Purrfect Romance

Chapter 15: Bug Fixing

Damn it, why!?

Why the hell!?

Fenix thought he had prepared himself well enough after reading countless cat care posts. However, he never expected this!

Teething could be so brutal and sudden!

He was still gnawing on meat during dinner!

How could a mere post-dinner snack dislodge his tooth?!

Stunned, Fenix stared at the baby tooth stuck in the dried fish, feeling as if the world had crumbled around him.

Damn it.

He had cursed the stupid awakening thousands of times, but now, Fenix felt the need to curse it again.

Stupid Awakening!!!!!!!!!

Fenix licked the blood from the corner of his mouth, poked at the two tiny canines stuck in the dried fish, and finding them unmovable, whimpered pitifully, looking up at Lion and meowing plaintively.

Lion: "…"

He felt a bit helpless.

When he heard the scream, he thought something terrible had happened to Fenix, but it turned out to be just teething.

He squatted down, easily breaking the tough dried fish, and plucked out the two tiny teeth. "Do you want these teeth?"

Fenix sniffled and typed: "I'll bury them."


"I'll bury the upper teeth underground and throw the lower ones on the roof," Fenix explained. "Superstition."

After typing, he picked up a piece of paper, wrapped the two teeth, bit down on the little paper ball, and scurried outside on his short legs.

On one hand, he was criticizing superstitions, yet he was participating in them.

Lion watched the kitten dash out of the house, then turned his attention to the box of assorted cat treats beside him.

Glancing at the prices, a subtle expression appeared on his face.

A 24-gram pack of dried fish sold for only 3 yuan at the group-buy price.

Fenix bought a box of twenty packs.

Apart from that, there were also freeze-dried treats, yogurt, cat strips, and nutritional pastes—all at surprisingly low prices.

Lion tossed away the dried fish in his hand, sniffed his fingers, and frowned slightly.

The scent of appetite stimulants lingered.

How could this poor kitten be so hard on himself?

Lion called the robot and pointed at the big box. "Throw it away."

Then he opened his shopping list and scanned through the brands he vaguely remembered—the same snacks the Awakening School used to provide for the Ragdoll cat.

He paid casually, then walked to the door upon hearing the kitten's mewing outside.

Fenix was searching for a good spot in the yard to bury his teeth when he saw the service robot carrying the box of snacks towards the recycling bin.

Startled, Fenix rushed over, placed the little paper ball down, and meowed loudly at the robot.

What are you doing?!

Where are you taking Fenix's expensive snacks?!


Fenix blocked the robot, moving wherever it tried to go.

Lion leaned against the door. "What's wrong?"

Fenix typed: "Boss, it's throwing away my snacks!"

Lion: "I told it to."

Fenix froze.

He turned to look at Lion, disbelief written all over his face.

What's going on?

Boss, why are you throwing away my things?!

Why are you getting rid of my things without asking?!

How could you, QAQ

Lion added slowly: "There are appetite stimulants in them."

Fenix was stunned for a few seconds before he typed in disbelief: "Appetite stimulants?"

Lion: "Appetite stimulants."

Fenix: "The kind that’s only supposed to be used in livestock feed…appetite stimulants?"

Lion: "Yes."

Fenix was struck by lightning.

Damn it!!!

I damn it!!!

Fenix spent a fortune of more than 200 yuan on this big box!!

Fenix felt like he was suffocating.

He rarely spent so much money on food.

The cafeteria at Marina City University was run by the school itself, so meals were cheap and tasty.

A set meal with two meats, one vegetable, and a free soup cost less than ten yuan with a student card.

Spending 200 yuan on food was a huge amount for Fenix—it could cover a nice meal for all four of his dorm mates at the food stalls behind the school.

They only went out twice a month, averaging about 100 yuan per person per month.

It wasn't that they were poor; rather, their consumption philosophy was the same—no impulsive spending, plan wisely, and don't waste money on unnecessary things.

Fenix was rational in his spending, which allowed him to save some money during his three years of university.

As a student not yet out in society, with no need for socializing and extremely low living costs, there wasn't much need for spending large sums.

These cat treats were bought by Fenix thinking he could indulge a bit since Lion was paying him now.

But what happened?

What happened!!??

Even if losing his teeth was part of growing up, the appetite stimulants were unacceptable!

Appetite stimulants!

A-P-P-E-T-I-T-E S-T-I-M-U-L-A-N-T-S!


Unscrupulous marketing accounts!!!!

Damn search engines!!!!

In cahoots!!!!

Harming innocent cats!!!!

Dying ten thousand deaths isn't enough to quench my hatred!!!!

Fenix was furious, quickly clicking on the previous page to report it, only to be informed that the post had already been reported and was under review.

Damn it.

Even angrier!!!!

Lion looked at the enraged Fenix, saying, "Don't buy such cheap stuff next time."

Fenix took a deep breath and spoke honestly: "I can't afford the expensive stuff either."

Lion chuckled. "I'll buy it for you."

Hearing this, Fenix looked up at Lion, almost shedding tears.

Waa waa.

Boss, you're a good person.

Fenix loves you.

Fenix will go defend you on the Athena forum later!

"Thanks, Boss, but no need," Fenix typed. "You've already bought so much for me; I can't repay you."

Lion didn't respond. After confirming Fenix was alright, he turned and headed back to the study.

The fleet captains looked serious. "Did something happen, boss?"

