Quantum Immortal

Chapter 15 - The Art of Talisman Crafting

Wuji awoke early the next morning, the sun barely peeking over the horizon as the city of Green Willow began to stir. The events of the past few days were still fresh in his mind—the battle with the Ironhide Wolf, the journey with Zhao Kai and Yang Rui, and their shared meal at the restaurant. Now, however, his focus was on something else entirely. Today, he would begin learning the ancient art of talisman crafting from the renowned talisman master, Zhang Jie.

Draped over his shoulder was the leather of the Ironclaw Bear, the payment he had promised Zhang Jie for his lessons. The leather was heavy, both in weight and meaning, a testament to his recent victory in the forest. Though Wuji had yet to start his cultivation journey, he felt the weight of his aspirations growing heavier with each step he took. The talisman arts, though inaccessible to him until he reached the Qi Gathering Realm, offered him a glimpse into the mystical side of the cultivation world. He was eager to learn, to understand, even if it meant waiting before he could truly put the knowledge into practice.

The streets of Green Willow City were quieter than usual, with only a few vendors beginning to set up their stalls and early risers wandering about. Wuji weaved his way through the narrow alleys, the smell of fresh bread and incense in the air, as he approached Zhang Jie's residence. It was a modest building nestled in a quieter part of the city, its walls lined with faded talismans and ancient runes that seemed to hum with a quiet power.

As Wuji raised his hand to knock on the door, a voice from inside the house stopped him.

"Come in," the voice called, deep and calm, as if the speaker had been expecting him.

Startled, Wuji paused for a moment before pushing the door open. Inside, he found an older man sitting cross-legged on a straw mat, his eyes half-closed as if in meditation. Zhang Jie's long, graying beard and sharp eyes gave him an air of wisdom, and his presence filled the room with a quiet strength. Despite his age, there was something about Zhang Jie that felt almost ageless, as though time itself moved slower around him.

"You must be wondering how I knew you were standing outside," Zhang Jie said, his eyes finally opening as he gestured for Wuji to step inside.

Wuji hesitated, but curiosity got the better of him. "Yes, I was. How did you know?"

Zhang Jie's lips curled into a small, knowing smile. "The senses of a cultivator are sharper than those of ordinary mortals. For a talisman master, whose work requires deep concentration and focus, such senses are crucial. If I couldn't sense someone standing at my door, I would have long ruined the talismans I craft."

Wuji nodded, both impressed and slightly embarrassed at his naivety. He carefully removed the Ironclaw Bear leather from his shoulder and presented it to Zhang Jie, who examined it with a critical eye.

"Good quality," Zhang Jie muttered, running his hands over the coarse surface of the leather. "This will suffice as payment."

He placed the leather to the side and gestured for Wuji to sit across from him on the straw mat. The room was sparse, with only a few scrolls, brushes, and talisman-making materials scattered about, but the simplicity of the space exuded a sense of calm and discipline.

"Let's begin," Zhang Jie said, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "You came here to learn the basics of talisman crafting. But before we start, there's something you need to understand—only those who have reached the Qi Gathering Realm can create talismans."

Wuji listened intently, already aware of this fact but curious to hear more.

"The process of making talismans involves infusing Qi into the parchment while drawing the runes," Zhang Jie continued. "Only cultivators in the Qi Gathering Realm and above can draw Qi from their dantian and manifest it outside their body. Without that ability, any attempts to create talismans will be futile."

Wuji nodded again, fully absorbing the information. Though he wasn't yet at the Qi Gathering Realm, he was determined to learn everything he could in preparation for the day when he would be able to wield Qi himself.

"I'll teach you everything you need to know about talismans," Zhang Jie said, his eyes glinting with a mixture of wisdom and challenge. "But you must understand, the actual crafting will have to wait until you've reached the Qi Gathering Realm."

Wuji's heart swelled with excitement despite the caveat. Even just learning the theory would be invaluable to him. "I understand, Master Zhang."

