly. Yet, the violence and brutality of the fight were overwhelming. He saw men and women being injured and killed, the stark reality of human conflict hitting him with full force.

Amidst the chaos, Wuji spotted a particularly dangerous bandit, larger and more skilled than the rest. This bandit wielded a heavy axe and was cutting through the guards with alarming ease. Wuji knew he had to confront this threat if they were to have any chance of surviving.

With a surge of determination, Wuji charged at the bandit, his staff whirling through the air. The bandit's axe came crashing down, but Wuji dodged the attack, countering with a series of precise strikes. The fight was intense, each clash of weapons ringing through the air.

Despite his efforts, Wuji struggled to keep up with the bandit's ferocity. The bandit's attacks were brutal, each swing of the axe sending shockwaves through the air. Wuji was pushed to his limits, his body aching from the exertion.

In a critical moment, as the bandit reared back for a powerful strike, Wuji saw an opening. With a burst of speed and agility, he struck the bandit's exposed side, sending him crashing to the ground. The bandit struggled to rise, but Wuji's final blow was decisive. He brought the staff down with all his remaining strength, incapacitating the bandit.

Breathing heavily, Wuji stood over the fallen enemy. The reality of what he had just done began to sink in. He had taken a life, and the weight of it was crushing. The bloodshed and violence had left him shaken to his core.

As the last of the bandits were driven off or captured, Wuji's legs gave way, and he collapsed to the ground. The sight of the bodies and the sounds of the wounded filled him with an overwhelming sense of dread. He stumbled away from the battlefield and found a quiet spot behind a large tree.

His stomach churned, and he vomited, the contents of his last meal spilling onto the ground. Tears mingled with the sweat on his face, and he felt a deep sense of guilt and sorrow. The images of the dead and dying haunted him, and he struggled to reconcile his actions with his own sense of morality.

As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the battlefield, Wuji sat alone, wrestling with his emotions. He knew that this world was harsh and unforgiving, and that killing would be a part of his journey. But the reality of it, the raw and brutal truth, was more than he had anticipated.

The caravan's survivors began to gather, their faces marked by exhaustion and relief. Li Wei approached Wuji, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"You did well, lad," Li Wei said gruffly. "These things happen on the road. It's not easy, but you handled yourself."

Wuji nodded, unable to meet Li Wei's gaze. "I didn't expect it to be like this."

Li Wei's expression softened. "None of us do. But it's a part of life out here. You'll get used to it, in time."

As the caravan resumed its journey to Green Willow City, Wuji remained silent, lost in thought. The battle had left him physically and emotionally drained. He knew he had to come to terms with what he had done, to find a way to cope with the reality of his new world.

The journey continued, and Wuji's mind was filled with questions and doubts. He had taken his first steps into a world of violence and power, and the path ahead was uncertain. But as he looked out over the landscape, he also felt a renewed sense of determination. The world was vast and full of challenges, but he was ready to face them, no matter how daunting they might be.

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