Quantum Immortal

Chapter 11 - Battle with the Ironclaw Bear

Wuji crouched low behind the thick underbrush, his gaze fixed on the massive shape lumbering just ahead. The Ironclaw Bear, a formidable Tier 1 low-level demonic beast, was easily twice his height, with muscles rippling beneath its coarse, black fur. Its claws, which earned it its name, were long and sharp, capable of ripping through the toughest hide and breaking bones with ease. It moved slowly, its heavy paws crushing the undergrowth beneath it, seemingly unaware of Wuji's presence.

Wuji's heart pounded in his chest, his adrenaline surging. He had fought a demonic beast before, but this was different. The Ironclaw Bear wasn't just dangerous because of its size—it was also adept at utilizing Qi, making it faster and stronger than a normal animal of its kind. The forest around them seemed to hold its breath, as though nature itself was waiting to see who would emerge victorious from this clash.

He had to be strategic. The bear's front was heavily guarded by its thick forelimbs and those deadly claws, but its sides and back were more vulnerable. Wuji gripped the hilt of his sword, a cold determination settling over him. This wasn't a test of brute strength—he would need to outmaneuver the beast.

Quietly, he began to circle the bear, his movements fluid and silent. Every step was deliberate, his eyes never leaving the creature as he positioned himself for an attack from the side. The wind shifted slightly, carrying his scent toward the bear. Its head snapped up, sniffing the air. Wuji cursed under his breath—he had to act now.

With a burst of speed, Wuji dashed from his cover, his sword gleaming as he aimed for the bear's flank. The blade, infused with a faint trace of his killing intent, sliced through the air. The Ironclaw Bear roared, spinning faster than he expected, its massive paw swinging toward him in a deadly arc.

Wuji leaped back, narrowly avoiding the blow. The bear's claws tore through a nearby tree trunk, splintering it like it was made of paper. Wuji's mind raced as he calculated his next move. The bear's reflexes were faster than he had anticipated, its Qi-enhanced body moving with surprising agility despite its bulk.

The bear charged, its paws thundering against the ground as it bore down on him. Wuji dodged to the side, rolling beneath a low-hanging branch as the beast slammed into a tree, shaking the ground with the impact. He rose to his feet in an instant, darting forward again, his sword flashing as he slashed at the bear's exposed side. The blade cut through fur and skin, drawing a spray of blood.

The Ironclaw Bear let out a deafening roar, its eyes glowing with fury. It reared back on its hind legs, towering over Wuji, before crashing down with both paws. Wuji's instincts screamed at him to move, and he threw himself to the side just as the bear's claws carved deep furrows into the earth where he had been standing.

Wuji's breath came in ragged gasps as he scrambled to his feet. His muscles ached from the constant dodging, but he couldn't afford to relent. He had to finish this quickly.

The bear charged again, this time with even more ferocity. Wuji's mind worked in overdrive. He couldn't keep dodging forever—he needed to turn the fight in his favor. As the bear lunged at him, Wuji ducked low, aiming for its hind legs. His sword struck true, slicing into the tendon of the bear's left leg.

The Ironclaw Bear howled in pain, stumbling as its balance faltered. Wuji seized the opportunity. He surged forward, his body moving like lightning as he delivered a flurry of precise strikes, each aimed at the bear's vulnerable spots. His sword danced through the air, cutting through flesh and bone.

The bear swung wildly, trying to catch him with its claws, but Wuji was too quick. He ducked under its swipes, moving in and out of range with fluid grace. His training was paying off—he could feel his strength and agility surpassing what he had once known. Every movement was a calculated strike, each one bringing the bear closer to defeat.

Finally, with a powerful thrust, Wuji drove his sword deep into the bear's chest, piercing its heart. The Ironclaw Bear let out one final, anguished roar before collapsing to the ground, its body twitching before going still. Wuji stood over the fallen beast, his chest heaving as he caught his breath. His sword dripped with blood, and his muscles burned from the exertion, but the fight was over.

Wuji sheathed his sword and knelt beside the bear. There was no time to waste. He had promised Talisman Master Zhang Jie the bear's hide as payment for learning the basics of talisman creation, and he wasn't one to go back on his word. Drawing a sharp hunting knife from his pack, Wuji began the methodical process of skinning the beast.

His hands moved with practiced ease, memories of hunting with his friends in the Celestial Harmony Village coming back to him. They had often hunted wild animals in the forests surrounding the village, and while those animals hadn't been demonic beasts, the process of skinning was the same. He worked efficiently, stripping the thick fur from the bear's body, careful to preserve it in one piece.

Once the hide was removed, Wuji set it aside and turned his attention to the meat. The Ironclaw Bear was massive, and there was more than enough to last him several days. Using his knife, he cut thick slabs of meat, careful to avoid any of the internal organs that might spoil the flavor. He packed the meat into a large cloth bag, knowing it would serve as sustenance for the journey ahead.

By the time he finished, the sun was beginning to set, casting long shadows through the forest. Wuji wiped the sweat from his brow and surveyed the area. He couldn't return to the city tonight—it was too late, and the forest was too dangerous to travel through in the dark. He would have to find a place to camp for the night.

After a short search, Wuji found a small cave tucked into the side of a hill. It was dry and sheltered from the elements. It was just large enough to offer shelter for the night and far enough from the deeper parts of the forest to avoid any unwanted encounters with other demonic beasts. Satisfied with his choice, he gathered some firewood from the surrounding area and set up a small campfire near the entrance of the cave.

With the fire crackling and the warmth spreading through the cave, Wuji began roasting the bear meat. He had purchased some spices at the market in Green Willow City, and he sprinkled them over the meat as it cooked. The aroma filled the air, and Wuji's mouth watered in anticipation. His cooking skills were decent—back on Earth, he had often prepared his own meals, and the habits had carried over into this new world.

As the meat sizzled over the fire, Wuji leaned back against the cave wall, enjoying the quiet of the forest. The sky outside was a deep orange, the last rays of sunlight fading as night approached. He poked the meat with a stick, turning it over to ensure it cooked evenly. After a while, the bear meat was perfectly roasted, its skin crisp and the inside tender.

Wuji took his first bite, savoring the rich, gamey flavor. There was something unique about eating the meat of a demonic beast—it had a certain vitality to it, as if the Qi that had once coursed through the bear's body now infused the food. He could feel a faint warmth spreading through him with each bite, a subtle but noticeable effect. The meal was not only delicious but also beneficial to his body.

As Wuji finished his meal, the forest around him grew darker. The flickering flames of the campfire cast shadows on the cave walls, and the sounds of the nocturnal creatures began to emerge from the depths of the forest. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and leaned back, feeling content and relaxed.

But just as he was about to settle in for the night, he heard something. A rustling sound from the bushes nearby, faint but unmistakable. Wuji's body tensed immediately, his hand instinctively reaching for his sword. He remained completely still, listening intently as the sound grew closer.

The rustling became louder, and the bushes near the cave entrance began to shake. Something—or someone—was approaching. Wuji stood up, his sword drawn and ready. His eyes narrowed as he focused on the bushes, his breath steady and calm.

The fire crackled softly in the cave, casting flickering shadows on the walls. Wuji's grip on his sword tightened as the rustling from the bushes grew louder. He was on full alert, muscles coiled like a spring, ready to strike at a moment's notice.

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