Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 64: What happened boy?

"Miss Senja, I need permission to leave my post"

"What you address me?" Senja was squinted her eyes questioningly.

"Miss Senja, please don't give me a hard time" Yoda looked trouble. Recently the news about Senja being the lost granddaughter from the former formidable Commander Dam was spread among the soldiers. Until now Yoda kept shuddered every time he remembered how he was behaved towards Senja.

For a poor and insignificant person like him, one words of complaint from Senja would be a perish punishment for him.

"We just didn't meet for a few days and you changes drastically? What happened boy?"

He didn't know why Senja came up with an idea to implemented word 'boy' to him, he was obviously older then her, but no matter the grievances he felt, he didn't have a gut to complaint.

"Yes, just accept it"

Like Senja could read his mind, she answered his unspoken complaint, then he remembered about his suspiciousness about Senja was being a mind controller and he shivered involuntarily.

"Please, spare me" He shrieked as he kneeling down on the ground and bowed his head low.

The passerby soldiers looked at the scene and thought that Yoda was offended the Young miss from black sword clan. Their expressions turn to be sympathetic.

The corner of Senja lips twitched. Is he not exaggerated things? She didn't do anything or say something evil.

"Stand up now"

Yoda still knelt rooted on the ground. Not even moved an inch.

"You will stand up on your own or do you need me to force you to stand?" Senja said coldly with threatening tone.

Abruptly Yoda stand up but didn't raise his head. "Follow me to the stables and teach me how to ride the horse" Senja no longer talking in asking his willingness to teach her manner but directly gave him an order.

If you wanted me to act as your master, fine then, I will act as the one.

"This subordinate will obey" Yoda cupped his hand in saluted manner and answered weakly.

Senja haughtily walk in front of him while Yoda follow behind her without say anything.

Just now she understood if possessed power and authority would be this good. Now she knows how famous 'Senja' is and since Yoda acted that way she could imagine how much people respected 'Senja'.

At the stables.

There are many horses available but, some of the horses were belong to the significant person, as what Yoda told her, it was better to have her own horse.

Same like human, horse would be pledge the loyalty to their master who was able to tame them. Hence, if you going to take another person horses the result wouldn't be too satisfied, either the horse won't listen to you nor you won't have the ability to fully control it.

That was a theory, basically it was true, but of course it was Yoda exaggerating story to change Senja mind. Whatever it is, he can't bear the consequences if something bad bound to happen during the time her practice.

Not to mention it wasn't an official order, it was Senja impulsive order.

"Don't think too much, I will only practice. I don't need their loyalty" Senja walked between rooms of the horses. She didn't know anything about horse thus she didn't know how to choose it.

"Miss Senja, actually you didn't need to practice. They will give you carriage if you wanted to travel" Yoda tried to pursued her.

She turned around and kicked Yoda leg very hard until he scream in pain.

"Miss?! Keep talking like that and I will beat you till black and blue!" Senja roared with her hands on her hip.

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