Quantum Immortal

Chapter 34: The Unseen Strength of Wei Jun

As the dust settled from the dazzling performances of Zhao Shan and Qin Yulan, the crowd murmured in anticipation for the next trial. It wasn't just the elite nobles who garnered attention—there was still another candidate waiting to show his skills. Wei Jun, a burly figure clad in a simple gray robe, stepped forward. His heavy build and the lack of refinement in his appearance contrasted starkly with the aristocratic elegance that had preceded him.

Wei Jun wasn't a figure of grace, but there was a rugged strength in the way he moved. He had no flowing fan, no finely embroidered hanfu, just a determination that emanated from his posture. His burly frame made him seem ill-suited for an agility test, but those who underestimated him based on appearance alone were about to witness something extraordinary.

Wuji, standing among the spectators, watched with keen interest. Wei Jun's trial was about to begin, and although the young man had drawn less attention than his illustrious peers, Wuji sensed a hidden potential beneath the surface. He had noticed Wei Jun during the strength test earlier; the boy had lifted the boulder with ease, proving that there was more to him than met the eye.

The elder overseeing the trial raised his hand, signaling the start. A horn echoed across the field once more, and Wei Jun charged forward.

To the surprise of the crowd, his movements were swift and precise, belying his bulky frame. Wei Jun's approach was neither the elegant dance of Zhao Shan nor the fiery intensity of Qin Yulan. He moved like a mountain, unshakable and deliberate. His feet pounded against the ground with rhythmic power, and his body weaved through the early obstacles with a startling efficiency.

The first challenge—low beams and narrow walls—posed little threat to him. Wei Jun didn't leap over them like Zhao Shan or glide through them like Qin Yulan; instead, he bulldozed his way through with brute force, his body bending at just the right angles to avoid collisions. The beams shuddered under his weight, but they held as Wei Jun pushed through with raw determination.

The crowd began to murmur, impressed by the unexpected agility of someone they had presumed would struggle with such a test. He wasn't graceful, but there was a simple, primal power in his movements. Wuji felt a rush of excitement. Wei Jun was showing that agility wasn't just about lightness of foot—it could be about control, strength, and focus.

Then came the rotating platforms. Where Zhao Shan had danced through them and Qin Yulan had leaped like fire through the air, Wei Jun took a more grounded approach. He planted his feet firmly on each spinning surface, his body swaying with the motion but never losing balance. His large hands gripped the edges of the platforms as he vaulted forward, his momentum unstoppable. Each movement was heavy yet precise, like a smith hammering iron with perfect accuracy.

As the cannon activated, launching the glowing orbs toward him, the crowd tensed. This was where many faltered, and it was clear that the barrage had been designed to trip up the swift and nimble. The orbs came fast, arcing through the air toward Wei Jun.

But Wei Jun didn't dodge. He didn't sidestep or dance around them. Instead, he punched through them.

The first orb came speeding toward him, and with a mighty swing of his arm, Wei Jun shattered it in midair. The crowd gasped in disbelief. A second orb followed, and Wei Jun ducked low, letting it whiz harmlessly over his head. A third came straight at his chest, and once again, his powerful fists sent it spinning into the dirt. His eyes were sharp, his movements direct. There was no flourish, no unnecessary movement. He simply bulldozed his way through.

Wuji couldn't help but be impressed. Wei Jun wasn't trying to show off or move with elegance. He was moving through the test as efficiently as possible, using his raw power to break through every obstacle. His strategy was simple but effective, and it was working.

By the time Wei Jun reached the final stretch, the crowd's murmurs had turned into cheers. His method was unconventional, but it was undeniably effective. The last set of platforms spun at a furious speed, and the orbs fired relentlessly, yet Wei Jun didn't slow down. He powered through the final obstacles, his body a blur of strength and precision. With a final burst of energy, he crossed the finish line, his chest heaving but his expression calm.

The crowd erupted into applause, impressed by the unexpected display. Wei Jun stood at the finish, catching his breath, and though he wasn't as elegant as Zhao Shan or as fierce as Qin Yulan, there was no denying the strength and skill he had shown.

Wuji watched with admiration. Wei Jun had proven that there were many ways to approach a challenge. He had used his unique abilities to overcome the test, and Wuji couldn't help but feel a sense of respect for the burly boy.

With the last few candidates completing their agility trials, the elder overseeing the event called for silence once again. The black stele in the center of the training grounds glowed faintly as it prepared to display the rankings. Every participant watched intently, their hearts pounding with anticipation. This ranking was more than just a number—it was a reflection of their abilities, their future prospects, and for many, their worth in the eyes of the sects.

One by one, the rankings began to appear on the stele, each name accompanied by a number that represented their score.

At the very top of the list was Zhao Shan, who had scored an astonishing 100 points. His performance, while slightly marred by a small miscalculation, had nonetheless earned him the highest score. The crowd murmured in approval, acknowledging his talent and grace.

Just below him, with a score of 99, was Qin Yulan. Her precise and calculated movements had nearly earned her the top spot, and while she had not won, her fierce determination had impressed everyone. She stood tall, her expression calm, though her eyes still burned with the desire to surpass Zhao Shan in the future.

And then, in third place, Wei Jun's name appeared, with a solid score of 96. The crowd cheered loudly for him, his impressive performance having left a lasting impression. Though he had ranked below Zhao Shan and Qin Yulan, his unique approach had garnered the respect of many.

Wuji, standing among the sea of participants, watched as the numbers continued to appear. He had completed his own agility test earlier, and his performance was far from spectacular but adequate enough to pass. His heart sank slightly as he saw his own name near the bottom of the list. With a score of 79, he ranked 2,070th—a stark reminder of just how many talented individuals were competing for the top spots.

Wuji couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment, but he reminded himself that this was only the beginning. The agility test was just one aspect of the trials, and there were many more challenges to come. He clenched his fists, silently vowing to improve in the upcoming tests.

The elder stepped forward, his presence commanding the attention of the crowd. "The rankings for the agility test have been finalized," he announced, his voice echoing across the training grounds. "Congratulations to those who have performed well. Remember, this is just one of many trials, and each of you will have the opportunity to prove yourselves in the upcoming tests."

As the crowd quieted down, the elder continued. "The next test will commence shortly. It is the Endurance Test, a trial of both body and spirit. You will be tested not just on your physical stamina but on your ability to withstand pressure and push through your limits."

The candidates exchanged glances, some whispering nervously, others nodding in determination. The Endurance Test was infamous for breaking even the strongest of contenders, and it was often said that this trial separated the true cultivators from the rest.

Wuji felt a surge of both excitement and anxiety. The agility test had revealed his weaknesses, but endurance was something he had trained for—both in body and mind. As a scientist in his past life, he had learned the value of persistence, of pushing forward even when all seemed lost. This next test would be his chance to show that strength wasn't just about ranking or power but about never giving up.

The elder raised his hand once again. "Prepare yourselves, candidates. The Endurance Test will begin now."

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