Quantum Immortal

Chapter 45: Wei Jun's Spiritual root

As the faint golden light of Wei Jun’s metal spiritual root faded from the crystal ball, a moment of heavy anticipation settled over the crowd. Eyes were glued to the transparent sphere, waiting for the next color to emerge. Silence stretched across the arena, the air thick with tension as the participants and elders alike held their breath.

Suddenly, a soft glow began to radiate from the crystal once more, brighter and more intense than before. The light wasn’t just a faint shimmer—it blazed, growing in strength and brilliance. The golden hue, which had previously signified the metal element, now returned with a vengeance, but this time it was no ordinary golden light. It pulsed with an otherworldly vibrance, brighter and purer than anyone had ever seen. The entire crystal ball was now engulfed in a radiant, blinding golden light.

For a moment, the arena was bathed in that golden glow. The participants shielded their eyes, and even the elders sitting in their high seats leaned forward, straining to comprehend what they were witnessing. Time seemed to slow as everyone tried to process the gravity of what was unfolding.

Then, as if the weight of the moment could no longer be contained, someone in the crowd broke the silence.

“Hea… Heaven-grade,” a voice whispered, barely able to believe it.

The sound was like a spark igniting dry tinder. The arena erupted in murmurs, the astonished voices of thousands mixing together in a cacophony of disbelief and wonder.

“A Heaven-grade spiritual root?” someone exclaimed.

“It’s been centuries… no, thousands of years since any Heaven-grade root appeared in this region!”

“Impossible! How could a commoner like Wei Jun possess such a rare and powerful root?”

The waves of astonishment rippled through the crowd, each person turning to the other, trying to confirm what their eyes were seeing. Heaven-grade spiritual roots were practically myths, spoken of in ancient texts and legends. These roots were said to be gifts from the heavens themselves, their owners destined to reach heights of power that others could only dream of.

Up on the platform, Wei Jun stood frozen, his hands still resting on the now-dimming crystal. His burly form cast in the golden light made him look like a deity descended to the mortal realm. His expression remained stoic, but a flicker of uncertainty crossed his eyes as he processed what had just been revealed. He had come to the sect exams hoping to prove himself despite his humble origins, but never in his wildest dreams had he expected this.

The elders exchanged glances, their usually calm and composed faces showing signs of awe and apprehension. This was a phenomenon that transcended their expectations.

Bai Xuanfeng, who had been observing the tests with mild interest, now leaned forward, a small smirk playing on his lips. Even he, an elder of the Thousand Path Pavilion with extensive knowledge of cultivation, could not hide his amusement. He turned his head slightly toward Wuji, his newly accepted disciple, and through their telepathic connection, said, 'This Wei Jun is no ordinary commoner. You may have found yourself a powerful rival in the future, my disciple.'

Wuji, standing behind Bai Xuanfeng, was as stunned as the rest of the arena. He stared at Wei Jun, the golden glow still lingering in his mind. Heaven-grade! The sheer significance of it made Wuji’s mind spin. While his own three-elemental Earth-grade root was already a rarity, Wei Jun’s Heaven-grade metal root was in a league of its own. Despite being rivals in these exams, Wuji couldn't help but feel a sense of respect for Wei Jun’s achievement.

Up among the elders, the discussion had already begun.

“This is… unprecedented,” one elder muttered, his eyes wide in disbelief. “Five Earth-grade spiritual roots earlier, and now a Heaven-grade spiritual root? In the same exam?”

Another elder, stroking his long beard thoughtfully, added, “It has been over a thousand years since a Heaven-grade root appeared in the Golden Lotus Dynasty. Could this be a sign of the changing times?”

“Perhaps this is the beginning of a new golden era for our region,” murmured another. “To see so many Earth-grade roots, and now this? The heavens are clearly favoring this generation.”

Some elders couldn’t contain their excitement, while others eyed Wei Jun with a mixture of envy and fear. A Heaven-grade root was not just rare—it was a cause for political and social upheaval. Whoever took Wei Jun as their disciple would immediately elevate their sect’s standing in the dynasty. The sheer potential he possessed could rival that of the most legendary cultivators in history.

“We must keep an eye on him,” one elder whispered to his companion. “Such talent must not fall into the wrong hands.”

As the golden light finally dimmed, and Wei Jun stepped down from the platform, the buzz of conversation continued to echo through the arena. Wei Jun had always been a contender due to his impressive combat skills, but now he was something more—a figure of legend in the making.

