Quantum Immortal

Chapter 32: Navigating the Agility Test

The air buzzed with anticipation as the agility test for the sect exams began. Towering pillars dotted the vast training grounds, connected by webs of shimmering threads, rotating platforms, and hidden pits. At the far end of the course sat an imposing artifact, shaped like an ancient cannon, its surface glowing faintly with power. This artifact would launch orbs of concentrated energy toward the participants, growing faster and more unpredictable with each step they took closer to the finish line.

Wuji stood among the crowd of candidates, his black robe swaying in the light breeze. His eyes narrowed as he analyzed the course. The first group of ten participants stood at the starting line, their expressions set in determination, ready for the trial ahead. Around him, other candidates whispered anxiously, pointing at various obstacles and making predictions about how to tackle the test. But Wuji remained silent, absorbing everything with a sharp, analytical gaze.

'Those orbs will be the real threat,' Wuji thought, focusing on the ancient canon. 'They won't follow a predictable path. Speed alone won't be enough. I'll need to time my movements perfectly… balance caution and aggression.' He scanned the course again, watching how the threads crisscrossed between the platforms and how the pillars moved subtly, altering the landscape.

The first group stood ready as the elder overseeing the trial raised his hand. With a loud horn blast, the group sprang into motion. The first few meters were simple—leaping over small walls, ducking under beams, and weaving through low barriers. But Wuji's attention was on the artifact, waiting for it to activate.

As the first group crossed the halfway mark, the cannon came to life with a loud hum, and bright orbs shot from its mouth, whizzing through the air at alarming speeds. The first participant, a tall boy with a muscular frame, sprinted forward, trying to stay ahead of the orbs. He moved with impressive speed, but as the orbs accelerated, one struck him in the shoulder, sending him tumbling to the ground.

Wuji's eyes narrowed. 'Running in a straight line won't work,' he mused, watching the boy's failure. 'The orbs adjust to our speed and trajectory. I need to be unpredictable.'

A girl in the group took a different approach, moving cautiously, carefully timing her jumps from platform to platform. She navigated the webs of threads with precision, but as she reached the final section, an orb shot out from an unexpected angle, striking her in the chest and sending her flying off the course.

Wuji watched the group finish, their faces a mixture of frustration and exhaustion. He could see their mistakes, and with each misstep, his understanding of the course deepened. 'The orbs are relentless, but they respond to the participant's movement. If I'm too predictable, they'll lock onto me. If I move too fast, they'll overwhelm me. But if I hesitate, I'll fail to reach the finish line. A fine balance.'

As the first group was ushered off the field, the second group prepared for their turn. But just as they were about to start, something unexpected happened.

The course shifted.

The rotating platforms began to move in different directions, and the webs of threads twisted into new patterns. The low walls from the earlier run disappeared, replaced by towering pillars that obstructed the participants' view. The entire course had changed, and the crowd gasped in surprise.

Wuji's brow furrowed in thought. 'Every group faces a different version of the course,' he realized. 'The obstacles change, but the cannon remains the same. It's the only constant.'

Around him, the other candidates whispered nervously.

"How are we supposed to predict this?" one boy groaned, visibly anxious. "The course changes every time!"

Wuji, however, felt a strange calm wash over him. He turned his focus inward, his analytical mind already formulating a strategy. 'The key isn't in predicting the obstacles. It's in adapting quickly. The only thing I can rely on is the canon and the way it responds to movement. Everything else... I'll have to read as I go.'

The horn sounded again, and the second group took off. Wuji watched closely, noting how each participant approached the obstacles. Some tried to be cautious, others moved with reckless speed, but none seemed to find the perfect balance. One by one, they were struck by the speeding orbs, sent flying off the course, or stumbled into traps set by the shifting platforms.

Wuji clenched his fists, his thoughts racing. 'I need to keep my focus on the cannon. The orbs will be the real threat. I'll let my instincts guide me through the obstacles, but my awareness must remain on those orbs. I can't afford to lose track of them.'

As the second group finished, the course shifted again. Now, it was Wuji's turn.

He stepped forward, his black robes swaying gently as he took his place at the starting line. The other candidates in his group looked nervous, their eyes flickering between the obstacles and the canon at the end of the course. But Wuji was calm, his mind honed to a sharp edge.

The horn blared, and Wuji shot forward.

He moved quickly, but not recklessly. His body wove through the first set of obstacles with ease, his movements precise and controlled. His years of training, from both his previous life and his current one, allowed him to move with a fluidity that surprised even him. His feet danced over the shifting platforms, his body twisted to avoid the low beams, and his hands caught the threads at just the right moments to propel him forward.

But then, the cannon roared to life.

The first orb shot out, whizzing past Wuji's ear as he ducked low. His eyes flicked toward the artifact, tracking its movements. Another orb fired, and he leaped to the side, narrowly avoiding it.

Wuji's heart pounded in his chest, but his mind was calm. 'The orbs are increasing in speed,' he noted, dodging another blast. 'They're responding to my movements. I need to keep changing my pace, keep them guessing.'

As he neared the halfway point, the obstacles became more treacherous. The rotating platforms spun faster, the webs of threads thickened, and the pillars shifted unpredictably. Wuji moved with precision, but his focus never left the canon.

An orb shot toward him from an angle he hadn't anticipated. Wuji's eyes widened, but his body reacted before his mind could process it. He twisted in mid-air, narrowly avoiding the blast as it grazed his shoulder. The impact sent a sharp sting through his body, but he didn't falter.

'Focus,' Wuji reminded himself, his breathing steady. 'Adapt, but don't lose sight of the real threat.

He continued forward, dodging orbs with increasing difficulty as the cannon's barrage intensified. Sweat dripped down his forehead, but his mind remained sharp. With each step, his body moved in perfect sync with his thoughts, reacting to the obstacles as they came while keeping a constant awareness of the orbs.

Finally, Wuji reached the final stretch. The obstacles here were the most difficult—rotating platforms, shifting pillars, and webs of threads that seemed impossible to navigate. But Wuji didn't hesitate.

With a burst of speed, he leaped onto the nearest platform, his body twisting to avoid a barrage of orbs. His feet barely touched the ground as he propelled himself forward, dodging the threads with practiced precision. The orbs came faster now, but Wuji's movements were fluid, like water flowing through a narrow stream.

He was close—so close.

An orb shot toward him, faster than any before. Wuji's eyes widened, but his body reacted on instinct. He twisted mid-air, narrowly avoiding the blast as it whizzed past him. His feet hit the ground, and he rolled forward, the momentum carrying him past the final obstacle.

Wuji crossed the finish line, his chest heaving with exertion, but a small smile tugged at the corner of his lips. He had made it.

The elder overseeing the test nodded in approval.

'This is just the beginning,' he thought, determination burning in his chest. 'There's still the combat test and the will test. I'll need to do better.'

But for now, he allowed himself a brief moment of satisfaction. He had passed the agility test, and with it, he had proven that he was more than just an ordinary participant.

He was someone to watch.

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