Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 76: Regret

"Then how misty cloud clan managed to kill his wife?"

"Five years ago, there was terrible war in the east land. Three kingdoms were joined hands to attack the border line. Jun, Tianyou brothers, was in charged to alleviated the aggression. But, he was in tight position.

In tight position, Jun asked me for the reinforcement. Because I was guarding Xinghe as our new territory and still there was resistant from them, I wasn't able to come personally or dispatched my army as the reinforcement. The consequence would be too risky if I withdrawn.

Hence I send him the originally Tianyou army, one third of the military power was under Xiao Tianyou and since he ceded over, I take over the command. However when the reinforcement came, Jun was badly injured from the last battle and no one was capable enough to take the reign of command"

"So, you asked Xiao Tianyou to come?" Senja could roughly guess it.

Elder Dam nodded weakly. "Yes, I asked him to come. Whatever dispute he has with the Emperor, Jun is his brother, Tianyou wouldn't ignored him, more over Jun life was in danger at that time.

I used my authority to summoned him and he rushed over to the battlefield" Elder Dam voice became heavy and there was grievances lingered in the air.

"What happened? Is he lost the battle?"

Elder Dam took a deep breath. "No. He brought a big victory because he managed to repel the aggression from three kingdoms. The name of war demon was come from there.

However when he had stabilized the situation and rushed back home, Luna was die the moment Tianyou arrived" There were sadness and guilty that exuded from Elder Dam. He felt like, he took responsibility from the tragedy that happened. After all it was him who Summoned Tianyou to leave capital city even though he knew there were assassins lurking his manor.

Senja could feel the guilty from Elder Dam and she understood the situation. No one could be blamed under such circumstances, Xiao Tianyou also understand about this and he knew Elder Dam feeling towards him about this matter, therefore there wasn't slightest hostility that Xiao Tianyou emitted when he face Elder Dam.

"Grandfather, he never blamed you for this" Said Senja soflty. But, Elder Dam just smiled sadly at her and didn't say anything.

"After that, The Emperor restored his military power and all of his privilege as a prince that he had revoked before. After Luna passed away, I heard Tianyou was built his own force, called crescent moon as commemorate for Luna. He trained them by himself. Most of his time was spent in military compound or his force training ground. He is very rare to go home"

It would be painful if he has to go home right? There were many memories about his deceased wife there.

"But, Grandfather… is he allowed to builds his own forces?" Base on what she knew, built own self forces was an illegal activity because it would raise a change to do insurrection. Does she have wrong understanding?

Elder Dam shook his head. "No, the law in our kingdom allowed for princes to build their own forces. It was their prerogative as a prince. Their forces would be under them and all costs and fees will be borne personally"

I guess this kingdom in this world have their own regulation from what my understanding then.

Elder Dam smile softly and poked Senja cheek.

"With face like him and his status many women chased after him" Elder Dam said cheekily and picked up another story to elevate the mood.

"I can imagine that" Senja said while pouring tea for Elder Dam and herself.

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