Despite the excitement, the spiritual root test had to continue. The other candidates stepped forward one by one, placing their hands on the crystal ball. But after Wei Jun’s stunning performance, the results seemed anticlimactic. Inferior and human-grade roots appeared in quick succession, the once-buzzing crowd now subdued, as if the brilliance of the Heaven-grade root had overshadowed everything else.

But the crowd’s interest wasn’t entirely gone. They watched each candidate with renewed anxiety, hoping against hope that another miracle might appear. It was as though the discovery of Wei Jun’s Heaven-grade root had set a new standard—a new dream—that anyone could aspire to.

As the test wore on, one more candidate with an Earth-grade spiritual root appeared. This time, it was a dual-elemental water and earth root, marking the sixth Earth-grade root of the day. Although impressive, it paled in comparison to the Heaven-grade metal root Wei Jun had shown.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the spiritual root test came to an end. The elders nodded, satisfied with the results. The grand crystal, now dimmed after the hours of testing, was carefully carried away by sect disciples. The arena slowly quieted as everyone waited for the next phase.

Suddenly, a new column appeared on the black stele—the massive stone tablet that had been recording the scores of the candidates throughout the exams. This new column was titled Spiritual Roots, and one by one, the scores for the spiritual root test began to appear on the stele.

Wuji, although now a direct disciple of Bai Xuanfeng, couldn’t help but feel curious. He wanted to see his ranking and how he had performed compared to the other candidates.

He glanced at his token and found his registered number. Moments later, his score appeared on the stele—Spiritual Root: 95.

Not bad, Wuji thought to himself. He scrolled down with his eyes to check his total score across all the tests. His final score was 267 out of a possible 300 points. He let out a small breath of satisfaction as he noted his ranking: 997th.

A smile tugged at Wuji’s lips. He had just made it into the top thousand, securing his place in the sect selection process. Although he had already become Bai Xuanfeng’s disciple, he still felt a sense of accomplishment in knowing that he had ranked within the top thousand.

He turned his gaze back to the stele, where the scores of the top three candidates were now visible. Zhao Shan, the heir of the Zhao Family, ranked third with 291 points. His Earth-grade single-elemental ice root had pushed him to the forefront of the rankings.

Qin Yulan, with her dual-elemental fire-wood Earth-grade root, had secured the second position with 293 points. She had proven herself to be a formidable cultivator, living up to the expectations of the Qin Family.

But the first-place spot was held by none other than Wei Jun. His score? A near-perfect 295 out of 300. The Heaven-grade metal root had propelled him to the top, solidifying his position as the best candidate of this year’s exams.

The candidates stared at the black stele, some with awe, others with disappointment, and a few with tears in their eyes. For many, this moment marked the culmination of years of hard work, preparation, and sacrifice. Some would rise, while others would fall.

Wuji couldn’t help but glance at Wei Jun, who now stood among the crowd with a quiet intensity. The boy’s burly frame, coupled with his Heaven-grade root, made him stand out like a beacon of strength. Wuji knew that despite his own accomplishments, Wei Jun’s talent was something extraordinary.

As the murmurs in the crowd began to quiet, the moment everyone had been waiting for arrived.

An elder stepped forward, his voice booming across the arena. “Now that the tests have concluded, it is time for the sect selection.”

The candidates’ attention snapped to the elder, their hearts pounding with nervous anticipation. For many, this was the moment that would decide their future path.

“As was previously announced,” the elder continued, “only the top thousand candidates will have the opportunity to choose their sect. The rest will be selected by sect elders based on their performances.”

Wuji felt a ripple of relief wash over him. He had made it. Although his place in the Thousand Path Pavilion was already secure, he couldn’t help but feel grateful for the opportunity to have even made it this far. He knew many candidates had fought hard, only to fall short of the top thousand.

The crowd quieted as the first candidates were called forward to begin the selection process. The sect selection had begun, and the future of these young cultivators was about to be decided.

But as Wuji stood beside Bai Xuanfeng, watching the proceedings, he couldn’t shake the feeling that his own journey had only just begun. There was still so much to learn, so much to discover. And with his mutated spiritual root, his destiny seemed intertwined with mysteries he had yet to unravel.

The golden era had indeed begun, and Wuji was determined to carve his own path within it.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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