Purple Dawn Till Dusk: Dearest through the time

Chapter 58: Good apetite

Utara and Lin exchanging look, they don't know how to explain this. In that moment of time, Xiao Tianyou said with his husky voice. "In the time Utara found her, her hair was purple"

Shocking expression across Elder Dam face, he looked at Senja who still eating worriedly. "Child, show me your hair"

Without a word Senja unwrapped the turban, not long after that her bright purple curly hair loosely fall to her back.

Elder Dam gasped his breath. "What happen with her hair?!" He yelled angrily while bumped his fist on the table.

"We don't know and because she lost her memory she can't give us a clue"

"Is this some kind of poison? Have you checked her?"

Utara shook his head. "I have physician and Doctor Lin checked on her, and she is totally healthy, her hair color didn't relate to her health at all"

The furious on Elder Dam face dissipated. He heaved a heavy breath "Child, I don't know what you have been through this last year and I as your grandfather couldn't do anything for you. But, I swear to find out who had been kidnapped you and make them paid!!"

"Thank you" Senja mumbled.

Elder Dam brows knitted. "Why don't you call me grandfather?"

"Grandfather" Said Senja obediently.

It wasn't a big deal to acknowledge him as her grandfather, she was also relief that there weren't other issued about her identity, if she have to lived here by assumed other identity, as long as it would be a help for her, she totally didn't mind it. She will only follow the flow.

"Actually, vaguely I remember something" The idea across her mind, because the situation already like this and it was nearly impossible to found 'Yun' on her own, why she didn't utilized the advantages she has?

Upon hearing her words all of them put their attention towards her. Anything she could remember probably could become a clue to lead them to the kidnaper.

"Besides my name, I remember another name"

"Who is it?" Elder Dam who was the first to reacted. If it was a name then it definitely would be a clue.



Four of them looked at each other with befuddled expression. "Only Yun?"

Senja nodded. She already expected this reaction.

This afternoon she had met with 2 soldiers name Yun that Yoda mentioned but no one from them recognized her stone when she pulled it out. She knew it but still felt slightly disappointed.

"Is it she or he?" Asked Lin.

"Man but, besides this I don't remembered any other things"

The room became quite, all of them succumb with their own thought while Senja continue eating.

"This guy, is someone who kidnap you or save you?" Asked Xiao Tianyou. In his opinion, Senja wouldn't be able to escape on her owns, there must be someone who helped her.

Senja shook her head and say her ultimate words "Don't remember" This words became her default words every time they were asking complicated or something that she can't answered and they would just believe her.

Make amnesia as an excuse was really saving her energy.

"Yes, Tianyou is right. There is possibility that this guy was helping Senja. First of all we need to look for this guy then we will know the truth" Elder Dam made his conclusion.

After discussing some other matter finally elder Dam dismissed their small meeting.

"It is getting late now. Let's talk about this tomorrow" He said as he glanced over at Senja who still munching cookies. "Child, grandfather really happy that your appetite is very good, but I am worry that you will get stomach aching"

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