Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 80: Uneasiness

This feeling made Senja uneasy all over, anxiousness was creeping into her heart. With careful steps, she walked towards the window with the intention to take a peep outside out of curiosity.What kind of person was having this weird emotion?

As she came closer to the window, she caught on another emotion aside from that dull feeling. It seems like there were two people there. However, the last emotion was very weak and gradually faded away.

Out the window, a nightmare scene appeared in her line of sight. A man with Azura army's uniform was standing with his back facing Senja, while his hand held a bloody dagger that he used to slit the throat of Senja's shadow guard.

Senja knew about the existence of this shadow guard, since the last time Xiao Tianyou barged into her room, occasionally this shadow guard would appear around her. Therefore, although she didn't know him personally, she was already familiar with him.

The shadow guard's body slumped to the ground. His head was tilted towards Senja's direction and his dim eyes sank when he saw Senja freezing on the spot. At that moment, the creepy feeling of nearly dying from that night of escape rushed into her bloodstream, paralyzing her.

Especially when she saw his eyes that was gradually losingits light. With a lot of struggle, he tried to convey his last message to Senja through his weak glance, before the man who kneeled in front of him stabbed his chest.

The weak shadow guard was telling her to run.

However, Senja didn't give him the reaction that he wished, instead, the moment that man was about to stab the shadow guard, Senja scream at the top of her lungs, "NO!"

The dagger stoppedmidair, two centimeters away before it would've pierced the shadow guard's body. Out of reflex,the unknown man abruptly tilted his head towards Senja.

There was a surge of panic and anger that shackled her heart, but her mind was crystal clear, like she knew what she should do next.

The barrage of emotionsin her heart lessenedgradually with her clear awareness. She looked at the man right in his eyes, passing through his dull emotions, she sensed that there was something that was locking this man's consciousness, it almost feels like, he wasn't aware of anything around him, or knew what he was doing.

He was hypnotized!

Senja kept her gaze, and tried to overturn the hypnotism and make him subdueto her, afterwards another wave of uneasiness lingered in her heart when she tried to do so.

Her unyielding eyes confidently piercedthrough his slumbering state, with a stern and dominant voice she shouted at him again, "NO!"

She didn't know how exactly she was able to do it, it just came naturally in her mind.

The man's grip on the dagger loosened, the next second, two shadow guards appeared in front of Senja while four shadow guards knocked the man unconscious and checked on their comrade.

One of them stated with a low voice, "He is still alive!"

Only when she heard the other shadow guard's statement did she feel a wave of relief spreading through her heart.It wasa sense of security, it wrapped around her body upon the arrival of other shadow guards.

And then everything became dark.The last thing she heard was some people calling her name frantically with paniclacing their voices.

She felt so tired, she slowlylost consciousness.


Her consciousness was drifting in and out. She could sense all the people around her, but was too weak to even open her eyes, and once again she got lost in the darkness that engulfed her.

When her senses came back, she felt someone feeding her bitter medicine, it was bitter enough to keep her awake but, gradually the bitterness faded away along with her consciousness again.

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