"Nope." Lion waved his hand nonchalantly, brushing off their suggestions for him to return, and opened a search engine, looking up tutorials on making cat food.

"Boss, that rabbit next door has been acting so cocky since we pretended to disband!"


"A few days ago, he mocked us relentlessly!" The fleet captain was almost in tears.

Lion bookmarked a particularly fancy cat food recipe, then turned to his fleet captains.

"How boring can he be?" Lion asked.

The fleet captains nodded vigorously.

Lion thought for a moment. "Suggest he get a cat next time you meet him; having a cat won't be so boring."

After saying this, Lion waved dismissively, ignoring the puzzled looks of the fleet captains, and announced, "Alright, meeting dismissed!"

Fenix squatted in the yard, looking at the reported post, feeling angrier by the second.

He picked up the paper ball containing his teeth and, with a grimace, dug a hole under a bald tree.

Damn it.

Enduring for a moment makes you even angrier; taking a step back makes you feel even more cheated.

If killing weren't illegal!

Those unscrupulous marketing accounts would have died hundreds of times over!!!!

Who says killing is bad?!

I practice Buddhism and don't kill!!!!

Unscrupulous marketing accounts deserve death!!!!

Fenix angrily dug the hole, placed the paper ball inside, and angrily covered it with soil.

Looking at the small mound, thinking about his wasted money, he couldn't help but wonder if he was more foolish than Ferran.


Of course, it's Ferran!

Fenix was certain of this, calling the robot housekeeper to carry him to the bathroom to wash off the dirt.

Then he bared his teeth, looking at the missing two tiny canines in the mirror, sighing despondently.

Life truly had its ups and downs.

Only God knows what Fenix had experienced in those few days.

But it didn't matter.

At least Fenix didn't end up in the hospital for a stomach wash.


With Ferran as the ultimate fool, Fenix could still muster the strength to live!

Fenix gathered his spirits and, during lunch the next day, became completely introverted.

He lost his lower canines to stewed beef.

Since it was teething time, his menu changed from meat-heavy to bland soups.

Even the new snacks Lion bought him were too hard to chew.

Lion noticed Fenix was deeply introverted.

The whole cat was listless.

His responses were weak when teased.

He didn’t resist being carried around in Lion’s pocket and didn’t even peek out.

Once home, he lay in his cat bed, only coming out to eat and be groomed.

His face expressed utter despair and lethargy.

While it was nice to have a quiet ball of fur, a lethargic kitten who didn’t cause any trouble made Lion feel something was missing.

A few days later, even the bodyguard noticed something was wrong.

Seeing Lion's somewhat troubled expression, he felt it was novel.

He had never seen Lion troubled. The leader of Lionheart was always confident and arrogant, as if nothing could ever trouble him.

On the other hand, he felt a bit worried.

This kitten was his boss's salvation.

The bodyguard took the initiative to ask, "Is Fenix sick?"

"No," Lion replied, "just in a bad mood."

After losing his canines, Fenix's remaining teeth started to loosen.

Lion could tell Fenix loved meat, especially chewy meat.

But now, he could only drink broth and eat minced meat.

Fenix curled up in Lion’s pocket, pretending to be a cat plushie.

Until his terminal vibrated slightly around his neck, prompting him to poke his head out of Lion’s pocket and touch the terminal.

The message was from Ferran.

He asked if Fenix was free today; there was an available reservation at Yunjian House, perfect timing to go now.

Fenix was taken aback, not expecting Ferran to take his polite invitation seriously.

Yunjian House was known to be the dream destination for millions of dessert lovers on Cobalt Star, with high prices, requiring reservations, and limited availability.

Ferran, a local of Marina City, had never been there, thanks to his celebrity status.

In his storyline, he only visited occasionally after dating Athena, under the guise of treating his girlfriend to desserts, but actually indulging himself.

Ferran must be looking forward to Fenix accepting.

Fenix hesitated, unsure how to respond.

He looked up and pawed at Lion's hand.

Lion looked down, read the message, and paused. "When did you exchange social media IDs with Ferran?"

Fenix: "Actually, Ferran lives next door."

Lion responded indifferently, "Oh. You want to go?"

Fenix sensed his boss was a bit unhappy.

Lion was indeed unhappy.

He wondered why his kitten would be so easily swayed by the neighbor's dog.

Fenix considered carefully and typed: "Not particularly, but I agreed politely, and didn't expect him to actually invite me."

Seriously, Ferran was very busy.

How busy?

Living in Marina City, Fenix had studied there for three years without seeing him at any local business or social events.

Due to his industry, Ferran was a frequent flyer, always either negotiating deals or traveling between deals.

His rare downtime was spent on "where to find desserts."

Compared to Lion, who slacked off every day, Ferran was far more dedicated.

So Fenix never imagined he would have time to invite him out.

Before Fenix could reply, another message came from Ferran.

Ferran: "Linix? Are you there?"

Lion glanced at the screen. "Linix?"

Fenix: …

Fenix wished he could find a crack in the ground to hide in. "Because you said I was your brother before…"



How embarrassing!!

More embarrassing than being called to answer a simple math problem and getting it wrong!

Lion looked at the name 'Linix,' smiled, and his mood brightened. "Go ahead, I can't stop you from making friends."

Lion said this.

But he never expected that within three hours of Fenix and Ferran leaving, Fenix would urgently seek his help.

The content of the request was as follows:

Fenix: "Boss, help!!! Ferran ate too much cocoa and is in the hospital!!!"

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