"Good," Zhang Jie said with a slight nod. "Let's begin with the basics."

He shifted his posture slightly, his hands resting calmly on his knees as he spoke. "In a cultivation world, talismans are objects inscribed with runes or symbols that channel and store Qi for various purposes. They can be used for defense, offense, healing, or even to enhance cultivation. The key lies in the runes—the specific symbols and their arrangement determine the effect of the talisman."

Wuji leaned forward, eager to absorb every word.

"Talisman makers use materials like paper, parchment, or jade to craft these objects," Zhang Jie continued. "But the most important step is selecting or preparing the parchment and ink. Different runes have different effects depending on the materials used. A talisman inscribed on cheap paper may be weak and brittle, while one carved into high-quality jade may last for decades."

Zhang Jie stood and walked over to a small table where several sheets of parchment and jars of ink were laid out. "The best talismans are made with materials prepared by the talisman makers themselves. It's the only way to ensure the highest quality."

He picked up a piece of parchment and handed it to Wuji. "This is what we'll focus on today. Preparing the parchment from demonic beast skin. The Ironclaw Bear leather you brought me will serve as a good practice material."

Wuji stared at the parchment in his hands, his mind already beginning to analyze it. The process of preparing talisman parchment reminded him of something from his past life as an engineer on Earth. It was almost like insulating materials for electrical circuits. The parchment was the base material, and just as insulating materials ensured that electrical energy flowed only through specific pathways, the parchment would ensure that the Qi in the talisman would flow through the runes, unimpeded.

Zhang Jie then turned his attention to a jar of ink. "The ink is equally important. It's made from a mixture of demonic beast blood, herbs, and metallic powders. The combination of ingredients ensures that the ink can effectively carry Qi across the talisman once it's inscribed."

Again, Wuji's mind whirred as he compared it to something familiar—conductive ink for circuit boards. On Earth, such ink was designed to carry electrical currents through printed circuits. In this case, the ink in a talisman served a similar purpose, carrying the energy, or Qi, across the talisman's surface and activating the runes.

"Everything in talisman crafting is precise," Zhang Jie continued, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "If you make even a slight mistake in preparing the parchment or mixing the ink, the talisman will be useless. Or worse, it could explode in your hands."

Wuji swallowed, understanding the gravity of the task. This was not something to be taken lightly. One wrong step could lead to disaster.

"Now," Zhang Jie said, handing Wuji a set of tools. "You'll start by preparing the parchment from the Ironclaw Bear leather. Once you've done that, we'll move on to mixing the ink."

Wuji took the tools and the leather with a focused determination. He may not be able to create a talisman just yet, but he knew that mastering the fundamentals would give him a head start when the time came.

As he carefully began cutting and treating the leather, he found himself applying the same meticulous attention to detail that he had once used in his engineering work on Earth. The concepts were different, but the underlying principles of precision, preparation, and understanding of the materials were remarkably similar.

Zhang Jie watched silently, occasionally offering corrections or advice, but for the most part, he allowed Wuji to work on his own. The room was filled with the sound of tools working against leather, the scent of herbs and beast blood mixing in the air as Wuji followed the instructions to the letter.

Hours passed, and by the time Wuji finished preparing the parchment and ink, he felt a deep sense of accomplishment. Though he had only scratched the surface of talisman crafting, he could already see how this art would become an integral part of his future.

Zhang Jie nodded approvingly as he inspected Wuji's work. "Not bad for your first attempt," he said. "You've got a long way to go, but I can see you have a talent for this. Continue practicing, and when you reach the Qi Gathering Realm, you'll be ready to start crafting your own talismans."

Wuji bowed his head in gratitude. "Thank you, Master Zhang. I'll continue practicing and learning."

As Wuji left Zhang Jie's house that day, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. The path of cultivation was long and arduous, but with each step, he was growing stronger, wiser, and more prepared for the challenges ahead. The world of talismans was now open to him, and though it would be some time before he could truly harness their power, he knew that this knowledge would be invaluable in the future.

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